Dienstprogramm fsarchiver zum Wiederherstellen


Ich verwende den fsarchiver, um wie folgt wiederherzustellen

Link: http://www.icewalkers.com/Linux/Software/535640/fsarchiver.html


 fsarchiver restfs /tmp/backup/c0d0p2.fsa id=0,dest=/dev/cciss/c0d0p2 

es scheitert an:

 [errno=22, Invalid argument]: oper_restore.c#213,extractar_restore_attr_xattr(): xattr:lsetxattr(/racoon,security.selinux) failed Statistics for filesystem 0 

bitte hilf was ist es: errno = 22 ???

Nun, errno = 22 bedeutet "ungültiges Argument". Aber ich weiß nicht, was dieser Fehler hier bedeutet. Weitere Informationen würden helfen: Unter welcher Distribution führen Sie das aus? Was enthält das Image (welches Dateisystem für den Anfang)? Gilles vor 13 Jahren 0
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1 Antwort auf die Frage


errno(3) numbers can be found in GNU/Linux in this file:

 $ grep 22 /usr/include/asm-generic/errno-base.h
#define EINVAL 22 /* Invalid argument */

The error in this case is saying that fsarchiver is not able to restore the extended attributtes of the files.

Mandatory Access Control (MAC) attibutes, as implemented by SELinux, are stored in the xattr of the file(s)/directory.

From the fsarchiver wiki:

It's also important that you make sure that SELinux is not enabled in the kernel running FSArchiver when you save a file-system which has been labeled by SELinux, or you can use FSArchiver with SELinux enabled if you are sure that the context where it's running has enough privileges to read the extended-attributes related to SELinux. In the other cases, the kernel could return unlabeled instead of the real value of the security.selinux attribute. Then FSArchiver would not preserve these attributes and then the system would not work when you restore your root filesystem, or you would have to ask the SELinux to relabel the file-system. The SELinux support is disabled by default if you use FSArchiver from SystemRescueCd-1.1.3 or newer, so your SELinux labels will be preserved if you use FSArchiver from that environment.