Wie ändert man den Titel des Mintty-Fensters?


MinTTY ist die neue Standardkonsole für Cygwin.

Was ist ein Shell-Befehl (etwas, das ich in .bashrc oder noch besser in .zshrc einfügen kann), um den Titel des MinTTY-Fensters zu ändern?

Ich möchte, dass der Titel des Fensters der Pfad zum aktuellen Verzeichnis ist und aktualisiert wird, wenn ich die Verzeichnisse in der Konsole wechsle.

Die standardmäßige Eingabeaufforderung von Cygwin (z. B. "$ PS1") enthält bereits eine Kontrollsequenz, die den Fenstertitel auf user @ machine: working_directory setzt. ak2 vor 12 Jahren 1
Mit dem kürzlich eingegangenen MSYS2_packages / filesystem-Commit 6e6310d (Dateisystem: Neue spezifische Variable MSYS2_PS1., 2016-05-01) wurde ein MSYS2_PS1-Aufforderungsskript eingeführt, das verschiedene Cygwin / MSYS2-Konfigurationen zulässt. Ich habe einen Tweak vorgeschlagen, um sicherzustellen, dass eine vorhandene PS1 eine Zwischenpriorität hat (https://github.com/Alexpux/MSYS2-packages/pull/651). Hoffe das hilft. Philip Oakley vor 7 Jahren 0
@Philip, (Notiz von mir selbst) Dieser Tweak hat sich als umstritten erwiesen und es werden weitere Tweaks hinzugefügt (oder entfernt), um das Minimum an praktikablem Fix zu schaffen, das die verschiedenen Verwendungen abdeckt. Philip Oakley vor 7 Jahren 0
Wenn Sie nur einen statischen Titel wie * "Cygwin i686" * oder * "Cygwin x86_64" * benötigen, können Sie `-T verwenden` in the Windows shortcut properties. Also see the [`mintty man page`](http://mintty.github.io/mintty.1.html). </div> </div> <div data-id="1627672" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I install FreeBSD 11.0 release, but the issue still exists. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627674" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Yu mean disk performance?There is just a 40.000 bs write for "System" process (PID 4) but no information for the related services... </div> </div> <div data-id="1627675" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Yes one file to be managed / written by dropbox whenever he wants. And one local file, This way you let keepass resolve conflicts as dropbox won't do anything about it and will just overwrite the full file </div> </div> <div data-id="1627678" class="comment"> <div class="body"> The limits are imposed to prevent your wifi router causing interference to other radio transmissions in the 2.4Ghz band (mobile phones, wireless doorbells, etc...) </div> </div> <div data-id="1627681" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I have followed the tutorial exactly as described. My connection in putty is established, but the website does not load, how can I test the connection in the putty terminal? </div> </div> <div data-id="1627683" class="comment"> <div class="body"> It works thanks one problem left :( location has more then 260 chars so have to find another solution but thanks for youre help paul </div> </div> <div data-id="1627685" class="comment"> <div class="body"> On an old Win2k I was used to see `notepad++.exe` materially renamed in `notepad.exe`... and `notepad.exe` in `ms.notepad.exe`... `:-)` </div> </div> <div data-id="1627686" class="comment"> <div class="body"> People are more likely to read your question/answer if you format it so it is not a [wall of text](http://uncyclopedia.wikia.com/wiki/Wall_of_Text). Please read [Markdown help](https://superuser.com/editing-help) and [edit] your question to add paragraphs and bullet points ... </div> </div> <div data-id="1627687" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @McKelvin `nm /opt/cisco/anyconnect/lib/libvpnagentutilities.so` returns `nm: /opt/cisco/anyconnect/lib/libvpnagentutilities.so: no symbols` on my AnyConnect under Ubuntu, so it was generated without symbol table information. How could you get that? </div> </div> <div data-id="1627690" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @Xiagua Can you provide the output of `ipconfig /all` from both locations? </div> </div> <div data-id="1627691" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I had (some time later ;) the same idea about SQLite3. The ones interested in can get some hints from this [other answer](http://superuser.com/a/1011681/257269)... and do some gym with no need of 3rd party programs. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627693" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @Mr.Hargrove the OP has said he can't boot from anything at all. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627696" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @JohnHowell - Are you sure you bought genuine Dell? Just a question - quite often what you actually buy is "Dell-compatible"(-ish) or flat out fake. Also, adapter might be working perfectly and be genuine and still not working with the TV, as it's the latter that's not really HDMI-compatible... </div> </div> <div data-id="1627697" class="comment"> <div class="body"> What does happen with the macro? It generates an error? Does it generate some rows but not all? </div> </div> <div data-id="1627700" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @JelaniStowers can you check in the BIOS to see if your harddrive is still listed in there? Can you also check the boot order options to check that your CD drive is set to be the primary boot device? You can access the BIOS by pressing either `F2`, `F8` or `DEL` on boot. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627701" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Have you tried running Windows 10 in tablet mode? I believe it handles touch input a little different then. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627702" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Does it only happen with those two games or other 3D games as well? Is there any message being displayed or does it just turn off? Does it automatically reboot or does it stay off? Do the fans speed up considerably? </div> </div> <div data-id="1627703" class="comment"> <div class="body"> This duplicates another answer and adds no new content. Please don't post an answer unless you actually have something new to contribute. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627704" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Oh, I'm always forgetting: which XPS13 you have? there are at least five generations of this model. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627705" class="comment"> <div class="body"> This duplicates another answer and adds no new content. Please don't post an answer unless you actually have something new to contribute. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627706" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @SashaPachev How could you debug vpnagentd with no symbol information? </div> </div> <div data-id="1627708" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Worked like a charm when trying to install Remote System Administration Tools from Microsoft. Their forum was unhelpful as usual, so thank you very much for taking the time to find this solution! </div> </div> <div data-id="1627709" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I have posted a similar question at: https://github.com/Microsoft/BashOnWindows/issues/1199 </div> </div> <div data-id="1627711" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I have a little. The data actually comes from an ODBC connection funnily enough. A query you say... </div> </div> <div data-id="1627712" class="comment"> <div class="body"> thanks but not done. I have Updated my Question according to your answer. Please look and then come back again. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627713" class="comment"> <div class="body"> The Windows console is riddled with bugs when the encoding is set to an unsupported multi-byte code page like 65001. Any software using the output counts of the Win32 WriteFile/ReadFile APIs will get the wrong results and consequently stuff build on that like the MSVCRT's implementation of the stdlib will produce mangled/repeated output and hang on input when confronted with non-ASCII. Until MS get around to fixing it — and it has been decades with no sign of that happening — globally changing console code page to 65001 is an **extraordinarily bad idea**. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627714" class="comment"> <div class="body"> What distributed computing? What exactly is your question? Are you designing something or do you have trouble using something? Windows can navigate your mouse using the keyboard, it's in the `Ease of Access` options. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627717" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I have already done that. The effect is as described above. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627719" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Ease of Access is kind of a workaround. By "distributed computing" I mean server-browser technology as opposed to desktop/standalone apps. Let me clarify: I'm faced with a web page ... and it has number links and buttons. There should be a simple way to activate a button or link based on the text content, so on this page, for example, I press some pre-key, and then enter "Ad", and immediately the browser has shown by a visual indicator that by then pressing the spacebar (for example) I can press the "Add Comment" button. I don't want to be *obliged* to use the mouse. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627720" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Does the monitor have USB ports? </div> </div> <div data-id="1627721" class="comment"> <div class="body"> What model? Most likely your monitor comes with a build in USB hub. Are there any USB ports on it? </div> </div> <div data-id="1627724" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Yup, that was it, thanks! I was actually thinking about that, but since I haven't seen USB ports in the front (which would make a lot more sense in my opinion, than ports hidden in the hard-to-access back), I didn't think that would be the case. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627725" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Worked for me after changing the decimal symbol, thanks! </div> </div> <div data-id="1627727" class="comment"> <div class="body"> typically it lets you have one cable to the computer, and let you plug your mouse/keyboard into the monitor, which makes it easier to move the computer under the desk or such. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627729" class="comment"> <div class="body"> You could look into software for blind people. Depending on the kind of scripting just pressing Tab also helps to navigate through elements. Some webdevs actually to use the `accesskey` attribute but it's not available on every site. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627731" class="comment"> <div class="body"> There seems to be a bug in v6.9.2. Although the whole link is highlighted, only part of the link actually does anything on DblClick. I found this to be a particular problem with (e.g.) Google Maps "street view" links. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627732" class="comment"> <div class="body"> The suggestions to do that are mainly *because* of those few transactions that would be lost in the crash - the data at rest is always save (except bugs or complete hardware failure). In the special case of SSDs it could also be that data is lost *inside* the SSD, because the controller silently loses it on power loss, but has already signaled successful write. Then ZFS cannot do anything, and if you don't have sufficient redundancy, your pool may become corrupt. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627733" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Thanks... yes, `accesskey` was what I was referring to when I mentioned "Alt" keys, and multiple tabbing is not really what you want as a "solution" in the 21st Century. I should indeed look into assistive tech for the visually impaired... but what I really want is a browser add-on or new functionality (assuming there is no current browser which does what I want). </div> </div> <div data-id="1627734" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Thank you VERY MUCH for clink! Why didn't I know it until now? (Maybe because I was using Cygwin, but it does not work well with `virtualenvwrapper` and now I had to use standard `cmd` ;-)) </div> </div> <div data-id="1627735" class="comment"> <div class="body"> You cannot on the given router. It (on default firmware) does not support MAC groups (the only thing you can use to identify). Only with a custom written ACL you can filter devices by manufacturer/type so you could distinguish between device types. So unless you are able to rewrite the router firmware, you can't do what you want. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627736" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @cascer1 I have, it makes absolutely no difference. Windows keeps ignoring the "taps", chrome keeps reading them fine. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627737" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Yes, correct; but registering them will allow them to be used by other apps compared to the copy-to-specific app dir method. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627738" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I don't know why but it is there in the anyconnect I download from the Internet. https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&rls=en&q=anyconnect-linux-64-4.1.04011-k9-vpnsetup.sh/&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8 . </div> </div> <div data-id="1627739" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Quote the `"$dirname"` else it will do mess in case of spaces... `;-)`... maybe better `for i in *.7z` to avoid to parse ls ( [trdr;](http://unix.stackexchange.com/q/128985/66388) other problems with newlines and special characters.) </div> </div> <div data-id="1627742" class="comment"> <div class="body"> But who would use spaces on a linux system! You're right ofc. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627743" class="comment"> <div class="body"> It's full of people that persist to use windows out there... `:-D` and that continue to send you files... </div> </div> <div data-id="1627744" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Well a current browser that does that would be links/lynx which are text only. The problem is with current webdesign particses and scripting all around you won't really enjoy it. There is a vast number of scripts (from my experience) that rely on events like `hover` which just don't really work by using a keyboard as the input. As such you'd need something that actually emulates the mouse movement. GL on your journey, tools for visually impaired might have some solutions for that but it's all I can think of. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627746" class="comment"> <div class="body"> This solves the issue - Thanks </div> </div> <div data-id="1627750" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Have done research and there is no resource definitively answering this question. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627751" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Yes, a USB 3 docking station - or a Thunderbolt one for that matter. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627755" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I think my question was really closer to, "what are the circumstances that cause a pool to be irrecoverable" (apart from the obvious case of "not enough redundancy+too many disk fails"). What things have to go wrong with the pool, to create a situation where ZFS can't do anything to fix it? Not obvious to me as it's not clear which kinds of events ZFS can handle (or can handle with the right HW helping it) and which it can't (or can't unless it has the right HW). Title edited + question updated for clarity. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627757" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Please, please put but some form of [diagram](http://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/75491/how-to-upload-an-image-to-a-post) you can even use [Draw.io](http://www.draw.io) to make it. Did you could setup some kind of sniffer to see whenever packets actually reach the final host so you'd know that it's only working one way. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627758" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @Physics-Compute As unfair as it seems, I've been in touch with a consumer advice authority, and they confirmed that it's not illegal. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627764" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @RestlessC0bra: 1st Quest: IMO, you don't lose 'extra restart capabilities' as it is distinct from usual hibernation - "Compared to a full hibernate, which includes a lot of memory pages in use by apps, session 0 hibernation data is much smaller, which takes substantially less time to write to disk.". Unless u hav specifically disabled the option to hibernate kernel session, u won't be losing restart advanatage. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627765" class="comment"> <div class="body"> this would do what you want, in PowerShell: `$x = gci C:\yourpath | % { gi $_.FullName | rni -newname ($_ -replace "Slide","bbrd") }`. if you have the files in folders and subfolders, search for files recursively and add `-r` to the `gci` call </div> </div> <div data-id="1627766" class="comment"> <div class="body"> This didn't work for me - I think the OP's point is that Word no longer supports this sort of grouping from 2013 onwards. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627767" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Thanks for your answer. It solved my problem quite well. The only existing issue is the N/A error on the extra columns in the theoretical maximum. I could see above you were trying to use the IFERROR command but in the row beneath (i.e. Row 3). I tried to do it in one go for row 2 by writing '=IFERROR(TRANSPOSE(Categories), " ")' but it still doesn't work. Any suggestions? </div> </div> <div data-id="1627768" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Being an add-in with small user community the best option could be to contact its developer, have you tried it? </div> </div> <div data-id="1627769" class="comment"> <div class="body"> doesnt work at all:( </div> </div> <div data-id="1627770" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Apparently now is possible, see [this question](http://askubuntu.com/questions/699077/how-to-enable-avx2-extensions-on-a-ubuntu-guest-in-virtualbox-5) on askubuntu.com </div> </div> <div data-id="1627771" class="comment"> <div class="body"> As there doesn't seem to be any way of achieving this without installing third-party software, I'll accept this as the answer. Thank you! </div> </div> <div data-id="1627773" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @CreativiTimothy: The **Automatically Fill Values** tool is more suited to that, see http://superuser.com/questions/634086/foobar-2000-change-tracks-title/634410#634410 </div> </div> <div data-id="1627774" class="comment"> <div class="body"> The monitor is all black, no message are displayed. I will try with a board speaker and I will update </div> </div> <div data-id="1627775" class="comment"> <div class="body"> You have backups right? </div> </div> <div data-id="1627776" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Thank you, this is the right solution. I already managed to find it but couldn't get it to work, then i spent some time looking into it and i found out that the cell range you select must include the return value aswell (i only included the cells where i wanted it to search for the code at first). </div> </div> <div data-id="1627777" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Thanks, but not an option with Morefunc Add-In. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627778" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Can you also provide a link to the tool you used? This is sounding very much like you have erased your entire drive. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627779" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I suspect that you are thinking of adaptors from 44pins laptop **PATA** to 40 pins desktop **PATA**, but non-ancient laptops use SATA which has the same interface for both 3.5 and 2.5 inch disks. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627780" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Number of SATA sockets seems to be 6 or 6+2 for this motherboard. Plenty. :) </div> </div> <div data-id="1627781" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Is it possible to just show file name & date for each? </div> </div> <div data-id="1627783" class="comment"> <div class="body"> From your link: `6 x SATA 6Gb/s port(s)` and `1 x M.2 x4`. So depending on the SSD used 6 or 7 drives max without adding extra PCI-e cards or without using port multipliers.. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627784" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @Hennes I can't find that 6x anywhere. [this](https://ducohosting.com/screenshots/isaac6b0121de30f0351c2727ffed2e1247e3.png) is what I see. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627785" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @Hennes Oh, nevermind. I see it now. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627786" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Please split your text into paragraphs. Use Linux to find out which EFI System Partition is actually in use. // Also, you can’t merge them with C because they are literally at the other end of the disk. Consider merging them with D. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627787" class="comment"> <div class="body"> They really could have added 1x SATA express or 2x SATA to that picture. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627790" class="comment"> <div class="body"> You likely could, but drivers will be a pain, and why anyway, That's a terrible idea. