Wie ändere ich den Standard-IE-HTML-Editor unter Windows 7 in Notepad2?

Ray Fan

Wenn ich mir den Quelltext anschaue, öffnet notepad2 das Dokument. Ich habe bereits notepad2 heruntergeladen.


1 Antwort auf die Frage

Siva Charan

Sie können dies durch direktes Hinzufügen / Bearbeiten von Registry Keys.

Tippen Sie regedit.exeauf "Ausführen".

Auf der anderen Seite befindet sich der NON-TESTED- Vbscript-Code: -

NOTE: Please be careful, while playing with registry keys. 


Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Dim MyKey, EditorName, KeyToAdd, rtn, MyKeySelf MyKey = Inputbox("Type the application name with full path", "Add a HTML Editor", "C:\Windows\Notepad.exe")  if trim(MyKey) = "" then WScript.Quit  MyKeySelf = """" + MyKey + """" & " " & """" + "%1" + """"  if not fs.fileexists(MyKey) then rtn = msgbox("Specified file is missing, do you want to continue anyway?", 36, "Add a HTML Editor") if rtn = 6 then Call AddEditor else WScript.Quit end if else Call AddEditor end if  Sub AddEditor() EditorName = fs.GetFileName(MyKey) KeyToAdd = "HKCR\.htm\openwithlist\" & EditorName & "\" WshShell.RegWrite KeyToAdd,"","REG_SZ" KeyToAdd = "HKCR\Applications\" & EditorName & "\shell\edit\command\" WshShell.RegWrite KeyToAdd,MyKeySelf,"REG_SZ"  rtn = msgbox("Added... Do you want to set it as the default HTML Editor?", 36, "Add a HTML Editor") if rtn = 6 then Call SetAsDefaultEditor end if  end sub  Sub SetAsDefaultEditor() On Error resume next KeyToAdd = "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Default HTML Editor\shell\edit\command\" WshShell.RegWrite KeyToAdd,MyKeySelf,"REG_SZ" KeyToAdd = "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Shared\HTML\Default Editor\shell\edit\command\" WshShell.RegWrite KeyToAdd,MyKeySelf,"REG_SZ" WshShell.Regdelete "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Default HTML Editor\Description" WshShell.Regdelete "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Default HTML Editor\shell\edit\ddeexec\Topic\" WshShell.Regdelete "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Default HTML Editor\shell\edit\ddeexec\Application\" WshShell.Regdelete "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Default HTML Editor\shell\edit\ddeexec\" end sub  Set WshShell = Nothing Set fs = Nothing