You cannot do this with Impress. Impress lacks this feature!
Wie strukturiere ich eine Präsentation in Impress libreoffice?
Ich komme aus einem Latex-Hintergrund und möchte mich in Impress / Libreoffice präsentieren.
Ich frage mich, ob es eine Funktion gibt, um die Präsentation so zu strukturieren, wie dies im Latex / Beamer-Paket möglich ist.
I could not find a description in the manual. While structuring text is possible in writer, is this feature missing Impress?
EDIT: I would like to structure the presentation into sections.
- Section 1: Outline
- Section 2: Motivation
- Section 3: Approach
- Section 4: Implementation
- Section 5: Tests
- Section 6: Results
- Section 7: Perspective.
These sections should show on the header or foot section of the slide. They could also appear on a side bar in each slide.
I will not have a lot of equations in this talk so I was hoping to use Impress instead of beamer.
When writing an article in Writer, I can also set a Heading 1
, Heading 2
, Chapter 1
, Chapter 2` and so on. I wonder why this is missing in impress.
1 Antwort auf die Frage
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