Solution for me
In: /etc/zentyal/firewall.conf Remove from iptables_modules = nf_conntrack_sip, nf_nat_sip
Restart Zentyal
Wir verwenden Zentyal 3.1 (Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS - Kernel-Version: als Proxy / Firewall für unseren Standort. Im Moment sind die Firewall-Regeln so eingestellt, dass sie alle zulassen, jedoch werden SIP-Pakete immer noch verworfen. Dies wird durch das Modul nf_conntrack_sip verursacht.
When I manually unload the module + the module nf_nat_sip everything works as expected. The command I used for unloading is either (both work):
rmmod nf_nat_sip rmmod nf_conntrack_sip
modprobe -r nf_nat_sip modprobe -r nf_conntrack_sip
After a reboot ofcourse these modules are loaded again, so I added following lines to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf
blacklist nf_nat_sip blacklist nf_conntrack_sip
But this didn't prevent the modules from loading. I even created a new file, /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-custom.conf with the same two lines (and a blank new line), but the modules still get loaded at boot.
Then I tried a script that unloads the modules in upstart after the network devices come up, and that works. But after some time the modules do get loaded again by some unknown trigger.
I want these modules unloaded permanently, but kinda clueless atm on any other solutions.
Solution for me
In: /etc/zentyal/firewall.conf Remove from iptables_modules = nf_conntrack_sip, nf_nat_sip
Restart Zentyal