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627791" class="comment"> <div class="body"> https://eraser.heidi.ie/ </div> </div> <div data-id="1627792" class="comment"> <div class="body"> So switch to password mode and enter the password. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627794" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Easier solution is purchase any laptop that support virtualization and the install XP on a virtual machine. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627795" class="comment"> <div class="body"> 14383.0 is not the current build your missing updates. Have your Domain Administrator uninstall the reinstall your language and keyboard layouts for you. You do not have the permissions required to fix your problem. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627796" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Chkdsk finished and said it freed 660gb from disk... Now its verifying free space </div> </div> <div data-id="1627797" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Yea Nirsoft is a good alternative view tool, but I'm trying to merge the logs on the system so that they could be recognized by programs as Live Logs instead of archived logs. (They shouldn't have been archived in the first place.) </div> </div> <div data-id="1627798" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Okay I am going to try and split the text into paragraphs. Well, merging them with D and then merging D with C is an idea I had. The problem is I can't use linux at all right now, and i don't know which EFI system partition is the one I need. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627799" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Would that mean that if you have for example 10-20 RPIs all of them would need to be in a different subnet? Is this feasible to implement on personal-use WI-FI router? I am using a Netgear R7000 for this project. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627800" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @Ramhound Thanks. I do see new updates waiting for installation, I'll do that later to check if that helps. I'll ask the domain admin to do the install for me. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627801" class="comment"> <div class="body"> This is a well known issue with Dell laptop where usage of a non-Dell powerbrick results into a sort of 'limp home mode'. The OP never said that he used a non-original powerbrick. It also does not match that it works for the first few minutes, so while the issue is true it is not the answer in this case. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627802" class="comment"> <div class="body"> If you have a second PC, I would put the drive into that as a secondary drive to see if you can recover anything. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627803" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @Ramhound how I do that? </div> </div> <div data-id="1627804" class="comment"> <div class="body"> The simplest solution would be to remove user readable names and have all folders named by job number only - then have everyone use the excel doc to find folders (a better solution would be access, but even getting people at work to use spreadsheets is difficult enough)... </div> </div> <div data-id="1627807" class="comment"> <div class="body"> 6 GBit/s is actually 0.75 GB/s, since a byte is 8 bits. 6 GBit/s is 750 MB/s or 6000 MBit/s. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627808" class="comment"> <div class="body"> This seems odd. You mentioned that you have reinstalled the GPU drivers several times, right? Maybe you should re-install them again and make sure you do that through the Nvidia's official website. Have you tried taking the RAM sticks out one by one to see if that will help? Another thing that could help is running Windows Updates and see if the BSOD will still continue afterwards. [Testing the PSU](http://www.wikihow.com/Check-a-Power-Supply) is not a bad idea either. Hope this helps. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627810" class="comment"> <div class="body"> So what should I make of your comment? That this is too complicated? In that case you're probably out of luck if you don't manage to change the process. As you already noted: Having a fixed format would be the easiest. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627811" class="comment"> <div class="body"> 4x 250 milli bit per second is indeed not 1 giga byte per second. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627812" class="comment"> <div class="body"> thanks. It worked for me using `Alt+031` directly in Region contol panel->Advanced->List separator. You see nothing but it works. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627813" class="comment"> <div class="body"> You can use a [GParted live USB](http://gparted.org/liveusb.php) to find out what all the partitions are. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627814" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Please [edit] the question and include the complete code. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627815" class="comment"> <div class="body"> As I understand it the same 'key' for windows 10 works for both 32bit and 64 bit versions. I am not aware of any restriction from Microsoft on how you got this key (as long as it was a legal upgrade). </div> </div> <div data-id="1627816" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @Hennes I've upgraded from Windows 7 using the free upgrade to Windows 10, so it was a legal upgrade. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627817" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @cascer1 6GBit/s=0.6GB/s=600Mbit/s. Here's a wikilink https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serial_ATA#SATA_revision_3.0_.286.C2.A0Gbit.2Fs.2C_600.C2.A0MB.2Fs.29 You're talking about gibibits or gibibytes, etc. You have them mixed. Anyway, even if you would be right, it doesn't help the question at all. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627818" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I suspect it will 'auto activate' on the same hardware. It did for me (win7 x64 to win10 x64 free upgraded followed by a clean reinstall to get rid of all the stuff which collected during my win7 times). Somehow it seems to register your hardware ID with MS and use that to determine that it is allowed. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627819" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @Hennes You cannot have subunits for bits, so I think it is clear enough that m stands either for 10^6 or 2^20. This doesn't help the question in any way. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627820" class="comment"> <div class="body"> E: Package 'gpointing-device-settings' has no installation candidate :( That's on Mint 18 Cinnamon </div> </div> <div data-id="1627821" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Yes, I could (should) have let the m vs M part slip. But the b (bit) vs B (byte) part is rather important. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627822" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Seen that on IntelliJ IDEA long time ago and it was a Java bug, then Oracle fixed it. So nothing to do with your scenario :( </div> </div> <div data-id="1627823" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Try to install manually .NET Framework 4 first. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627827" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I interpreted Gbit as GigaBit (10^9 bits) and GB as GigaByte (8*10^9 bits), I then interpreted MB as MegaByte (8*10^6 bits) and mb as MegaBit (10^6 bits) [Conversion table on Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_rate_units#Conversion_table) I believe this discussion is important to the overall quality of content on the site, we don't want people reading this and assuming a byte is 10 bits. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627828" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I gave up on this, thinking that the problem was with Windows/AD. However, I just installed a Samba DC instead of the Windows server, and guess what? The EXACT problem occurs when logging the Windows 10 on to the Samba domain. So this is apparently a Samba problem, and one which doesn't seem to happen to anyone else but me, since there is not a single good solution to be found anywhere. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627829" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I tried importing it to the trusted root certificates (something like that) without success. So I guess the question is how do you successfully generate a CA from the two .pem files that nginx reads? </div> </div> <div data-id="1627831" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @Hennes bit is always written as bit and b or B means byte. I don't care about IEEE, but only about IEC/ISO. Still not relevant to the question. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627832" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I've added a simplified diagram </div> </div> <div data-id="1627833" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Furthermore, I'm not sure where that 600MB/s even comes from. Any conversion method I use (own calculation, Google, Wolfram Alpha, Conversion table on wikipedia) says that 6.0Gbit/s equals 750 MB/s </div> </div> <div data-id="1627835" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Hi, no not too complicated, it would work well, I was adding fluff to the conversation about how I wouldnt need to do these things if the company had a proper system </div> </div> <div data-id="1627836" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @AFH public IP. When I use the intranet address it works fine. It's a raspberry pi running nginx. Proxies are a good suggestion, but I also don't mind using the intranet address. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627838" class="comment"> <div class="body"> There is an icon on the login screen </div> </div> <div data-id="1627839" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @cascer1 8b/10b Encoding. So basically you just divide by 10 and magically receive the actual transfer rate. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627840" class="comment"> <div class="body"> In the context of SATA you should take into account 8b/10b encoding https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/8b/10b_encoding I think it would have been pointless to mention this in the question itself, as it doesn't change the meaning of the question at all, but it complicates it without adding any new information. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627841" class="comment"> <div class="body"> It seems my custom mapping was reset after a Windows update. Did anyone had this issues? </div> </div> <div data-id="1627842" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Also, accessing the share from the Samba DC with "sudo mount -t cifs // /mnt/mediadisken -o username=user" ALSO results in "Permission denied". </div> </div> <div data-id="1627843" class="comment"> <div class="body"> This is a bad answer as it completely ignores everything in the question, but the question title. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627844" class="comment"> <div class="body"> AH OK. If you do take this as your solution don't forget to mark it. Even if it would be nice if someone comes around with a better one. :D </div> </div> <div data-id="1627846" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @DheerajV.S. Are you sure you installed *Speech Platform v11*? </div> </div> <div data-id="1627847" class="comment"> <div class="body"> First part answer the title. Second part (with *That means with 4 drives your have 4x SATA-III bandwidth.*) ansers question the OP intended. As in, no, does not limit performance under normal circumstances) </div> </div> <div data-id="1627849" class="comment"> <div class="body"> `option + n` `space` `a` : ~a </div> </div> <div data-id="1627850" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Thanks for your suggestions, i'll try your other ideas. Cheers. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627855" class="comment"> <div class="body"> That depends on what you did. You'd use your CA key to sign a CSR and generate a CRT for your server. After that you'd import your CA CRT into your Certificate Store and and tell nginx to use the signed CRT and his private key file. This is without an Intermediate CA which would mean you'd need to build a bundle and sign some more. But still: This is only working for computers under your control where you imported the root CRT. Fixing your webserver configuration to allow serving the acme-challenge would get your a certificate which is accepted by most browsers. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627856" class="comment"> <div class="body"> What options do you get in that "Group by" dropdown box right above the list of tests? </div> </div> <div data-id="1627857" class="comment"> <div class="body"> In that case, @nageeb probably has the right answer and you have two work-rounds. There is a refinement to using the numeric IP, which is to map the public address to the intranet IP in your `/etc/hosts`, though you'll need to comment it out whenever you are away from home. You'll also need a separate entry for any subdomains you may use. The `airOS` message comes from the [Ubiquiti platform](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubiquiti_Networks), which is used either by your router or by a public WiFi network, if that's how you're connecting. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627858" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Better than nothing, but not by much... </div> </div> <div data-id="1627860" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I don't understand what do you mean by in most common home setups. Why did you assume this is a common home setup? Why do you mention port multipliers (maybe they are relevant, but I just don't get it)? How do I know it applies to me and I am not in one of the other cases? My question does refer to a case where each drive has its own port and cable, as mentioned in the question. Do you have any minimal documentation, maybe a wiki link, or any kind of supporting logic? Anyway, thank you for the information that you offered. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627862" class="comment"> <div class="body"> It's also possible to open this dialog by Ctrl+Clicking on the outlook icon in the taskbar, then choosing *Connection Status*. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627863" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Just an old TV/Monitor i have, i use it because why not, its 22", my main monitor is 23", so they work well together </div> </div> <div data-id="1627864" class="comment"> <div class="body"> same happened to me too few days back, luckily I had another guest account with password enable, try your password it will let you in with password I hope </div> </div> <div data-id="1627868" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @AFH cool, thanks. Will look into it. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627870" class="comment"> <div class="body"> The references that are relative will change if copying and pasting from one cell to the other. To make them stay you need to copy the formula from the formula bar and not the entire cell. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627871" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Doesn't register Tab keys for some reason... </div> </div> <div data-id="1627876" class="comment"> <div class="body"> How does this solve the OP's problem? I find that the drives don't immediately mount when the system wakes up, and word can't find the document to save to, in any case. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627878" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Thank you! I was having the same issue with Hyper-V on Windows 10, and your solution fixed it. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627879" class="comment"> <div class="body"> works great. just boot from the live iso, start gparted, choose "fix" when the pop up shows, and then exit. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627885" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @cascer1 It contains two options: "package/suit" (my case) and "do not group". Option "do not group" does not get desired result. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627886" class="comment"> <div class="body"> worked for me. I diagnosed the ethernet connection called "VirtualBox host only ethernet..." </div> </div> <div data-id="1627888" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Since there are currently two ansers saying A and B, can you please provide some reference proving your answer? Thank you for contribution. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627890" class="comment"> <div class="body"> What kind of ordering does "do not group" give you? </div> </div> <div data-id="1627891" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I'm proceeding with a mouse, and after the installation, what should be done? </div> </div> <div data-id="1627892" class="comment"> <div class="body"> he is wrong. Look in the registry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\ and here you see that all drivers get loaded from System32\drivers\ </div> </div> <div data-id="1627893" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Doesn't copy everything, I'm a little disapointed. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627895" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @cascer1 It just does not group failed tests by classes/packages. Flat list with alphabetical order. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627896" class="comment"> <div class="body"> For the record: `brew cleanup` only cleans outdated package versions if you have the newest version installed, so first `brew upgrade` then `brew cleanup` </div> </div> <div data-id="1627897" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I'm not familiar enough with Teamcity to help any further unfortunately. Though I am curious, why would you want to order your tests in the order they are executed? I believe unit tests are not executed in the same order they are written. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627899" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @ guy who deleted its answer, thank you anyway for participating! </div> </div> <div data-id="1627900" class="comment"> <div class="body"> On this Q&A site we try to provide [good answers](https://superuser.com/help/how-to-answer) to questions people post. A part of this is including the answer in your post, [instead of simply providing a link to another page that might answer the question](https://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/8231/are-answers-that-just-contain-links-elsewhere-really-good-answers/8259#8259). Please edit your answer to include the actual solution to the posted question. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627901" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Do I have to restart after this or anything crazy? </div> </div> <div data-id="1627902" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Just some hints: Did you check if it is infected you router too? Note if you have synchronized your firefox/chromium account, that will probably reinstall the malware (somewhere they've seen it recognized as a toolbar add). Stop the synch, move e.g. the ` ~/.config/chromium/Default` and ` ~/.cache/chromium` in a safe place, __purge__ (not only uninstall) chromium, and reinstall it. Do the same for firefox. Install [ghostery](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/ghostery/) and [ABP](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/adblock-plus/) and good luck. Let me know if it works. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627904" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Could you give examples of what you mean? Most corrupt pools come from either bugs in ZFS (like https://www.illumos.org/issues/6214), hardware failure (all redundant copies are damaged or root node metadata is damaged or device lies about data safety) or user error/misconfiguration (accidental zpool destroy, striped pool without redundancy). </div> </div> <div data-id="1627905" class="comment"> <div class="body"> This won't work if you have LS_COLORS set FYI. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627906" class="comment"> <div class="body"> For some reason `IFERROR` doesn't work with `TRANSPOSE` -- or with any other array formula for thats matter, which is rather unfortunate </div> </div> <div data-id="1627907" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @MrStatic any updates on this? </div> </div> <div data-id="1627908" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Although writing an alternative `IFERROR` function in VBA that works as you had hoped would be trivial. I'm sure someone has already done it, otherwise let me know and I'll write it for you. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627910" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Once the install is done and the machine is connected to the Internet it should pull the drivers for the touchpad down automatically. If it doesn't, then you will need to download the driver from the laptop manufacturer's website (I assume this is a laptop). If it is a standalone touchpad then you will need to download the driver from the touchpad manufacturer's website. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627911" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I edited the **/etc/sysctl.conf** file in Linux to enable routing and also installed the **quagga** package that enables RIPD routing. Still no good. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627912" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Except clearing the cache doesn't fix it. IE still determines it's bad, causing it to not even bother caching it. