Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Dauer und geschätzter Dauer in Microsoft Project?


Ich habe mich oft über den Unterschied zwischen einer Dauer und einer geschätzten Dauer in MS Project gewundert.

Gibt es neben dem Fragezeichen neben der Dauer (als Indikator) einen anderen Nutzen oder Unterschied zwischen den beiden?

Ich meine, berücksichtigt das Projekt dies bei der Berechnung von Zeitplänen?


1 Antwort auf die Frage


It is simply that, estimated. When you don't know how long the task will take you "estimate" the duration. Otherwise, it is a known duration. Project does take it into consideration when calculating schedules. It can also be good tool to help manage unknown task timing.

Microsoft article about Estimated (task field):

Description The Estimated field indicates whether the task's duration is flagged as an estimate. The Estimated field contains Yes if the task duration is an estimate and No if it is a set duration. You can change whether a duration is estimated or set by choosing Yes or No in the Estimated field.

Best Uses Add the Estimated field to a task sheet when you want to view or change whether a task duration is estimated. Add this field when you want to sort, filter, or group for whether tasks have estimated durations. Sorting, filtering, or grouping based on the Estimated field can be helpful when you want all the estimated duration tasks to be displayed together so you can change the estimates to set durations.