Namensvorschläge funktionierten in Picasa nicht mehr 3.9

Dariusz Woźniak

Heute habe ich ein Upgrade auf Picasa 3.9 durchgeführt und Namensvorschläge funktionierten nicht mehr wie zuvor.

When I was adding person to a photo, there was a list of suggested names ordered by highest probability. The same thing happened when I started typing in "Add a name" field. So, when I typed letter 'N', all persons starting with that letter appeared and I could choose one of them :)

Since I updated to 3.9, list of persons do not appears under person's face I want to tag (as in below screenshot):

There is no list under person's face I want to tag.

Currently, if I want to tag person:

  1. I type name or part of name,
  2. press Enter,
  3. People window appears with filtered names,
  4. and finally, I click Choose button.

Before, I just selected person from the dropdown list and that was everything I needed to do.

My question is—How to have functionality of list with persons when tagging the photo back?


1 Antwort auf die Frage

Dariusz Woźniak

Reinstalling Picasa helped with the problem.