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627914" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @cascer1 It's not unit tests but functional tests. So right order is important to easy interpretate this and localize bug. First test checks basic http response, so if it's not ok - all over tests will fail by design. Right ordering in overview tab could simplify this process. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627915" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Welcome to Super User! On this Q&A site we try to provide answers to questions people ask. An important rule in this community is that you have to [be nice](https://superuser.com/help/be-nice) to each other. I believe that the last (very sarcastic) paragraph of you answer adds no value except to annoy people. Please edit your answer to answer the question in a polite manner, explaining the steps required to solve the problem without this unnecessary language. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627916" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @JimK: I've attached relevant screenshots. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627917" class="comment"> <div class="body"> "more pixels represent higher quality" only if the image has been rendered at that resolution. This video is not. 3x scaling is massive (quality loss), the aspect ratios of both screens are different (incorrect aspect=quality loss) , non-mulitples of 2=quality loss (quantization). MPEG artifacts are enlarged (quality loss). The OP doesn't say if he means full screen. Anti-aliasing is, in essence, a blur algorithm (quality loss). Unscaled the lower resolution screen will have a larger apparent size, and the higher resolution screen will appear sharper because the pixels are packed more densely. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627918" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Thanks. Actually the drivers were not downloaded automatically. I had to manually download the drivers from manufacturers website. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627920" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I found a solution that works for me. I'm using a pivot table on sheet 2. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627921" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Well I think i know what the major partitions are, but I am not sure if i need the recovery partitions (or how many of them), and what to do with the EFI partitions. Is it safe to delete them? Is it safe to delete the second one? I am a bit confused. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627922" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Your advice may incur additional costs, as for throughput, you would need 10GBit ethernet. If not already on the board, this is quite expensive. In contrast, on the hypervisor side you usually get free virtual 10Gbit ethernet, which can be tuned to deliver nearly double the bandwidth, see for example http://blog.cyberexplorer.me/2013/03/improving-vm-to-vm-network-throughput.html </div> </div> <div data-id="1627924" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @McKelvin Mmm... I guess you are using MacOS X, since you do it on a .dylib library. I am working on Linux, so I hava a .so, and I am not getting any symbols. But it seems is using Linux too... Are you there, Sasha? </div> </div> <div data-id="1627925" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I had to use: `sudo /usr/libexec/airportd command .....` simple running `airport` replied "command not found". It is macOS Sierra (public version) on MacBook-Pro. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627926" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I don't know what "jq" is, but what if you try to type `[` in a regular Terminal window? (Works just fine for me.) </div> </div> <div data-id="1627927" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Welcome to Super User. Glad you were able to solve your issue. Please post you answer below (with details) so others who read your question will know how you resolved it. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627928" class="comment"> <div class="body"> This worked to get the certs in `/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt` but `apt` is still failing on everything saying "Data from such a repository can't be authenticated" Is this a different problem? </div> </div> <div data-id="1627929" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Tried uninstalling and then reinstalling Firefox? </div> </div> <div data-id="1627930" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I've tried to get this working for MS `.xlsm` files, which are just zip files, and cannot get it to work. Doing `unzip -v` lists the content as expected, so not sure why it's not working. Git just continues to state `Binary files a and b differ`. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627931" class="comment"> <div class="body"> `svchosts` is a service host process, so it isn't actually a thing, but many things run within it. see more here: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/what-is-svchostexe-and-why-is-it-running/ In order to see what services are running inside that process, note the PID (1012 in the image you posted), and in an elevated command prompt, run `tasklist /svc`. in the output, look for the process PID, and you should see a list of the services running. you can control these services in the services.msc control panel application. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627932" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @endolith Probably a different problem. `apt` often uses HTTP links (not HTTPS) so that certificate authorities are usually not involved. Instead, `apt` uses GPG keys to authenticate downloaded files. You should try searching for Q&A related to `apt` keys, `sources.list`, etc. or ask a new a question. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627934" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Grepping `/dev` may well never end as grep starts to scan `/dev/zero` or similar. Unsure if such files exist in `/proc` or `/sys`. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627937" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Welcome to Super User. Obviously, something on the local network, or the ISP, is blocking the one domain. Unfortunately, there is too little information here for anyone to be able to really help. Tell us about the network. Is the client's network a corporate domain or just a wireless gateway provided by the ISP? </div> </div> <div data-id="1627938" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @TropE Yes, they'd each need to be in their own subnet. It's doable for 10-20, I think, though I've never tried. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627939" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Thank you this was perfect, and exactly what I was looking for. Now, I do have another question. Say I have numerous employees and under each hour I have the task they were working on such as Drywall. Is there a way I can tally every time a particular task was performed? So that I have a total number of times a task was done at the end of the week from all employees. Kind of like a word count. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627940" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I tried this and nothing happend. When I restart it goes back to active. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627941" class="comment"> <div class="body"> this addon is no longer available :( </div> </div> <div data-id="1627942" class="comment"> <div class="body"> could any of those that have downvoted this question please explain the reason for the downvote </div> </div> <div data-id="1627943" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I was trying to avoid that in case I had to re-install all my plugins/bookmarks, but it worked (plugins/bookmarks included)! </div> </div> <div data-id="1627944" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Do you know which entries are in which format? If so you can add a flag to the data and convert to YYYY-MM-DD. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627945" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Tx - I've heard of Lynx, but I don't see why I can't have the full visual experience but not have to use a cursor to go anywhere. Hovering is merely an "energised state" of a page element. Sigh... obviously it ***is*** currently beyond the wit of woman/man... </div> </div> <div data-id="1627946" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @mehaase Ok thanks, it's a corporate firewall issue, I thought it was just SSL interception like everything else </div> </div> <div data-id="1627947" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @Ƭᴇcʜιᴇ007 It worked for me. You must be experiencing a diferent scenario. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627948" class="comment"> <div class="body"> What about drive activity? Is there anything being written to disk? Note that 21,000 B/s = .17Mbps, so that screenshot isn't painting a full picture of bandwidth </div> </div> <div data-id="1627949" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Network card is the same model, I checked it. When I install this driver normally, there's no problem at all. There must be a problem with adding driver with DISM. I think I do it correctly: unpack driver, delete all 32-bit folders and add drivers with recurse and forceunsigned options. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627950" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Nice! glad to hear that. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627951" class="comment"> <div class="body"> A fabric new laptop should easily stand running for some time in an usual environment at maximum load without overheating. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627952" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Remove (`rem`) the `@echo off` and run your batch file. You will see your mistake. Hint: The first `for` loop processes all the lines in `keylist.txt`. The next `for` loop processes the last four lines ... </div> </div> <div data-id="1627953" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I don't know how to go from here. Do you want to submit this as an answer and I'll accept it? </div> </div> <div data-id="1627954" class="comment"> <div class="body"> It was my GPU. Ended up swapping out the 780 for a 1070, downgraded to 8.1, verified things were working as intended and then upgraded to W10. Everything seems stable at the moment. It's a shame my $600 gpu didn't last more than 3 years.. Oh well, shiny new computer parts are always cool! Thanks for the help. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627955" class="comment"> <div class="body"> thx, since an update of the host kernel flock() was damn slow. nolock helped. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627956" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I can smell snake-oil... </div> </div> <div data-id="1627957" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I'd guess it is essentially just a USB flash stick with Linux on it masquerading as a "New PC". Many flavours of Linux can boot from a flash stick and "feel" faster than a corrupted or virus laden (or even virus-scanner laden) copy of Windows. As mentioned by Tetsujin, snake-oil basically. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627958" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Are you referring to the actual string `G1` or the value in the cell G1? </div> </div> <div data-id="1627960" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I can reproduce it too. I have 2 programs on my computer that show the exact same behavior. Notepad++ and OpenMPT. It could be a bug in the MVC framework used by both applications. It happens on different systems on my end, both Windows 8 and Windows 10. I therefor consider that this is not solvable. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627961" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Its not ideal, but if you want to avoid it, press alt first, then release, then alt-tab. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627962" class="comment"> <div class="body"> If anyone has problems with max files not sticking, it is because there is a trailing space after the maxfiles line, that needs to be deleted. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627963" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @BenPen I can't test it at the moment as I no longer have that setup, but I love your diagnosis that the drive is not mounted, I don't know how I missed that.. I guess that if I had done `net use W: .......` then clicked save then word would've seen it, though granted one shouldnt have to do that. I looked up the problem of drive not mounting automatically when waking up from sleep. Does anything here work http://www.tomshardware.co.uk/forum/1567-63-windows-hard-drives-disappear-sleep-resume There is a suggestion to change from AHCI to IDE in the BIOS.. or to install some driver for SATA. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627965" class="comment"> <div class="body"> maybe other solutions there too.. And maybe it makes a difference how it's mounted.. I think i'd used `net use`.. but I don't know. And if that was the issue then I shouldn't really have framed it as a word issue.. I wonder though if opening it via `\\blahcomp\c$\..`. then perhaps it isn't a problem? Or does that drive totally dismount so no drive letter either? </div> </div> <div data-id="1627966" class="comment"> <div class="body"> A VBA Worksheet_Change function maybe? https://support.microsoft.com/en-gb/kb/213612 </div> </div> <div data-id="1627967" class="comment"> <div class="body"> You would need vba in an Worksheet Change event. If you have a formula in the cell and someone overwrites the formula it is gone. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627968" class="comment"> <div class="body"> A)programming questions normally go on stackoverflow </div> </div> <div data-id="1627969" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I thought this was a configuration question. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627970" class="comment"> <div class="body"> B)I'm no expert but from my limited experience I haven't used anything that calls itself a "php server". I've used Apache which is a web server and that supports php. Precisely what web server are you using? Many people don't just install PHP alone(if that can be done, I haven't seen it done, though I haven't seen much), but I have installed WAMP (includes apache and its php support).. So in that case the configuration file would be within Apache. Apache makes an icon in the taskbar you can right click and look at configuration files </div> </div> <div data-id="1627971" class="comment"> <div class="body"> "I wish to avoid using an "IF Is there a value in the second column approach - if there is, multiply - if there isn't, show a blank" approach in the third column, so am looking for alternative approaches." Ok, but why? That's exactly how you should be doing this. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627973" class="comment"> <div class="body"> that may be an argument against posting to SO,.. though I've seen programming IDE questions go on stackoverflow.. And i've sure there are many questions on e.g. configuring the java virtual machine classpath variable that are on SO not SU. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627974" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Didn't see that one - I've found images to be a little more useful when scanning a page with multiple answers. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627975" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @barlop: "php server" is my phrase; I intened to to mean any Windows/PHP engine or LAMP/WAMP stack or anything else that can serve out PHP pages. Our client claims they have (php -v) "PHP 5.6.16-3+deb.sury.org~trusty+1 (cli) ... Zend Engine v2.6.0, ... with Zend OPcache v7.0.6-dev, ..." No, I haven't gotten a clear description of OS or whether they are running Apache. And I'm a rank amatuer at configuring PHP servers. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627976" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @barlop: I'd be pleased to post this question anywhere that maximizes its chances of getting answered. I thought configuration questions was one of SU's specialties. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627977" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Let us [continue this discussion in chat](http://chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/46814/discussion-between-barlop-and-ira-baxter). </div> </div> <div data-id="1627979" class="comment"> <div class="body"> That's the process, yeah! Strange that it's giving you issues, and only on some machines. A workaround to that would be to include the install in your image and specify a command in Sysprep that runs the install of the driver package after the OS configuration completes, which would automate the process for you and keep you from having to install it manually. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627980" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Learned which OS: (uname -or): "3.19.0-25-generic GNU/Linux" </div> </div> <div data-id="1627981" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Change the start from number for `4.1.8. Level 3 heading` to `4.2.1` </div> </div> <div data-id="1627982" class="comment"> <div class="body"> This certainly did it! Thank you very much! If you do not mind would you mind explaining meaning of `| %`? </div> </div> <div data-id="1627983" class="comment"> <div class="body"> PC and Mac are two different things. Updated the question. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627984" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @airstrike - The content of the cells is exported via a custom library, and having formulas in that column screws it up. I can't tell you why at this point. I mean, I would but I don't know why. :( </div> </div> <div data-id="1627985" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @Rook I see... For the record, I think figuring that out may be better than implementing a Worksheet_Change event as these are a beast to maintain and slow everything down considerably... </div> </div> <div data-id="1627986" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Are you referring to headphones that are able to work in peacetime? :-) </div> </div> <div data-id="1627989" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I'm quite sure the question is about searching for the text "G1", "G2" and so on, or otherwise the example screenshot is wrong. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627990" class="comment"> <div class="body"> They are not. PCs and Macs are *exactly* the same. Windows and OS X are different, but the advice is really still the same. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627991" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Your premise is false. DNS query packets do not contain the client's MAC address. They may not contain any MAC address at all, but if they do, it will be the MAC address of the device that put that packet onto the DNS server's network. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627992" class="comment"> <div class="body"> ...and if it's about searching for the contents of `G1` through `G4`, then that does not match with the example image, I'd say. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627993" class="comment"> <div class="body"> jcbermu, actually I copied and pasted the Macro(as you said) then Run the program, but I see no reaction, nothing, happening to the file. Do I nee to change something in the code according to my file? Do I need to do something else after running the code? Or I just need to copy and paste it the run! I appreciate your help in advance. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627994" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I rarely use the for /f to read lines, so I guess I thought skip=3 means skipping the first three lines and reading the fourth, instead of everything below 3. Is there a way to stop it from doing that? </div> </div> <div data-id="1627995" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @DavidSchwartz: there was a massive amendment about 2 mins before your comment. I had the same thought as you until I noticed the edit. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627996" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Or you can avoid the terror of `man` by using `bro`. [Install](http://bropages.org/). </div> </div> <div data-id="1627997" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Thanks for closing the loop on your question. I deleted the "Solved" from the title as this site doesn't follow that convention. Instead, you will be able to accept your own answer by clicking the checkmark next to it (in 2 days). </div> </div> <div data-id="1627998" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Your solution would be more helpful to others with a similar problem if you could add a sentence or two explaining why this works. Thanks. </div> </div> <div data-id="1627999" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Note that if *any* of the PHP code (including nested includes and tags within templates) works using *short tags* (`<?` instead of `<?php`, and the server host updates the PHP pakages, leaving short tag support disabled (the default), then that particular code will not be interpreted, and it will be displayed in plain text (or embedded within the source) emitted to the client. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628000" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @barlop: Asked at SO, and as you predicted, got useful information pretty fast. Thanks for redirecting me. See http://stackoverflow.com/q/40048444/120163 </div> </div> <div data-id="1628001" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Note that you might get a dialog box saying 'This data source contains no visible tables', followed by a 'Query Wizard - Choose Columns' dialog. It is from *this* dialog that you want to click on the 'Options' button, then check the 'System Tables' checkbox to see the data that you want to query. