Speichern Sie eine Vorlagendatei mit Ihrem Text. Im Code wird es auf Laufwerk C gespeichert und heißt NamePlaceholder.oft. Ändern Sie nach Bedarf.
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Sub CreateReplyFromTemplate() Dim currItem As Outlook.mailItem Dim currItemReply As Outlook.mailItem Dim myItem As Outlook.mailItem Dim commaPositionRight As Long Dim Firstname As String Set currItem = ActiveInspector.currentItem Set currItemReply = currItem.Reply Set myItem = Application.CreateItemFromTemplate("C:\NamePlaceholder.oft") myItem.To = currItemReply.To commaPositionRight = InStrRev(myItem.To, ",") Firstname = Right(myItem.To, commaPositionRight) myItem.Subject = currItem.Subject ' if "RE:" or "FW:" on the request, ' and the client replies there would be an extra "RE:" or "FW:" If InStr(myItem.Subject, "RE: ") = 1 Or InStr(myItem.Subject, "FW: ") = 1 Then myItem.Subject = Right(myItem.Subject, Len(myItem.Subject) - 4) End If myItem.HTMLBody = myItem.HTMLBody & currItemReply.HTMLBody myItem.HTMLBody = Replace(myItem.HTMLBody, "NAME", Firstname) currItemReply.Close olDiscard currItem.Close olDiscard myItem.Display Set currItemReply = Nothing Set myItem = Nothing Set currItem = Nothing End Sub
Wenn Sie mit VBA nicht vertraut sind, finden Sie hier http://www.slipstick.com/developer/how-to-use-outlooks-vba-editor/