CentOS Kickstart Installation - Fehler beim Auffüllen der Transaktion


Ich versuche, eine unbeaufsichtigte Netzwerkinstallation für meine Server durchzuführen. Sie sind alle UEFI-Systeme und ich habe sie dazu gebracht, erfolgreich über das Netzwerk zu booten, grub2 zu laden und das Kickstart-Skript für die Installation zu starten.

Es scheint den Punkt zu erreichen, an dem es läuft yum update, obwohl ich nicht ganz sicher bin. Es lädt das CentOS-Bild aus dem Spiegel herunter und sagt es mir dann error populating transaction10 Mal kontinuierlich und beendet es dann.

Ich habe dies mehrmals mit verschiedenen Spiegeln durchlaufen, daher glaube ich nicht, dass dies ein schlechtes Bildproblem ist.

Hier ist ein Bild des Fehlers.

Fehlerausgabe von der Konsole

Hier ist der kompilierte Code für mein Kickstart-Skript.

install url --url http://mirror.umd.edu/centos/7/os/x86_64/ lang en_US.UTF-8 selinux --enforcing keyboard us skipx  network --bootproto dhcp --hostname r2s2.REDACTED.com --device=REDACTED rootpw --iscrypted REDACTED firewall --service=ssh authconfig --useshadow --passalgo=SHA256 --kickstart timezone --utc UTC services --disabled gpm,sendmail,cups,pcmcia,isdn,rawdevices,hpoj,bluetooth,openibd,avahi-daemon,avahi-dnsconfd,hidd,hplip,pcscd     bootloader --location=mbr --append="nofb quiet splash=quiet"    zerombr clearpart --all --initlabel autopart    text reboot  %packages yum dhclient ntp wget @Core redhat-lsb-core %end  %post --nochroot exec < /dev/tty3 > /dev/tty3 #changing to VT 3 so that we can see whats going on.... /usr/bin/chvt 3 ( cp -va /etc/resolv.conf /mnt/sysimage/etc/resolv.conf /usr/bin/chvt 1 ) 2>&1 | tee /mnt/sysimage/root/install.postnochroot.log %end %post logger "Starting anaconda r2s2.REDACTED.com postinstall" exec < /dev/tty3 > /dev/tty3 #changing to VT 3 so that we can see whats going on.... /usr/bin/chvt 3 (    # eno1 interface real=`ip -o link | awk '/REDACTED/ ' | sed s/:$//` sanitized_real=`echo $real | sed s/:/_/`   cat << EOF > /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-$sanitized_real BOOTPROTO="dhcp" DEVICE=$real HWADDR="REDACTED" ONBOOT=yes PEERDNS=yes PEERROUTES=yes DEFROUTE=yes EOF    #update local time echo "updating system time" /usr/sbin/ntpdate -sub 0.fedora.pool.ntp.org /usr/sbin/hwclock --systohc   rpm -Uvh https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm   # update all the base packages from the updates repository if [ -f /usr/bin/dnf ]; then dnf -y update else yum -t -y update fi   # SSH keys setup snippet for Remote Execution plugin # # Parameters: # # remote_execution_ssh_keys: public keys to be put in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys # # remote_execution_ssh_user: user for which remote_execution_ssh_keys will be # authorized # # remote_execution_create_user: create user if it not already existing # # remote_execution_effective_user_method: method to switch from ssh user to # effective user # # This template sets up SSH keys in any host so that as long as your public # SSH key is in remote_execution_ssh_keys, you can SSH into a host. This only # works in combination with Remote Execution plugin.  # The Remote Execution plugin queries smart proxies to build the # remote_execution_ssh_keys array which is then made available to this template # via the host's parameters. There is currently no way of supplying this # parameter manually. # See http://projects.theforeman.org/issues/16107 for details.          if [ -f /usr/bin/dnf ]; then dnf -y install puppet else yum -t -y install puppet fi  cat > /etc/puppet/puppet.conf << EOF   [main] vardir = /var/lib/puppet logdir = /var/log/puppet rundir = /var/run/puppet ssldir = \$vardir/ssl  [agent] pluginsync = true report = true ignoreschedules = true ca_server = foreman.REDACTED.com certname = r2s2.lab.REDACTED.com environment = production server = foreman.REDACTED.com  EOF  puppet_unit=puppet /usr/bin/systemctl list-unit-files | grep -q puppetagent && puppet_unit=puppetagent /usr/bin/systemctl enable $ /sbin/chkconfig --level 345 puppet on  # export a custom fact called 'is_installer' to allow detection of the installer environment in Puppet modules export FACTER_is_installer=true # passing a non-existent tag like "no_such_tag" to the puppet agent only initializes the node /usr/bin/puppet agent --config /etc/puppet/puppet.conf --onetime --tags no_such_tag --server foreman.REDACTED.com --no-daemonize     sync  # Inform the build system that we are done. echo "Informing Foreman that we are built" wget -q -O /dev/null --no-check-certificate http://foreman.REDACTED.com/unattended/built?token=REDACTED ) 2>&1 | tee /root/install.post.log exit 0  %end 

Ich mache das alles durch eine Foreman-Installation, also ist das Kickstart-Skript das kickstart default, das automatisch vom Vorarbeiter generiert wurde.


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