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628002" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I dont have the install disk, however i can get in to cmd by the new recovery system in windows(i think it came with win 8 and later versions) can i do this without the disk? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628003" class="comment"> <div class="body"> No probs. As I suggested a basic idea, I don't want to post it as an answer although it might qualify as an "answer" :) </div> </div> <div data-id="1628004" class="comment"> <div class="body"> This should be a comment rather than an answer. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628005" class="comment"> <div class="body"> not `Control` works fine other applications so doesn't appear to be stuck and `shift + [` works printing `{` in the terminal </div> </div> <div data-id="1628006" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I recommend ECMA-48, the _DEC VT520 Video Terminal Programmer Information_, and ITU T.416, for starters. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628007" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @arjan it is a regular terminal window, `jq` is just a command line tool to parse json </div> </div> <div data-id="1628008" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @Arjan I thought of that after I had submitted the answer. I guess you're right, so I've edited the question to address that interpretation. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628009" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @hiambo nice - had to look up what the [RASHCNETO](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/34698323/what-attributes-does-rashcnet-refer-to) file attributes were... If I am reading that right `/XA:SH` e**X**cludes **A**ttributes that are **S**ystem and **H**idden and `/XD *.` e**X**cludes **D**irectories that end in a period - shouldn't that be `.*`? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628010" class="comment"> <div class="body"> This should definitely be the selected answer. Easy and effective. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628011" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Very elegant solution, thanks! </div> </div> <div data-id="1628012" class="comment"> <div class="body"> This is the best solution: one click with prompt. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628013" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Didn't work for me. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628014" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @DavidPostill - thank you! I wonder why it does not automatically make the next heading follow the numbering, even if I choose "continue the previous list" in the right-click menu (I'm using the Russian version, so my phrasing might not fit the English phrasing exactly). </div> </div> <div data-id="1628015" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @DavidSchwartz, thanks. Did I use the relevant terminology incorrectly? I took my cue from the article I [linked](http://www.firewall.cx/networking-topics/protocols/domain-name-system-dns/160-protocols-dns-query.html) which says, "let's check out what a packet containing a DNS query would look like on our network" and shows a screengrab of a listing containing several fields including "MAC source addr" and "MAC dest. addr". The article also includes a diagram titled "DNS Packet - Ethernet II Frame", which includes "MAC Header" and "IP Header" sections. Did I interpret the article incorrectly? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628016" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Word has always been a bit odd in how it handles numbering of lists ... </div> </div> <div data-id="1628017" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Are you sure the slot on the side is the smartcard reader, and not a flash card reader? (you know, sd cards, compact flash, etc) just checking. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628018" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Not quite. The "MAC source addr" is the source address of that Ethernet packet. It's not part of the IP packet and so doesn't necessarily have anything to do with the MAC address of the source of the IP packet. Think of the IP packet like a letter and the Ethernet packet like an envelope. The same letter can move from envelope to envelope as it traverses the Internet. It can even travel without an envelope. It's the letter that gets to the destination. Varying envelopes are needed as it traverses various networks that require them in different ways. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628019" class="comment"> <div class="body"> That should work. Are you using unique subnets on all three interfaces? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628020" class="comment"> <div class="body"> This isn't a proper answer. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628021" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @user2313067 Good point! While GNU grep will refuse to search `/dev/zero`, it will search `/dev/random` forever unless stopped. Answer updated. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628022" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Your question being...? Wireshark can of course filter by MAC address. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628024" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Firefox now has an option under Preferences --> Advanced --> (Network tab) --> Settings (under "Connection" section) to "Use system proxy settings," which will apparently use the system settings from the environment file. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628026" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Is this a one-off thing or something you'll be doing routinely? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628027" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @JustinW. It definitely did. Thank you for posting this. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628028" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Spot on this time. Especially the link to modes of failure (and noting the section that clarifies the different types of data corruption/events, and their effect), and the distinction /implication of being both volume manager and filing system. Thank you! </div> </div> <div data-id="1628029" class="comment"> <div class="body"> It should only be a couple of times a year. I'm going to have to do this again for the staff. There are a total of about 8000 lines. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628031" class="comment"> <div class="body"> PTP Wireless...? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628032" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Agreed with Techie007... there are instances when structurally you cannot lay or run cable for extended distances.. a PTP wireless system may be your best bet. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628033" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Yes. I wander up to my ZFS system and without warning trip up and accidentally yank out the P3500 ZIL midway through a very heavy incoming data session, and the system immediately freezes. Thanks to a good PSU and MB, the other HDD/SSDs aren't affected by the electrical transients. Every other disk/vol was redundant except the ZIL. Have I just lost some recent data, the whole pool, or "it depends", and if it depends, then on what? )OK not the most likely incident but that's the point - at some point I have to choose what to design against, when I spread my money across the hardware spec. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628034" class="comment"> <div class="body"> It happens with those two game yes, and I'm also running two monitors at the same time. No messages are being displayed, and it's shut downs and reboot automatically. The fans speed are up and no issues with their speed from monitoring. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628035" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Similar: I sent my plain Skype account an invitation from O365's Skype for Business (SfB) account. Took almost 6 hours to arrive. I accepted it, and I was able to immediately send messages to my SfB account. It still hasn't seen my personal acceptance, though. Replies from SfB are not sent. ("This message wasn't sent to Mike Sherrill.") I'm an O365 admin on my business network. All external sharing is enabled at the O365 admin level. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628037" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Can't comment, not enough rep: Duplicate/ same issue as: http://serverfault.com/questions/808941/upgrade-2012r2-core-to-2016-core-blank-window </div> </div> <div data-id="1628038" class="comment"> <div class="body"> We need a troubleshooting procedure. I'm working on one, but there are a lot of hotter issues ahead of it. I'm an O365 admin in my workplace; all external sharing is enabled. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628039" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @CSharpFan I guess this is Server Core install issue as I have successfully upgraded few machines (Server 2012 R2 to Server 2016) with Desktop UI. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628041" class="comment"> <div class="body"> That looks great. Heading home in a few minutes so don't have time to test today but will in the morning. I actually do have more fields I need to do this with (mobile phone, work phone, etc). Can I just repeat these steps to get it working for all fields I need? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628042" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @user2884621 I've edited the answer to show you how to do that for multiple fields. Hope that's easy enough to follow. Good luck! </div> </div> <div data-id="1628043" class="comment"> <div class="body"> The problem is within my computer. My bootable key worked just fine on an other 64 bits pc (no ssd though). And none of my firends keys worked on mine. Thanks again for your time AFH. I'll keep you informed if I resolved this. I might have to uninstall Windows from my PC... </div> </div> <div data-id="1628044" class="comment"> <div class="body"> [This company] have a number of wireless Ethernet extenders, though it doesn't look as though you can get Gigabit speeds. I searched the web for `Gigabit Ethernet extender over wireless`, but it's difficult to find non-WiFi products. Your answers below seem to ignore your stipulation that you cannot lay cable, which would otherwise be the obvious solution, though Dennis Schulze has now updated his answer to take account of this. Another possible option is to use point-to-point WiFi with directional aerials. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628046" class="comment"> <div class="body"> The question says logistically wire is impossible. They need a wireless link. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628048" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Not sure if this helps, but that last hop is the Google server. In your Toshiba's tracert it seems to be either trying to hop to that same server more than once, or bouncing off other servers inside Google's network, which seems weird. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628049" class="comment"> <div class="body"> And what kind of device is behind the "usb 1-1.6" port? Any reference to a problem with device descriptor is usually an indication that corresponding USB device died for some reason, modem crashed, or something. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628050" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I didn't have the ability to test and it was late after a 12 hour day at work so you might be right. My notes say *. but they may be wrong. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628051" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Thanks for letting me know. I would caution against deleting Windows, as you may not be able to install anything afterwards. Wubi, might be an option, but it will need some detailed system knowledge to get it to run on W10, where it is not supported. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628053" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Ah, you're right. Sorry about that. At some point I had setup an alias in ~/.bashrc (must have been quite some time ago): `alias airport=/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framewo‌​rk/Versions/Current/‌​Resources/airport` It looks like /usr/libexec/airportd is at least roughly equivalent too. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628054" class="comment"> <div class="body"> To be honest, I have no idea what I'm doing here. I set up the wifi AP with hostapd and installed an isc-dhcp server, that is now configured to work both on wlan1 and eth0. Other than that, my assumption was that plugging in the cable would be enough. Do I need to set up more stuff? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628056" class="comment"> <div class="body"> a headphone speaker is probably not much different from a pc speaker... if you were in a situation where you fast wanted to test the mainboard error beeps, you could probably rewire a headphoe instead of a speaker if you didnt have one. the speaker is basically a headphone type speaker, it ca play music. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628057" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Why have you configured it as a DHCP server?! </div> </div> <div data-id="1628058" class="comment"> <div class="body"> So... it went wrong, then you broke it at least 3 more times trying to 'fix' it... & now want to get back to where you were. I hope you have a backup. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628059" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I don't have, bad for me, but I haven't broke 3 more times. The only thing I did wrong was install that strange driver. But at least I hope I can clear hardware drivers list so Windows will rescan for hardware anyway? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628060" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Somehow you are getting a different IP addresses for www.google.com on each machine. How is your DNS set up on each machine? What DNS servers are you using? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628061" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Why are you using smart quotes? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628063" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Thank you! I'm not sure I ever would've caught that. I've been using macOS textedit </div> </div> <div data-id="1628064" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Your safest procedure is to swap out the drive, setup a fresh OS on a new drive, **then** see what data may be recovered from old one, mounted via an external USB enclosure. Messing about trying to 'fix' your existing setup is a disaster waiting to happen [even if there's any more waiting to be done; your disaster has really already happened]. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628066" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Sorry I have no drive to swap and I need to fix it. What I can afford is to make the OS partition smaller and create another (new) partition to fresh install Windows onto. May there be less-bloody way? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628067" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Every time you make any change to the existing drive, you lessen your chances of data recovery. What's worth more, your data or a new drive? This is why we have backups - "Any data stored in fewer than three distinct locations ought to be considered temporary." </div> </div> <div data-id="1628068" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Do you have or want to display the result in a separate table where you have only the unique IDs and the sum to be calculated? Do IDs repeat in the same table? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628071" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Good point but as for me I'd better want to understand if these 'recovery' partitions that was there when I brought the notebook still worth anything? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628072" class="comment"> <div class="body"> http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows8_1-update/windows-81-update-fails-to-install-kb2919355/2831c218-68a0-4ca0-99c1-b8193b5b8f33 </div> </div> <div data-id="1628073" class="comment"> <div class="body"> It doesn't matter in the slightest. You have to deal with the current problem, & that would appear to be greatly exacerbated by having no backup. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628074" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Let us [continue this discussion in chat](http://chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/46826/discussion-between-alexander-and-tetsujin). </div> </div> <div data-id="1628075" class="comment"> <div class="body"> please provide all steps how to view event log </div> </div> <div data-id="1628076" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Your new paragraph is a little confusing. The question asks specifically about USB-C hubs in relation to power (although it isn't explicit about high power). Pretty much by definition, that would require external power (especially if you're talking about PD), because even a USB-C connection to such a hub couldn't support multiple USB-C connections. What is your point in the new paragraph -- that a USB-C hub conforming to the spec doesn't yet exist? can't exist as defined by the spec? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628078" class="comment"> <div class="body"> This works just fine, thanks. I had to do this for a mounted VHD associated with a Azure VM which I lost control by changing the default RDP port (in Windows registry settings). </div> </div> <div data-id="1628079" class="comment"> <div class="body"> What I tried to say that power delivery and new features of Type-C connector wrt power are intentionally disconnected from USB specifications, for some reason unknown to me. There is no field to describe a port in terms of its power delivery capabilities. As result, there is no consistency in what needs to be reported in USB descriptors to host OS, so it could manage power budget, as it was originally envisioned with distinction between "bus-powered hubs" and "self-powered hubs". So technically a hub with Type-C connector definitely has more capability, just there is no way to know this, yet. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628080" class="comment"> <div class="body"> The best way to find out in this situation is to contact the administrators. A properly configured and secured FTP server will not allow anonymous users to connect. Like you stated, though, it is possible the admins allow anonymous access into a chrooted environment (possible with download only capability) </div> </div> <div data-id="1628081" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I just noticed that my files are being populated in a folder called "OneDrive", whereas I think they were previously in "OneDrive for Business". </div> </div> <div data-id="1628082" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Just found this out the hard way too. Thanks for the advance notice, Dropbox. Not. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628083" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @DavidPostill : Both are set to use the DNS server on the router ( I tried changing it to explicitly use Google's DNS servers and but that didn't change things. I tried rebooting the router etc. nothing seems to change the problem...then just as mysteriously the problem goes away for an hour or two..... </div> </div> <div data-id="1628084" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @ IronWilliamCash: Yep - it is odd. I see the same sort of thing happening at other web sites too so I doubt that it is actually Google related. I can't seem to find anything on the Web that talks to this diirectly. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628085" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @user3169 I am running the signature edition of Win7 Ultimate, from the product launch, so not a localized version, to my knowledge. That said, my locale was set to Canada, but I have changed it to US. Not a speck of difference in the world. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628086" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Which version of `ftp` client do you have? My `ftp` doesn't recognise the option `-a`. What is it supposed to do? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628088" class="comment"> <div class="body"> One more nit pic on a good answer. 1st paragraph, couldn't you have four low-power devices on an unpowered hub (i.e., never say never)? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628089" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Do your `tracert` by IP instead of host name to rule out DNS. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628090" class="comment"> <div class="body"> 1. /var/named/ and /etc/mtree/BIND.chroot.dist are FreeBSD-isms. The OP is using a Debian Wiki How-To that puts the chroot at /var/bind9/ and describes the entirely manual chroot setup one must do on Linux. 2. "working directory is not writable" is a warning, not a fatal error. The fatal error is in the logging setup. 3. The base directory is not writable by the 'bind' user for a sound security reason: a RCE bug in named would put the whole tree under it at risk. