Es stellt sich heraus, dass die Anzahl der ausstehenden regelmäßigen Updates mithilfe von
/usr/lib/update-notifier/apt-check 2>&1 | cut -d ';' -f 1
Die Anzahl ausstehender Sicherheitsupdates kann über Folgendes ermittelt werden:
/usr/lib/update-notifier/apt-check 2>&1 | cut -d ';' -f 2
Am Ende war mein Nagios-Plugin wie folgt:
#!/bin/sh # # Standard Nagios plugin return codes. STATUS_OK=0 STATUS_WARNING=1 STATUS_CRITICAL=2 STATUS_UNKNOWN=3 # Query pending updates. updates=$(/usr/lib/update-notifier/apt-check 2>&1) if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Querying pending updates failed." exit $STATUS_UNKNOWN fi # Check for the case where there are no updates. if [ "$updates" = "0;0" ]; then echo "All packages are up-to-date." exit $STATUS_OK fi # Check for pending security updates. pending=$(echo "$" | cut -d ";" -f 2) if [ "$pending" != "0" ]; then echo "$ security update(s) pending." exit $STATUS_CRITICAL fi # Check for pending non-security updates. pending=$(echo "$" | cut -d ";" -f 1) if [ "$pending" != "0" ]; then echo "$ non-security update(s) pending." exit $STATUS_WARNING fi # If we've gotten here, we did something wrong since our "0;0" check should have # matched at the very least. echo "Script failed, manual intervention required." exit $STATUS_UNKNOWN