Wie erstelle ich ein neues Emoticon für Skype?


Ich kenne versteckte Emoticons von Skype, möchte jedoch mein eigenes Emoticon erstellen.

Ist das möglich? Wenn ja, wie kann ich das machen? Gibt es dafür ein Werkzeug?


1 Antwort auf die Frage

Felix Da Cat

This is pretty weak. Mac users are allowed to modify their Skype emoticons.


  1. Right click the Skype application and choose "Package Contents." Go to "Resources/Emoticons."

  2. Add your picture to the animated emoticon set folder or the emoticon set folder. In the animated folder you must save the file as a .gif, in the emoticon folder as .png.

  3. Open emoticons.plist with the property editor.

  4. Add an entry fpr for your smiley. Name the object as the file name with .gif in the animated folder and .png in the regular folder. Add the strings that you want to appear as the smiley and as the name equivalents.

  5. Create a boolean and name it hidden. If you have difficulty with the programming aspect you can check the entries of the other smileys for examples.

  6. Save and relaunch Skype.

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