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628091" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @Stephen Next time it happens it would be interesting to see the output of `nslookup www.google.com` on both machines. Google I believe uses a round robin DNS to load balance but in my case all the addresses are `87.237.19.xx` not very different addresses as in your case. To me it looks like a problem with the Comcast network (starting at hop 7, which is different in the 2 traceroutes). </div> </div> <div data-id="1628092" class="comment"> <div class="body"> It's definitely a Smart Card slot, It's labeled "SC" and is roughly the size of a credit card. Also I have a slot for SD cards on the other side of the laptop. Thanks for checking though, better to check before going too far down the road and realizing I didn't know what a SC reader looked like :P </div> </div> <div data-id="1628093" class="comment"> <div class="body"> This is a good pick. I would say that if you have a really USB compliant bus-powered ("mobile") hub, it is very difficult to restrain yourself to "low-power device" only. I have an old Microsoft mouse that reports its power need as 500mA, so it will be rejected by OS. This is very annoying, especially when the MS implementation of power policy is stupid - to limit every port to 100/150mA. It seems clear that the policy can really count power, and if only one mid-power device is connected (while other ports are empty), it should allow it. For some reason this policy was not implemented. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628094" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Right now both machines are working normally and guess what Tracert are the same using the same explicit ip address... Unfortunately the comment section will not let me copy in the entire trace but it gets there in 10 hops without any hop taking longer than 15 ms Trace complete. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628095" class="comment"> <div class="body"> So, "never" should read as "never with regard to typical USB spectrum of devices", which includes HDD/SSD USB enclosures, web cams, etc. I have a difficulty how to formulate this with brevity. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628096" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I would agree that it looks like a Comcast networking issue, however it only ever impacts the one machine. Very puzzled by this. I have been working on this on and off for a couple of weeks but since it is intermittent it is difficult to diagnose. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628097" class="comment"> <div class="body"> This question is really confusing. My read is that the objective was to end up with a smaller filesize document that contains any (non-text) images plus the OCRed text as text in as close to the original layout as practical. The issue seemed to be that the OCR software lacked the ability to do this, and ignored the images. So the result was two files: the original scan of the entire page content, all as an image, plus a document with only the text converted to editable text. Did you interpret the question differently? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628098" class="comment"> <div class="body"> This link does not provide a solution to my problem. but thanks </div> </div> <div data-id="1628099" class="comment"> <div class="body"> OS was downloaded/purchased from the US? And was US English version? Don't know for sure, but if another version it should be indicated in the System control panel. Is the OS updated to current (SP1, updates, etc.)? And are you sure the keyboard is standard English version? Beyond other issues it seems like a hardware issue somehow. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628100" class="comment"> <div class="body"> You don't really say, but I presume this happens in all apps, not just Office, right? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628101" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @DavidPostill When it goes flaky I'll do nslookup on Google.com... However as I said it is not just Google ... I had the same sort of result with GHBass.com and many other web sites... even web.mail.Comcast.net. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628102" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @SeldomNeedy These days you can go a long, long time without tripping over a legacy proprietary Unix (Solaris, HPUX, AIX, etc) but most of those have a `/bin/sh` (and default-$PATH utilities) whose behavior was frozen circa *1992*, in order that none of their customers' dusty shell scripts would be broken by the changes in POSIX.1-1996 (let's not even talk about -2001 or -2008!) I don't recommend writing *new* shell scripts to cope with that anymore - good enough to deal with it if/when it comes up - but as someone who *used to* deal with that all day every day, Vim's behavior has gut appeal. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628104" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I have to go out in a few mins so any reply I make will be probably late tonight or tomorrow (Saturday) </div> </div> <div data-id="1628105" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @Stilez: You will lose the uncommitted data in the ZIL, but it's no worse than pulling the machine's power cord. ZFS has had a graceful way to remove the ZIL [since pool version 19](http://stackoverflow.com/q/17337829), realeased in 2009. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628106" class="comment"> <div class="body"> That depends on what you actually want. Is it acceptable for wlan1 and eth0 be on the same network (bridged)? Or do you want separate networks which are perhaps even firewalled from each other? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628107" class="comment"> <div class="body"> You've learned about monitor construction, but that's a long way from repair. 1) You would need access to the film (in a 1 screen sized amount), which isn't readily available. The polarization film isn't necessarily the outermost layer, so you may need other films, as well. 2) You would need a way to cleanly remove all film layers from the polarization layer out without causing any other layers below it to separate. 3) You would need equipment to bond the replacement layers. They make vacuum autoclaves for repairing cellphone-sized screens, but I'm not aware of ones for a monitor. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628112" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Are you sure you're talking about the same issue as the question? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628113" class="comment"> <div class="body"> +1 for "make sure that the XP guest does not have access to any network or USB ports". </div> </div> <div data-id="1628115" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I don't have a `WinResize` event on Vim 8.0.0019, installed via Homebrew 1.0.6-31-gfaebc64. I was however able to use the `VimResized` event. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628117" class="comment"> <div class="body"> While your at it, when I type my password wrong, don't say "Welcome" for 30 seconds before telling me I got it wrong. ;) </div> </div> <div data-id="1628118" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Actually, all enabled interface are active and currently used. Traffic will select the interface to use depending on the destination IP address. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628119" class="comment"> <div class="body"> To clarify, MAC addresses are encoded into the network card at the factory, and cannot be changed. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628121" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I wouldn't reference entire columns unless you *absolutely* need to, as that can be a major memory hog. Just referencing e.g. `$O1:$O50000` is usually enough and much faster. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628125" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I was unable to reproduce this behavior on my system </div> </div> <div data-id="1628126" class="comment"> <div class="body"> After updating the package it was still failing so I pulled out drivers and added one by one - it was the Intel NVMe driver causeing the issue. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628130" class="comment"> <div class="body"> A simple piece of hardware would be a good starting point: an in-line mono mixer is just a Y with the stem connected to the right channel on a female jack and a resistor in each arm of half the impedance of the 'phones (this is not always easy to find out) connected to the two channels of a male jack - the common terminals would of course be connected. The wiring would easily fit in a small sleeve with the female jack at one end and a flying lead to the male at the other. This would give you a balanced mono output in your right ear, whether or not you can adjust the balance at source. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628131" class="comment"> <div class="body"> please check my question's last update. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628132" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Was the video a live-stream or something? AFAIK youtube still uses flash for that and a few other things here and there. It may also get used if your browser/system doesn't have the correct codecs or something. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628133" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Maybe a Kernel problem (after unrecognized update)? Can you revert to last kernel when booting (from bootloader)? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628134" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @MariusMatutiae the routing table can be found in the last question update. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628135" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @Richard yes, you can. Currently, I'm on mobile, but when I get to my desktop I will whip this up. :) </div> </div> <div data-id="1628136" class="comment"> <div class="body"> this solution works for me </div> </div> <div data-id="1628139" class="comment"> <div class="body"> What is the output of `ssh user@host2 'shopt -p extglob'`? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628148" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I followed a tutorial I found here http://www.dd-wrt.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=39507 --- Should I disable the DHCP server? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628149" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Did you read the thread, "*These instructions are incorrect and out of date.*". </div> </div> <div data-id="1628153" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Yes, I saw that, but have been unable to find a complete working tutorial on the setup. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628154" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I really only need to connect a single monitor at this point, so I hope the USB docking station won't be a problem. Later on I might get a Thunderbolt dock if I want multiple displays. The Skull Canyon NUC, unlike previous NUCs does have a Type-C/Thunderbolt port, so I am covered I guess. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628160" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Also, unless your existing AP is using WPA/TKIP (which I sure hope it isn't), those settings can't possibly be right either. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628163" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Don't you think it's a little odd, we both got down voted twice... on a question with zero up votes or favorites? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628165" class="comment"> <div class="body"> A packet capture from this NIC when it's renewing its lease would be great. It sounds like it's failing to renew over and over again, giving up (with a link local address) and then finally succeeding after five seconds. That's only a supposition, though. A capture with something like Wireshark would reveal more. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628167" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I'd just get rid of both of those lame excuses for NICs and buy something current. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628168" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Not sure if I interpreted it correctly, that din't sound like a techie response. What's something current? Buy a New Mobo just for this issue? The issue is with motherboard built in adapter. The PCI adapter is new bought after I had this issue, but now I have other PCI device connected so no place for pci NIC. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628169" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Resolved. Seems to be a mac address issue. Updated the post. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628170" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Cool deal. Maybe copy that to an answer, and accept it yourself. I'd updoot that. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628171" class="comment"> <div class="body"> 1) Why use a random MAC-address rather than its default? (Now that you are no longer testing). 2) If you use random you will actually have to make sure that the least significant bit of the first octet is set correctly. So sort-of-random and not fully-random. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628172" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I don't know its original mac-address, could not retrieve it with `not present` selected. Why is least significant bit of first octet important? and what is wrong then? Vmware starts with `00`. Afaik first 3 octets are for identifying vendor and I din't think it'd be of any use to ISP. Maybe their change was to identify proper vendor mac which means anything other than `00:00:00` and `ff:ff:ff` would be considered valid. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628173" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I have no words to describe such a perfect answer. Thank you. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628175" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Thanks, Bo :) I used the command with the `/XD *.` option and it seems to have worked just fine (tho I didn't test a robocopy with `/XD .*`...) Am I correct in reading the powershell syntax that `/XD *.` is e**X**cluding **D**irectories whose names end with a period? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628177" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Try to preform a clean boot as described over here https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/929135. So disable every program on boot and all services. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628178" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @DavdPostill Thank you, that worked perfectly. it never occurred to me that %%~ni was referring to the counter, every example including the inline help had ni. And thanks for the references, I had difficulty finding what I needed for this first attempt. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628179" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Why do you assume there are no single ear earphones? Every newscaster and talk show host uses one. Have you researched earphones/headphones that use bone conduction? Also, latest item (not sure it's in the marketplace yet): a device you wear like a watch. You put your finger on your head and hear the sound via bone conduction. http://newatlas.com/sgnl-smart-strap/45190/ </div> </div> <div data-id="1628180" class="comment"> <div class="body"> If the files don't have any internal links, then does recursive download fail to get all the files. Lets say there is a HTTP folder of some txt files. Will wget succeed to get all the files. Let me try it after this comment </div> </div> <div data-id="1628184" class="comment"> <div class="body"> This one actually respects a zero, treating it as zero! (The `` trick never returns an empty range.) </div> </div> <div data-id="1628185" class="comment"> <div class="body"> User manual says MP3. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628186" class="comment"> <div class="body"> In the end, what was causing the script to behave differently was simply the ImageMagick version apparently. I had the latest CentOS 7, I upgraded installing with source to 7.0.3 and the script worked as expected. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628187" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I'm sorry but that doesn't even remotely answer the question. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628191" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Comments are not for extended discussion; this conversation has been [moved to chat](http://chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/46842/discussion-on-question-by-byte-commander-win-7-fails-to-install-security-update). </div> </div> <div data-id="1628193" class="comment"> <div class="body"> If you wrote an extension, you cover have it modify the html to automatically assign **accesskey** values to whatever elements you wished. You would have to have a systematic key selection method. I have also seen programs that allow you to use the keyboard arrow keys to move the cursor. "**WindowsEyes**" is one software for the blind. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628196" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Your blacklist idea is unrealistic. There is no possible way to blacklist every file. "Or send something to server" - What server? Your idea can be broken by using a VPN, unless you want to block every single VPN service that exists (there are thousands of them) and (millions of BitTorrent websites) your website blacklist is a poor idea. You can't force your friend to use your DNs configuration either. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628197" class="comment"> <div class="body"> "If the hash is blacklisted, it should be rejected (or modified and then sent)." this isn't possible. I could get around your sha256 by modifying the file by a single bit with a hex editor on my PC which you have zero control over or simply using Winzip and adding a 1 byte text file </div> </div> <div data-id="1628198" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @Ramhound. It seems you missed the main point of my question. I only provided an example in what manner I would use the answer. What filters and what blacklisting system I would use is a side question (and also not for this topic). Please, read it carefuly before downvoting. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628199" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @Ramhound. What is wrong with my question? Is it out of scope? Is it too broad? I don't think so, because I carefuly readed the help center page about what and how to ask. What rule did I break? Should I ten times write that my question is not about checking hash, but about proxifying wifi. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628200" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Do you have a ~/.bashrc or ~/.inputrc file? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628206" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @Ramhound. Again, after checking help center page, you can find [here](http://superuser.com/help/on-topic) that according to all rules, my question is on-topic. I simply cannot figure out why downvote and what did I ask wrong. If you still think my question is off-topic, please provide a reason for it, or even beter help me approve the question, so it can possibly help someone in the future. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628207" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @barlop I will look into this, thanks for the push further in that direction. Q: etc is necessary for a Cmd prompt (blah, I guess I need to go do powershell?) BUT, I agree, it is most likely an issue with those, so for sanity, I might walk away from those... Net locations and ... some other concept do replace them in the explorer, but I've never dug hard enough to figure out if powershell would allow me to stop using those mapped drives... It's always network drives for me, so I don't think I'll have to fuss with AHCI... I'll look into it though. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628210" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Voting is anonymous for this exact reason. Explaining a downvote is something, the person who downvoted your question, is NOT required to do. Giving me a hard time because I commented on your question and you happened to also be downvoted is the very definition of harassing me for simply saying something you don't agree with </div> </div> <div data-id="1628213" class="comment"> <div class="body"> "The main question is HOW TO INSPECT/MODIFY requests from users before sending data to server." Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) which can be easily defeated by using a VPN. Your question is seeking possible solutions to a broad problem IMO, those type of questions, are best solve at a discussion forum IMO. IMO you have not clearly defined the problem you want to solve so your question IMO is not clear. Good Superuser questions are well defined and most of the time have clear defined solutions. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628214" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Assuming you don't have gnuutils, do as I do: `echo %path:;=◙%`. That is a newline character which you can type as ALT+10 (on the numpad). Or just copy-paste from here. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628215" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @GeoffreyHug Excellent! </div> </div> <div data-id="1628216" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Have you tried simply minimizing things you don't want to see in TB? You can make it look pretty much like that. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628217" class="comment"> <div class="body"> For some reason textedit was changing them, even after pasting directly from terminal. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628220" class="comment"> <div class="body"> No need to be sorry, just pay attention. User manual says: **"Files on the USB thumb drive must end in a supported file extension (.mp3, .jpg, etc.)"** , page 49, Unfortunately it is true that formal list of supported files cannot be found anywhere in the document. