Was sind die Unterschiede zwischen MikTeX und TeXLive?

Alexey Romanov

Welche Unterschiede sind unter Windows für den Benutzer sichtbar? Wenn Sie mit einem (MikTeX in meinem Fall) bereits vertraut sind, lohnt es sich, das andere auszuprobieren?

Hier finden Sie einige Unterschiede: ["Was sind die Vorteile von TeX Live gegenüber MiKTeX?"]] (Http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/20036/what-are-the-advant-sof-tex-live -over-miktex) vor 11 Jahren 0

1 Antwort auf die Frage


I had MikTeX in Windows, and I just "migrated" to a Mac and installed TeXLive. As far as I am aware there is no difference, at least nothing you would notice, because it is all LaTeX.

Different distributions, however, will come with different things in the bundle, as for example different editors. The choice of editor, rather than the choice of distribution, is the important and interesting question, as the editor is the thing that will make things look and feel different. But you don't need to install a new distribution to get the extras, they can all be downloaded separately.

In summary: there is no point in trying a different distribution; if you want to try new things, try a different editor :)