Unterschiedliche Antworten auf die DNS-Abfrage


Kann mir jemand helfen zu verstehen, was hier passiert?

host : static-akamai.gtm.acer.com  dig static-akamai.gtm.acer.com : answer with question and authority section, no answer section  dig +trace static-akamai.gtm.acer.com : CNAME static.acer.com.edgesuite.net  dig @gtm1.acer.com static-akamai.gtm.acer.com : CNAME static.acer.com.edgesuite.net 

Speziell Zeile 2:

dig static-akamai.gtm.acer.com : answer with question and authority section, no answer section 

jetzt mit Dig-Ausgabe:

# dig static-akamai.gtm.acer.com  ; <<>> DiG 9.3.6-P1-RedHat-9.3.6-20.P1.el5_8.6 <<>> static-akamai.gtm.acer.com ;; global options: printcmd ;; Got answer: ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NXDOMAIN, id: 22716 ;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 1, ADDITIONAL: 0  ;; QUESTION SECTION: ;static-akamai.gtm.acer.com. IN A  ;; AUTHORITY SECTION: gtm.acer.com. 48 IN SOA gtm1.acer.com. hostmaster.gtm1.acer.com. 572 10800 3600 604800 60  ;; Query time: 0 msec ;; SERVER: ;; WHEN: Fri Sep 18 18:36:35 2015 ;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 96  # dig +trace static-akamai.gtm.acer.com  ; <<>> DiG 9.3.6-P1-RedHat-9.3.6-20.P1.el5_8.6 <<>> +trace static-akamai.gtm.acer.com ;; global options: printcmd . 504486 IN NS d.root-servers.net. . 504486 IN NS e.root-servers.net. . 504486 IN NS f.root-servers.net. . 504486 IN NS g.root-servers.net. . 504486 IN NS h.root-servers.net. . 504486 IN NS i.root-servers.net. . 504486 IN NS j.root-servers.net. . 504486 IN NS k.root-servers.net. . 504486 IN NS l.root-servers.net. . 504486 IN NS m.root-servers.net. . 504486 IN NS a.root-servers.net. . 504486 IN NS b.root-servers.net. . 504486 IN NS c.root-servers.net. ;; Received 496 bytes from in 0 ms  com. 172800 IN NS m.gtld-servers.net. com. 172800 IN NS g.gtld-servers.net. com. 172800 IN NS j.gtld-servers.net. com. 172800 IN NS b.gtld-servers.net. com. 172800 IN NS k.gtld-servers.net. com. 172800 IN NS c.gtld-servers.net. com. 172800 IN NS d.gtld-servers.net. com. 172800 IN NS e.gtld-servers.net. com. 172800 IN NS i.gtld-servers.net. com. 172800 IN NS f.gtld-servers.net. com. 172800 IN NS l.gtld-servers.net. com. 172800 IN NS h.gtld-servers.net. com. 172800 IN NS a.gtld-servers.net. ;; Received 504 bytes from in 114 ms  acer.com. 172800 IN NS ns1.acer.com. acer.com. 172800 IN NS ns2.acer.com. acer.com. 172800 IN NS ns3.acer.com. acer.com. 172800 IN NS ns4.acer.com. acer.com. 172800 IN NS ns5.acer.com. acer.com. 172800 IN NS ns6.acer.com. ;; Received 248 bytes from in 289 ms  gtm.acer.com. 300 IN NS gtm3.acer.com. gtm.acer.com. 300 IN NS gtm2.acer.com. gtm.acer.com. 300 IN NS gtm1.acer.com. ;; Received 165 bytes from in 50 ms  static-akamai.gtm.acer.com. 30 IN CNAME static.acer.com.edgesuite.net. ;; Received 87 bytes from in 148 ms  # dig @gtm1.acer.com. static-akamai.gtm.acer.com  ; <<>> DiG 9.3.6-P1-RedHat-9.3.6-20.P1.el5_8.6 <<>> @gtm1.acer.com. static-akamai.gtm.acer.com ; (1 server found) ;; global options: printcmd ;; Got answer: ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 5946 ;; flags: qr aa rd; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0  ;; QUESTION SECTION: ;static-akamai.gtm.acer.com. IN A  ;; ANSWER SECTION: static-akamai.gtm.acer.com. 30 IN CNAME static.acer.com.edgesuite.net.  ;; Query time: 52 msec ;; SERVER: ;; WHEN: Fri Sep 18 18:37:53 2015 ;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 87 
In welchem ​​Betriebssystem bist du? Diese Ausgabe sieht nicht wie eine normale "dig" -Ausgabe aus? JakeGould vor 8 Jahren 0
Linux oder Windows ist es gleich. rchen vor 8 Jahren 0

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