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628224" class="comment"> <div class="body"> If you hit Win+B, it would select the tray, then you could use the arrow keys to select the time. I hope then the enter key would bring the calender(can't test now ) </div> </div> <div data-id="1628225" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Yes you can! Just go to cmd in recovery mode and everything same as the answer. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628226" class="comment"> <div class="body"> If you enable it does the button become enabled? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628227" class="comment"> <div class="body"> What you desire is a program. If you don't want to use a formula, then you have to write a VB script specific to your needs and there are literally a thousand ways to do that. As aristrike commented, one of those ways is Worksheet_Change event. That is one possible solution. You could create a Macro. How and what the syntax will be is an algorithm that you invent. I've used validation and understand its use and will let you know that you've manually entered wrong data or not, but won't consider a formula. The fact that you mention cell validation leads me to believe you know how it works. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628228" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I don't recall for sure. Way back when, just about any change in IP properties required a reboot, but I don't recall doing lots of reboots while I was trying to get this to work, so I don't think it's necessary any more. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628229" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Creating the Tar with your script an d untarring it at the root of the new machine result in: ALERT! /dev/disk/by-uuid/xxxxxxxxx does not exist. Dropping to a shell initramfs:_ It should also be clear that i have no physical access to the servers. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628231" class="comment"> <div class="body"> By the way, I think it's really lame that this question is downvoted so badly. Maybe the question is trying to solve network drive behavior by changing word behavior, but this issue has no resolution documented out there on the Web. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628233" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @barlop also, it must be noted: The instant that Word can't find the file, it reports that it can't find it and you are STUCK. Even if the path re-appears, I believe that word forces you to save your work with save as and then over write the original file with the modified version, in whatever way you like... </div> </div> <div data-id="1628235" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Dumb question, but are you plugging in the USB that's on the board? The BT is powered by the onboard USB and not powered through the PCI passthrough. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628236" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Nope, I tried every possible solutions. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628237" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Most BT clients supports UPnP and randomized ports. Like I said before, a VPN will get around blocking BT traffic, and you can configure VPN to run on any port also. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628238" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @fixer1234: Could you make that an answer please? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628239" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Did you make the USB stick using Boot Camp Assistant? That's the only way for the Mac to make it bootable. http://www.windowscentral.com/how-create-windows-10-installer-usb-drive-mac has an easy instruction set. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628241" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Did you test the speaker still even works at all after potentially jamming 5 volts through it? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628242" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Thanks. That's not quite the same as coping reliably with ungraceful removal though. To bring it to a more realistic level, if one doesn't spec the ZIL with a mirror + supercap and it fails (and power simultaneously fails, which isn't an implausible coincidence if the two have a common cause), is the user imperilling their entire pool, or just risking a limited amount of data in flight? This will affect the decision to get double, or premium, SSDs, in cases where loss of a small amount of data in flight can be accepted because its rare, but loss of pool is much more serious and cannot. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628243" class="comment"> <div class="body"> The path you specified is incorrect. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628244" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @Zoredache No, it happens an all videos. And as I said, if I right click on the video I get a menu where the last entry is "About the HTML5 player", still libpepflashplayer.so is used. This combination confuses me. Is it possible that the actual player is flash-player and this menu is still in use? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628246" class="comment"> <div class="body"> The path I specified is copy/pasted directly from Tuxera's site. It is unlikely to be incorrect. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628247" class="comment"> <div class="body"> i do not want to use cd when ever i open it the path which i have set should remain for ever after closing it also </div> </div> <div data-id="1628248" class="comment"> <div class="body"> trying it again with /boot exluded </div> </div> <div data-id="1628249" class="comment"> <div class="body"> The path you specified is incorrect. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628250" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I am not looking for diff.. i want to print the unique value among the two files </div> </div> <div data-id="1628251" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Indeed it is an issue with the USB drive or the Windows 10 image on it as I managed to boot from Debian and OpenELEC images written **in the same way** and **on the same flash drives**. I tried with Boot Camp Assistant but it doesn't give me the options it gives everyone else, maybe because I'm missing the optical drive and it gives me a warning about that. I tried writing the image in many different ways, no luck. Next would be to try making it from Windows... </div> </div> <div data-id="1628252" class="comment"> <div class="body"> any update? Have you updated the driver? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628253" class="comment"> <div class="body"> is the question now answered or not? Security only = only security updates and Security Monthly Quality Rollup = security + september 2016 rollup KB3185278 </div> </div> <div data-id="1628254" class="comment"> <div class="body"> check this KB article: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/2028504 </div> </div> <div data-id="1628255" class="comment"> <div class="body"> have you captured the trace? Otherwise I can't help you </div> </div> <div data-id="1628256" class="comment"> <div class="body"> try this: **Vssadmin resize ShadowStorage /For=C: /On=D: /MaxSize=20%** and look if it works to have the restore points on D: for Drive C: </div> </div> <div data-id="1628257" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I've tried this it doesn't works either </div> </div> <div data-id="1628258" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I gave it up to help you. disable the compression (http://superuser.com/a/1133340/174557) but this will hurt your performance because get a lot of Disk IO when Windows pages data out. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628259" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @Ramhound - I was proposing blocking all ports except for known useful ports - this would severely gimp Bittorrent. If you are using a VPN, it would need to be over TCP - again, not ideal for bittorrent, but more importantly, no proxy solution would fix that either - but, depending on the OPs concerns, a VPN provider might nullify the risk of his ISP coming after him anyway. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628260" class="comment"> <div class="body"> have you ever tried my linked command/tool? 3 years after asking still no response from you is disappointing. Does it work or do you need more details? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628261" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Welcome to Super User! This is really a comment and **not** an answer to the original question. You can always comment on your own posts, and once you have sufficient [reputation](https://superuser.com/help/whats-reputation) you will be able to [comment on any post](https://superuser.com/help/privileges/comment). Please read [Why do I need 50 reputation to comment? What can I do instead?](https://meta.stackexchange.com/a/214174) </div> </div> <div data-id="1628262" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Have you tried another keyboard? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628265" class="comment"> <div class="body"> As your question is written, people are interpreting it to be the same as the other question (or to at least be answered by answers there). So it will attract the same answers, which would be wasted duplication of effort. Just saying it isn't a duplicate won't change how people respond to it. To reopen your question, people need to understand how it's different and how the answers there don't help. Can you clearly differentiate your question so that it attracts different answers? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628267" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @cybernard thanks. From the answers so far I am indeed beginning to wonder whether I might go down the route of attempting to write an extension. I've never looked into this and have no idea whether this might be a realistic challenge to my feeble aptitudes. There seems to be no "Firefox Extensions for Dummies" but plenty of helpful-looking intro sites out there... </div> </div> <div data-id="1628270" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @davidgo. Delayed requests and responses are not problem. Also, the technical details about how I will filter results and how I will prevent avoiding my proxy is something which is not related to this question. According to your answer, it is possible using specified router? Does it mean that I can find a ruter (or create myself one using, for example, Arduino) which will be able to tranfer all data from modem throught USB port to my PC, so I can inspect it, maybe modify, and then send back to modem? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628271" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Thanks, I've tried this but the folder and it's contents show up read-only. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628274" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I think you are underestimating the delays and damage it will cause to Internet connectivity. You state that the technical details about how you will filter the results are not related to the question, but then ask if if its possible to do with a router - so you are, in effect, preventing a meaningful answer. Transfering data from modem to USB port is doable with a appropriately crafted software - you might want to get a USB -> Ethernet dongle rather then deal with the added complexity of PPP - I'd imagine its possible to do this with Linux - but not easy... </div> </div> <div data-id="1628275" class="comment"> <div class="body"> What example? How can we advise you if you don't tell us what code you are using? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628276" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Welcome to Super User! Please note that https://superuser.com is not a free script/code writing service. If you tell us what you have tried so far (include the scripts/code you are already using) and where you are stuck then we can try to help with specific problems. You should also read [How do I ask a good question?](https://superuser.com/help/how-to-ask). </div> </div> <div data-id="1628277" class="comment"> <div class="body"> You would need to combine iptables, ebtables, bridges (and possibly vlans), as well as have appropriately tuned software on your PC. You would be better off looking at some kind of IDS running on a decently specced router. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628278" class="comment"> <div class="body"> It is handled automatically by the hard drive, which reallocates sectors dynamically. and marks them as unuasable. So they won't be used anymore to store data. But I wouldn't use this drive anymore: it has taken physical damage, so it is not in the best condition to store data. I would change it in a store that allows me to keep the warranty. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628279" class="comment"> <div class="body"> In general, in any emacs mode, the function toggle-truncate-lines, will toggle back and forth (for a temporary solution) </div> </div> <div data-id="1628283" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Can't find the error in there, searched on other websites but still can't find something to resolve my problem </div> </div> <div data-id="1628284" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Thanks! I totally missed this, I have the same choice. This is a much better solution, because it allows you to use either telephony OR high quality audio as the situation allows - rather than completely disabling that functionality at a system/driver level as others have suggested. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628285" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Did you tried to find information in docs? https://conemu.github.io </div> </div> <div data-id="1628286" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @John1024 Good catch. Indeed the other host returns `shopt -u extglob` which seems to mean `extglob = off`. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628287" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I don't have this on my rapsberry, however, number of column might be different when output is non interactive (like a file or /dev/null ) </div> </div> <div data-id="1628290" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Thanks to this I got it to work. By adding `dotblob`. My final version is `ssh user@host2 'bash -O extglob -O dotglob -c "cd /path/to/dir/ && rm -rf !(dir1|dir2)"'`. At first I was drawn to the pattern list approach because of its elegance and terseness but you are right - after adding all the needed options `find` looks simpler. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628291" class="comment"> <div class="body"> You might not be able to. What motherboard do you have ? (Some older systems can't handle drives > 2TB due to geometry issues for a start) </div> </div> <div data-id="1628293" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I checked the motherboard speaker signal with a multimeter and plugged in an old motherboard speaker that is probably defunct and i plugged in a new speaker that comes from a working laptop, i didn't get a signal on all three, and i wonder if the brand new laptop speaker should have produced any sound at all. I figure any speaker under 2 watts should produce a physical reaction from the mainboard if the mainboard works. The pc rebooted into a black screen with no post. i have to see if it's mainboard or graphics or psu. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628294" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I am aware of this fact but I thought that related to boot and installing systems which isn't what I am using the drive for. I have Gigabyte GA-880GA-UD3H </div> </div> <div data-id="1628295" class="comment"> <div class="body"> You are right @Ben. The previous kernel (4.4.0-42-generic) works fine, only the current one (4.4.0-43-generic) is broken. What are the next steps to repair the current kernel and what could have caused the problems? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628296" class="comment"> <div class="body"> The enclosure most likely emulates 4Kn sectors. You need to decide where to use to the disk and keep it there. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628298" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @DanielB - I know it would be risky, but what is the chance that testdisk could be used to realign/fix things ? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628299" class="comment"> <div class="body"> If the `subst` command is making it show up read-only, have you checked the permissions of the folder, or run the command prompt with elevated privileges? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628300" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @davidgo No chance at all. It would have to recreate the filesystem from scratch to refer to the appropriate on-disk locations (which are now addressed in 512 B blocks, instead of 4 K blocks). While theoretically possible, it would require *absolute* knowledge of the NTFS filesystem. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628302" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @nephewtom If the symbol doesn't exist on your installation. You should try another install package (like this https://github.com/mckelvin/anyconnect-virtual-router/tree/master/provisioning/anyconnect_packages , which has symbol) </div> </div> <div data-id="1628307" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Also, cygwin doesn't provide the latest ruby versions. For example 2.3.1 is not available in the repos. Also, there are projects that *use* rvm specifically, to properly manage the ruby version which is used. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628309" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @JourneymanGeek The discussion was over, you could have left it there... </div> </div> <div data-id="1628312" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @Overmind I don't think that's going to be a problem. There are custom firmwares, like `OpenWrt` and `DD-Wrt` supported on many D-Link routers. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628313" class="comment"> <div class="body"> When I open cmd as administator and run subst, I don't see d:\ in explorer, only in cmd. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628314" class="comment"> <div class="body"> This may help: http://askubuntu.com/questions/124845/eerror-pkgproblemresolverresolve-generated-breaks-this-may-be-caused-by-hel Also, what does it say when you just enter `nautilus` in the terminal in your current state? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628315" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Sorry but that's a bit silly. Yes, if you're writing something that will be i) distributed and ii) to different environments, you should stick to basic `sh`. That, however, is a far cry from stating that you should *never* use other shells. There are thousands (probably many more) scripts written every day and the vast majority of those will only ever run on a single machine. Your advice makes sense on production code, but not for the daily "sysdaminy" jobs that most scripts are written for. If I know that my script will only ever be used by me and on a Linux machine, bash is fine. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628317" class="comment"> <div class="body"> This is **not** an answer to the original question. If you have a new question please [ask your own question](https://superuser.com/questions/ask) (referencing this one for context if it helps). </div> </div> <div data-id="1628318" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @JohnRennie It's (still) true that on NTFS, small files will be put in the master file table instead of allocating a cluster. The term they use is "resident". </div> </div> <div data-id="1628319" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Which Linux distribution/desktop environment are you using? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628320" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @BenPen I had a related issue once, I don't recall the details of it but it may have been that I was in word(don't recall the version), i'd typed a lot and pasted a bunch of pictures and saved, then typed more and and pasted more pictures in, and hadn't saved it for a while yet, then my network cable came loose, and I lost a lot of work, maybe all changes since the last save. So that happened even without going into sleep mode. So that would suggest not just a network drive issue, but a word issue that it doesn't save a copy of the file including unsaved changes locally. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628321" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Let us [continue this discussion in chat](http://chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/46852/discussion-between-barlop-and-benpen). </div> </div> <div data-id="1628322" class="comment"> <div class="body"> If anyone wants to read the old discussion, they can pop into the chat page. Policy *here* is that comments are transient. It was that *or* deleting them all, as far as I am concerned. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628323" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I suppose there's something wrong with my question and it cannot be easily understood, since you first answered too little, and now you answered more than I asked. Anyway, you did also covered my question with your edit, so thank you and I am marking it as an answer. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628325" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Anyway, I guess it will be quite hard to accomplish this task, as the following things need to be done: 1) Add a button like "Boot to Windows" to the login screen of your desktop environment (maybe the only way is by changing its source). 