To access a virtual machine configured within IP range assigned from router - from home network -, we can use the following procedure:
Inside your virtual machine, type ‘neat’ command which is used to configure network adapters. As of now, we have configured two adapters – loopback and one with IP for example. If we have to use this virtual machine on another network, then we need to add another adapter using ‘New’ option that we get with neat. We need to add a new network adapter and assign IP in the range of host network. For example, the IP for this network adapter should be (the permissible range in your network), (subnet mask), (default gateway). Save these settings. In /etc/resolv.conf file you need to add an entry – nameserver In /etc/hosts file, add another entry for this new IP ie. example () and restart network service.
Ping windows machine from linux and linux machine from windows, you should be able to ping it. NO CHANGE is needed in windows host file, if you wish to access your virtual machine with IP address. But if you want to use hostname, then you need to add another entry in c:/windows/system32/drivers/etc/hosts files – example, considering your machine hostname is example, as hosts file is used for name resolution.
So you can work in bridged environment without changing any IP at home and office.