You need to install the LogMeIn Linux plugin from their Labs.
I have a nasty feeling that it won't install on 64bit Firefox though, so you'll either need to install 32bit FF, or the Java plugin on 64 bit. More info in their Support Forums.
Bei der Arbeit verwende ich, um Remote-Support für viele Benutzer durchzuführen.
Wenn ich dies auf meiner Ubuntu-Box mache, wird eine Verbindung hergestellt, die Seite wird jedoch bei jedem Mausklick oder Ereignis neu geladen. Wie mache ich das mit unter Mac oder Windows?
Vielen Dank.
Verwenden Sie Ubuntu 10.04 64bit.
You need to install the LogMeIn Linux plugin from their Labs.
I have a nasty feeling that it won't install on 64bit Firefox though, so you'll either need to install 32bit FF, or the Java plugin on 64 bit. More info in their Support Forums.
I was having problems installing Java 64 but I have found that just installing flash player plugin for Mozilla improves logmein performance.
Still not quite what I am used to but it is at least somewhat usable now.