2) When it gets pressed, the GRUB configuration needs to be changed to set Windows as default selection. 3) When GRUB sets in after reboot, its configuration needs to be changed to make Linux the default selection again, which has to happen *before* Windows boots. This makes the `temporarily boot to Windows` possible. Very interesting question though! </div> </div> <div data-id="1628326" class="comment"> <div class="body"> For me, they're still in the same place, `%LOCALAPPDATA%\VirtualStore`. Is there anything there for you? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628328" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Your laptop is probably overheating and then going into a thermal throttling mode. Open it up and clear out the dust or get a cooling mat. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628329" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I know enough about those protocols to explain to what extent such protocol detection is possible. However I do not know what Nginx is capable of doing. The name `stream` does not sound like a feature capable of doing any protocol detection. Regardless of what you use on the server side, you will need to either encapsulate the SSH traffic inside another protocol or use an SSH client which is recent enough to be capable of speaking before the server. Relying on the server to detect the protocol of a client which hasn't spoken yet would be fragile. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628330" class="comment"> <div class="body"> `nginx` support seems quite small indeed and it seems that it is only relying on the port number to "route" the traffic. From what I've understood, the `http` bloc is merely a way to load the right module for the right corresponding server listening to a given port. That module, in turn, will do all the `SNI` magic. But I am no expert and I just wanted to make sure I understood that correctly. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628331" class="comment"> <div class="body"> It is not clear to me why you are even asking about Nginx. It seems you have no experience with Nginx and have no evidence suggesting it should be capable of doing what you are asking for in the first place. If you made it clear what your current setup looks like, you could probably get a much better answer. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628333" class="comment"> <div class="body"> That being said, `SNI` is occurring at the TLS level: if there is no `SNI`, `nginx` **may** default to stream instead. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628336" class="comment"> <div class="body"> This answer is a bit inaccurate. Historically the SSH protocol had the server speak first. But in SSH-2 it is allowed for the client to speak without waiting for the server to speak first. Any OpenSSH client less than a couple of years old will speak without waiting for the server to speak first - as long as you don't enable SSH-1 support in the client. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628337" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Yes you are right, I will fix my answer. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628338" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I had a similar problem. Newest kernel did not work for me. I had to wait for the next kernel update. Until this time I had to use the older version. I don't think you need to repair anything...just wait few days for the next update. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628339" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I was wrongly thinking that the ipv4 settings on the client interface points to the server ip, while it is supposed to be the client ip. changing the ip solved the problem. Thanks. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628340" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Yes, but due to the general regulations of this site for unmoderated voting, we only have to accept this ... Have been facing few times somehow maybe unfair downvotes, right or no, there is nothing to do. OK, my answer was based on some cases during years maybe mainly for desktops without the actual loadable big battery, so this laptop case seems to be nowadays somehow different ... </div> </div> <div data-id="1628341" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @ Maximus it is not conemu it is cmder and i tried searching docs but i didnt got it http://cmder.net/ </div> </div> <div data-id="1628342" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I don't mean any disrespect here, but I think it's you who is not paying attention. There's more to video/audio files than just the extension. The device reading the file needs to be able to decode the data encoded inside. The Vizio can play some MP4 video files but not others, because the codec used to encode that data is not readable by the Vizio. My question asks if anybody knows which of these codecs are supported by the Vizio. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628343" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @Srikan HTTP has no concept of directory. Recursive download means following links in web pages (including web pages generated by the server to show a directory listing, *if the web server does this*). </div> </div> <div data-id="1628344" class="comment"> <div class="body"> But when ssh localhost,permision deny.So I change the default port 22 to port 2222,then it works well.Do you known the reason? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628345" class="comment"> <div class="body"> As stated, it could be heat related as laptops are so small they heat up fast and heat slows everything down. Another factor could be the video quality that was uploaded on the user's page. Even a 1080p upload can look bad. Streaming wireless can be a factor because wireless tends to be slower especially when dealing with interference that you're not aware of. And the settings on your router could be a factor. Troubleshooting can be an in depth challenge for a person not really delved into technology. But if you Google the things I've noted you can fix it. Try a Cable connection too for start. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628346" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Thanks heaps for the headsup! I discovered `ek-vt520-rm.pdf` a little while ago and added that to my documentation trove, but didn't know about ITU T.416. I was wondering where else to start. :) </div> </div> <div data-id="1628347" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Yes but how I change the graphic card? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628348" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I have a cooling mat and there is not dust inside don't worry. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628349" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @jepjep40 Yes you can easily change the graphic card, if you have a desktop pc </div> </div> <div data-id="1628350" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Haver you tried to search *.lnk files? A thing I usually do on an new PC is turn on suffixes. A lnk file is the shortcut prefix. Do you mean other shortcuts show up but Excel shortcuts don't? I've never noticed that. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628351" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I mean via nvidia control panel </div> </div> <div data-id="1628352" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @jepjep40 if youhave a laptop, it will be difficult. I hope that clears up your question :) </div> </div> <div data-id="1628353" class="comment"> <div class="body"> go to nvidias website to download the nvidia control pane; </div> </div> <div data-id="1628354" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Git is entirely different beast. You’d usually download a snapshot. The git respository contains the entire history of Kernel development. Also, compiling will *never* take that long when irrelevant options are deselected. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628355" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @magicandre1981 Where would I look to verify that it is saved on D: and to verify no file on C: Also how would I verify that the content on D: is indeed restore point of C:? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628358" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I already have it and changed the graphic card but I am not sure if I see differences at my opinion the nvidia graphic card helped. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628359" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Is there a way where I can change the graphic cards at a site I choose? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628360" class="comment"> <div class="body"> The simplest option is to share the Windows data directory with the Ubuntu machine: you will need to install `samba` on Ubuntu. Another option is to run Ubuntu in a VM on Windows. I haven't experimented yet with integrated Ubuntu on Win10, but this may be worth investigating. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628361" class="comment"> <div class="body"> You cannot **change** a graphic card for sites. Graphic card is a piece of **hardware** which is inside your computer. All you can do is **configure** it with _nvidia control panel_ </div> </div> <div data-id="1628362" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Thank you a lot. I will give it a try and keep you update. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628363" class="comment"> <div class="body"> //Dual-core i7 can follow up to Four threads simultaneously, while a Quad-core can follow up to Eight.// And what in case of simple core i7? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628364" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Tye using just `anon` </div> </div> <div data-id="1628365" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Okay my issue I guess the video was made bad because I compare my phone with youtube and I see no differences means that the quality is definitely on 1080p60 with the best that the phone and youtube can get. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628366" class="comment"> <div class="body"> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ARDpMlGZoDg </div> </div> <div data-id="1628367" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I was trying to look 1080p60 and see if good quality is extremly good do you also see it like this? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628368" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I see it in amazing quality, so is your issue solved :) @jepjep40 </div> </div> <div data-id="1628369" class="comment"> <div class="body"> lt is a Dell XPS 13 L321X The adaptor is a genuine Dell - purchased from Dell Thanks for your time folks </div> </div> <div data-id="1628371" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Sounds like either moisture in the monitor or its power supply is dying. The large capacitors in monitor power supplies tend to degrade over time so it may be that unless you open up the monitor to replace them you might need to look for a new monitor. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628374" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I think It's not related to ffmpeg, It's related to VLC itself. i muxed subtitle onto mkv with command `ffmpeg -i film.mkv -i sub.srt -c copy -map 0:v -map 0:a -map 1:s out.mkv` and it was showed by default on KMP but not on VLC </div> </div> <div data-id="1628375" class="comment"> <div class="body"> It is built-in macOS Sierra 10.12 now </div> </div> <div data-id="1628376" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Do you need to strip the email headers from the email before trying to decode? If not, why not? (Does `openssl` support the .eml format?) Oh, and the Debian distro is either "Debian GNU/Linux" or the shorter "Debian", but never just "Debian Linux". </div> </div> <div data-id="1628377" class="comment"> <div class="body"> A similar question was asked here http://superuser.com/questions/485332/how-can-i-block-pop-under-ads and the asker seems satisfied with the answer. I hesitate to keep installing more addons, but TripAdvisor annoys me so much that I might eventually try this. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628378" class="comment"> <div class="body"> The `openssl cms` command handles MIME messages. From `man cms`: _"The cms command handles S/MIME v3.1 mail. It can encrypt, decrypt, sign and verify, compress and uncompress S/MIME messages."_ The whole Debian-stuff got irrelevant anyway, a former version required `munpack` which does not seem to be packaged for all distributions. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628379" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Hey Tonny appreciate the suggestion, but there is no option in bios to enable integrated graphics. Intel graphics drivers also won't install(ones from Intel website). But the one from Sony support will install but won't activate(because it was provided for Windows 8). I'll try different versions of Intel graphics. I guess integrated graphics is there, biggest clue that Sony provided integrated graphics driver for my laptop (for windows 8 only though ) . </div> </div> <div data-id="1628383" class="comment"> <div class="body"> The problem is the menu, not the shortcuts. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628387" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Yes, that might be it. I need to suppress the error in case tput isn't available. As a workaround I'm doing this: if tput cols &>/dev/null; then cols=$(tput cols) else cols=$COLUMNS fi </div> </div> <div data-id="1628388" class="comment"> <div class="body"> But there is no public key. I generated a signing key and it generated only one private key. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628389" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Signing is the opposite of encrypting in PGP context. You sign it with your private key, **so the public key is needed to decrypt [verify in this context] the data**. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628390" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Ok. But when using GPG4Win, I right-click file and select verify. It throws error and that is obvious. The file is not encrypted and the signature is in a separate file. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628391" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @RPK I don't really understand what you've done. Can you share the 2 files? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628392" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Found solution. Posted below as answer. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628394" class="comment"> <div class="body"> is this a work computer? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628395" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @schroeder Yes, this is work computer. One other coworker has same extension on his chrome but there are few others who don't. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628396" class="comment"> <div class="body"> you might need to ask your tech support on this one - your screenshots say they installed it </div> </div> <div data-id="1628397" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Sure.. I will check and update. Thanks. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628399" class="comment"> <div class="body"> It is up to the applications that open ports to decide which IPs they open them on. Not all will open on both addresses. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628400" class="comment"> <div class="body"> My current router is set to WPA-TKIP. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628401" class="comment"> <div class="body"> What IP adress do you want to hide? Your local (like or the adress of your external IP adress which was assigned (like </div> </div> <div data-id="1628402" class="comment"> <div class="body"> If your router supports `telnet` you can use this to obtain information from the command line, but how complete it will be depends on the `telnet` commands offered. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628403" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I can not boot to OS in any way except command only. This limits my ability of clean device list from gui. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628405" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Ok Thanks!... So why some of them only open up to only localhost.. So what about my mail port?.... How can I open that to </div> </div> <div data-id="1628406" class="comment"> <div class="body"> [This doesn't work on Sierra.](http://apple.stackexchange.com/q/257369/4395) </div> </div> <div data-id="1628407" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Have a look at this bug report on steam forums: [Source based games keep adding US keyboard layout](https://steamcommunity.com/groups/SteamClientBeta/discussions/1/864976115478357063/) </div> </div> <div data-id="1628408" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Yes, I have the same problem. Clonezilla seems to ignore the `timezone` boot parameter, gets the time from NTP, and seems to save the time as UTC to the hardware clock. But Windows expects the hardware clock to be in localtime, not UTC. Still looking for a solution... </div> </div> <div data-id="1628409" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I don’t want to change the router’s config, b/c it services other computers, outside the AD domain. What I would like to accomplish is to find a way to configure WS12 R2 servers to use their IPv4 DNS settings *before* their IPv6 DNS settings. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628410" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Your ip address cannot be used to identify you. So why are you trying to protect it? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628411" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Can you provide us specific product model numbers? I am not aware of there ever being a dual core i7 </div> </div> <div data-id="1628412" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Thanks. Here is a Gist with the virtual floppy + data adition https://gist.github.com/iamsortiz/1bdb9774832ea65855b2dc1b9b4ee8dc feel free use (or link) as much as you want in the answer if you think it's worth it. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628413" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I am neither psychic or a mind reader and I don't like guessing. What program are you using? Please [edit] the question and include this essential information. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628414" class="comment"> <div class="body"> David, I added that I'm using Microsoft Excel. Thanks. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628416" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Thank you very much. I thought it was something like this. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628420" class="comment"> <div class="body"> [Worksheet Functions For Dates And Times](http://www.cpearson.com/excel/datetimews.htm) should get you started. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628423" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Check your hard drives for SMART errors [How can I read my hard drive's SMART status in Windows 7?](//superuser.com/q/29240), and [What is the easiest method of checking SMART status for your hard drive?](//superuser.com/q/14803). Report back with the results. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628424" class="comment"> <div class="body"> You cannot hide your public IP address. If you did then the internet would not work as it would not know where to send the data you asked for ... </div> </div> <div data-id="1628425" class="comment"> <div class="body"> What do mean by "show all info"? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628426" class="comment"> <div class="body"> You'll need to look up the documentation for your mail service. I just remembered a further complication: some firewalls use `localhost` to intercept port traffic: they listen on the interface IP and transfer clean buffers to the applications, which are patched to listen on `localhost`. If you run `netstat -abn|more` you will have a better idea of what ports are open and to which programs. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628427" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @Yorik : Although I'd often think that blurring sharp images could be a quality loss, in the case of anti-aliasing, it means that the computer figures out which jaggedness of sharp images is undesirable. So blurring is making the results to be closer to the desired reality, looking more accurate. Isn't that a gain, not a loss? (Otherwise, why would it even be done?) As for MPEG artifacts growing, how is that a quality loss? For instance, if I have a 1 inch by 1 inch white box that doesn't belong, how is it a loss if the identical unwanted white box, on the larger screen, has more pixels? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628432" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Works on Windows 8.1 64-bit as well, but without the "Type the name of a program..." inscription, that's blank </div> </div> <div data-id="1628435" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @terdon The point is that if you have the option of writing a bash script, then you also have the option of writing a perl (or whatever) script, and this is *always* the better choice. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628436" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I think modifying the login screen won't involve changing the source code. I believe it's something that can be configured with the X Windows System or the DE (maybe it's set in the via Freedesktop.org, I dunno). The issue is asking GRUB to change the boot temporarily and then revert back. