#Warn ; Recommended for catching common errors. SendMode Event ; Input worked hardly, "Event" is better. SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory. SetTitleMatchMode, 1 ; 1: A window's title must start with the specified WinTitle to be a match. MsgBox, Reloading OnMessage(0x2b1,"WM_WTSSESSION_CHANGE") Gui,+LastFound hwnd:=WinExist() DllCall("Wtsapi32.dll\WTSRegisterSessionNotification","UInt",hwnd,"UInt",0) Return #IfWinActive Zooming Viewer ~RButton & WheelDown:: Send return ~RButton & WheelUp:: Send return #IfWinActive WM_WTSSESSION_CHANGE(wParam,lParam){ static _0x1:="WTS_CONSOLE_CONNECT" ;A session was connected to the console terminal. ; ,_0x2:="WTS_CONSOLE_DISCONNECT" ;A session was disconnected from the console terminal. ; ,_0x3:="WTS_REMOTE_CONNECT" ;A session was connected to the remote terminal. ; ,_0x4:="WTS_REMOTE_DISCONNECT" ;A session was disconnected from the remote terminal. ,_0x5:="WTS_SESSION_LOGON" ;A user has logged on to the session. ; ,_0x6:="WTS_SESSION_LOGOFF" ;A user has logged off the session. ; ,_0x7:="WTS_SESSION_LOCK" ;A session has been locked. ,_0x8:="WTS_SESSION_UNLOCK" ;A session has been unlocked. ; ,_0x9:="WTS_SESSION_REMOTE_CONTROL" ;A session has changed its remote controlled status. To determine the status, call GetSystemMetrics and check the SM_REMOTECONTROL metric. Reload }