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628437" class="comment"> <div class="body"> "Open File > Settings > Advanced, then in Image size and quality section, check option Do not compress images in files." -- Does that have any affect? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628440" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Thanks for the answer, as I mentioned I did that already with "Data Lifeguard Diagnostic for Windows" from Western Digital's website, and all was green. I used the tools mentioned in the links you gave and I got the same results : http://hpics.li/62c651b And http://hpics.li/d57f903 </div> </div> <div data-id="1628449" class="comment"> <div class="body"> What's your actual question? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628451" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @Ƭᴇcʜιᴇ007 Please, make it an answer. PS does analogy to undocumentedmatlab.com exist for Office? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628452" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Possible duplicate of [Stop Microsoft Word 2010 from smoothing screenshots?](http://superuser.com/questions/272170/stop-microsoft-word-2010-from-smoothing-screenshots) </div> </div> <div data-id="1628453" class="comment"> <div class="body"> The SMART results show the drive is healthy, and that's what counts. Erratic performance may have many reasons, but it's not an indication that the drive is about to fail. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628455" class="comment"> <div class="body"> All right, that's a good point, but then have you any idea on how I could understand the reason for this localized lack of performance ? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628456" class="comment"> <div class="body"> "definitely changes the way the fonts are rendered on Windows OS": Does that mean that by changing that about:config option, it will change the rendering of fonts for one or more non-Firefox applications running on the Windows OS? I would hope not; I would hope instead that this affects only Firefox. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628458" class="comment"> <div class="body"> oops a period crept in, I have changed it. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628459" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Any suggestions on how to fix the issue or what's causing the issue? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628460" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I just want to write a command to take backup of the original file from vim, not having backup on all files. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628461" class="comment"> <div class="body"> 1607 is the anniversary release. You need to check your current version: 32/64-bit, home basic/premium/pro/enterprise/education, single/multi-language/international. It's easy to get it wrong - it took me three installations to find the right ISO to match my licence. If it's a new licence, choose what you want to pay for. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628462" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @Ƭᴇcʜιᴇ007 more likely this one: http://superuser.com/questions/538341/disable-image-compression-in-word-2010?rq=1 . Byt your link has the answer in it as a byproduct. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628463" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I'd like to point out that BCC'ing yourself unencrypted will still send it over the internet once. Defying at least part of the reason to encrypt in the first place. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628464" class="comment"> <div class="body"> The update your asking about was released on Aug 2nd 2016. The version is 1607. That is the only ISO from dreamspark that would be Version 1607. It is indeed 1607. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628466" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I think Ramhound meant the back of the little mini-PCIe card (disconnect antennas inner cables, remove two screws, unplug the card from its slot) – but it may not be necessary. [This site](http://www.gigabyte.com/products/product-page.aspx?pid=4302#ov) says BT should be there (unless the original mini-PCIe card was switched to the one without it, yet your AR5BWB222 should have it, original or not). Hiiambo may be right. [The manual](http://download.gigabyte.ru/manual/mb_manual_gc-wb300d(wb150)_1.1_e.pdf) says you should connect the USB cable so it's there for a reason. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628467" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Not sure how you see it. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628468" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Where is the file located? If you have an Epson printer, then it belongs to your printer, which means it is not malware. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628470" class="comment"> <div class="body"> you never know what country you are talking about, so just say that it MAY be "legally proven to not point to an individual"... anyway, that is not an argument to not tell, that that is the really only way to get that information... is it? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628471" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @ejbytes Yep I am sure that .lnk files are indexed and I have added it myself and waited for re-indexing to occur. Yes other shortcut show up but Excel shortcuts don't. Please help. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628473" class="comment"> <div class="body"> What browsers? Have you tried creating a new browser user profile or reinstalling the browser? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628474" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Nope. I figure out that after 1 hour running, keys work. May be there is a contact failure and the heat fix it. So, I've my answer, it's an hardware issue. Thanks. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628475" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I have all sorts of stuff there but not the Program Files and Program Files 86 folder :( </div> </div> <div data-id="1628476" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Opera, Chrome, Chromium, Firefox. All of them. Yep, I've tried reinstalling too. And it gets me nowhere </div> </div> <div data-id="1628477" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Yeah I just wanted to test how mailing works... I'll just find out how it supposed to work! Thanks for the answer! </div> </div> <div data-id="1628478" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Here is an advertising of a converter claimed to be compatible with Vizio 4K TVs, however without explanations which particular codec they encapsulated into MP4 file, http://www.hdmediaconverter.com/vizio-led-smart-tv-4k-tv-supported-video-format-from-usb/ </div> </div> <div data-id="1628479" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Any other symptoms? Any other kinds of applications not saving? Where are the profiles located (i.e., in/under the home directory)? Can you try rolling it back to the previous version to confirm the cause? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628480" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Hi @Homey_D_Clown_IT did u tried?or u can try this weend pls?ur my only , last hope,thank you and have a wonderfull weekend </div> </div> <div data-id="1628481" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I sure hope you asked for permission. That being said, whatever tunnel you’ll be using will most likely (severely) limit the bandwidth, so you might as well give up. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628483" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I just mentioned the build, because before I buy a new note book and install the system on it, my old notebook was working really fine with the last build. I don't know if it is something with the system itself or with the apps permissions. The user data is stored under the `.config` directory. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628484" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @AFH I am x64, it's OK about this, but what about the type? I think I will choose them during installation and my serial does not specify certain type. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628485" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @Ramhound But the iso name contains jul2016 not aug2016, this is what makes me confused </div> </div> <div data-id="1628486" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Accepted this answer because it outlines a software tool that I can use to remove malware on my machine, as described by the question above. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628489" class="comment"> <div class="body"> have you installed .net 4.6.2? The setup should be faster because framework is smaller </div> </div> <div data-id="1628490" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Where is .config located (somewhere under the home directory)? What you describe sure smells like a permissions problem. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628491" class="comment"> <div class="body"> have you tried the ADK/WPT to capture a trace and see which driver is causing it? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628492" class="comment"> <div class="body"> have you tried to get the ISO and run setup.exe to upgrade? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628495" class="comment"> <div class="body"> <sigh> 1607 = July 2016; It was released on August 2nd. It still is the more recent ISO </div> </div> <div data-id="1628497" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Where did you get the driver from and what version is it? What is your computer model? Have you tried switching off firewall and other security software? If you have VPN software installed then see [this Microsoft article](https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/3084164). </div> </div> <div data-id="1628498" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Yeah. the `.config` folder is under the `/home/hiagop` directory. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628499" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I don't understand really well how to read the permission status of files and folders. But I'm searching for it right now, to figure out what's happening. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628500" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @Ƭᴇcʜιᴇ007 Could You write an answer? Quoting OP's comment under the answer that solves my problem (and Your first comment suggested it as well): *I feel like I should clarify since this is getting so many up votes - this is a good setting to know about, but it doesn't affect the issue I'm having at all. – Herb Caudill* </div> </div> <div data-id="1628501" class="comment"> <div class="body"> additionally I created a shell script that do it instead of me. Still don't know why it works so, but it works </div> </div> <div data-id="1628502" class="comment"> <div class="body"> You could try running your batch with the `cmd` command with the option `/k` - [see here](http://ss64.com/nt/cmd.html) </div> </div> <div data-id="1628503" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Worked like a charm - thanks a million! </div> </div> <div data-id="1628504" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Have you tried to re-connect a list from inside SharePoint? If not - try that and see if re-enables the tree view. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628505" class="comment"> <div class="body"> If at all possible, you should change that. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628508" class="comment"> <div class="body"> changing machine names with servers like sharepoint and sql server in the backend is not impossible, but not necessarily an easy task. there are lots of factors to consider. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628509" class="comment"> <div class="body"> This worked for me. However, I strongly recommend physically disconnecting any hard drives other than your windows drive before trying to use the Windows startup repair utility (otherwise you see error messages such as "operating system is missing" and "no filesystem detected" and "bootrec /fixboot" failure) </div> </div> <div data-id="1628510" class="comment"> <div class="body"> How would you change the TX power of the adapter? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628512" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I googled and there are lots of way to do it. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628513" class="comment"> <div class="body"> If you share how you would do it, people might be able to respond to your question. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628514" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Probably will use this instruction [link](http://null-byte.wonderhowto.com/how-to/set-your-wi-fi-cards-tx-power-higher-than-30-dbm-0149606/) </div> </div> <div data-id="1628515" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I live in Mumbai, high humidity, and rainy season was here. So that could be it. Will the damage be irrecoverable if I don't try to fix it right away? Or I can do it at my convenience, later, no matter it's completely dead or not? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628516" class="comment"> <div class="body"> If you're just changing a locale setting on the adapter, that shouldn't damage the adapter. Depending on where you live, however, if that causes interference for anyone else, you might be subject to having your equipment confiscated. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628517" class="comment"> <div class="body"> If you think about it, all we have to go on is your statement that you have already tried everything. In that case, what else could we tell you? If you've tried everything and nothing works, then nothing works. Do you want people to suggest random things you've already tried? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628518" class="comment"> <div class="body"> That's a good note, thank you @Ramhound </div> </div> <div data-id="1628519" class="comment"> <div class="body"> My knowledge is limited in this field. Be cause I have tried everything that is in my hand, it doesn't mean there is no other option! thnaks! </div> </div> <div data-id="1628520" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Will give it a try... Thank you!! </div> </div> <div data-id="1628521" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I understand the legal issues, of course. My query is about the power not the locale. Will changing the transmission power damage my adapter? What if I increase it to over 35dbm. Let's assume I live in a place where there is no restriction set for the TX power. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628522" class="comment"> <div class="body"> No other options other than what? If you don't describe what things you tried, the only way for people to suggest things is to duplicate what has already been posted. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628523" class="comment"> <div class="body"> If you're just using a setting that someone in another country can use without damaging the adapter, why would you expect it to damage yours? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628527" class="comment"> <div class="body"> It isn't clear where the problem lies. For example, live sessions tend to use minimal configurations. Does the live session include veracrypt? If not, is the problem trying to add it to the live session? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628528" class="comment"> <div class="body"> i already downloaded veracrypt to the live session, the problem is that the documentation says, a partition can be decrypted by using Volumes -> Permanently Decrypt. This option is not offered in the linux version / i cant find it </div> </div> <div data-id="1628529" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I'm getting `ld: library not found for -lX11` when running `sudo python setup.py build`. Any idea how to fix this ? I'm on El Capitan. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628530" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Does the stick contain just the EFI folder, or did you add that to the rescue image? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628531" class="comment"> <div class="body"> it contains just the efi folder </div> </div> <div data-id="1628532" class="comment"> <div class="body"> i thought that the folder is the rescue image </div> </div> <div data-id="1628537" class="comment"> <div class="body"> No, that's just to boot. You need to add that to the rescue disk. The rescue disk should contain the OS and rescue files. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628538" class="comment"> <div class="body"> where can i download the rescue disk? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628539" class="comment"> <div class="body"> "During the encryption process, veracrypz required me to save a rescue image on a usb disk". The rescue image is typically created from what's on your system, or is stored in a partition by the computer OEM as part of the Windows installation. See if you can find a Recovery partition on the hard drive. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628541" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Exactly, it created a zip file with the efi folder as content. Thats all </div> </div> <div data-id="1628545" class="comment"> <div class="body"> It will stay. You are adding this to your init.bat to force it set a new home path. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628546" class="comment"> <div class="body"> The "*" effectively stands for the path up to such folders. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628548" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Save all your data and reinstall a clean system. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628550" class="comment"> <div class="body"> "The Total Width: 72 bits is the part you are looking for." And what do I do after I've found it? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628551" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @Mokubai Since when? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628552" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Are you perhaps affiliated with this service, seeing how you’re eager to advertise it? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628553" class="comment"> <div class="body"> why it's not reproducible for some of us? what is the difference? it would help solving </div> </div> <div data-id="1628555" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Do you want to mount it or permanently decrypt it? If it’s the latter, can you mount it? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628556" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I use Pocket to make backups I can use should LastPass ever go out of business or suffer a massive data loss catastrophe. From what I can tell from your answer, Portable would not achieve this for me (or at least not as robustly, since I might inadvertently delete the local cache used by the plugins, the plugins themselves, or lose my primary computer at the same time). </div> </div> <div data-id="1628557" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @endolith since the sites inception, and as per the help centre: [How to reference material written by others](http://superuser.com/help/referencing). </div> </div> <div data-id="1628558" class="comment"> <div class="body"> When I use this it just echos "Hello". I want it to echo %var% without going to the variable. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628559" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Look at the picture I am about to add inside the post. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628560" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I just set it to WPA2-PSK [AES] </div> </div> <div data-id="1628561" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I'm trying to use this in a batch file, and I'm using this and it won't work how it does in the prompt. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628562" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Is it USB keyboard? or PS/2? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628563" class="comment"> <div class="body"> :test set var=Hello echo ^%var^% goto test </div> </div> <div data-id="1628564" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Use **double** percent signs `%%var%%` inside files </div> </div> <div data-id="1628565" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Usb keyboard, today is the first time it has started doing that </div> </div> <div data-id="1628566" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Is that... Windows XP? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628568" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Welcome to Super User. I have put that information in your question (as you could by [editing](http://superuser.com/posts/1135355/edit)) where it belongs. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628571" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Just noticed this behavior in Server 2016 (preview 5). The message said something about removing some apps at startup to improve performance - you click on it and Task Manager opens. Not very helpful at all. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628572" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Just because Explorer doesn’t discover the shares doesn’t mean you can access them by connecting directly via name or even IP address. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628573" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I can connect to the device directly using explorer but it seems only via WebDav. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628574" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @Chinggis6 - ... unless `var` is the loop variable in a `for` statement! I have no idea how may `%` signs would be needed then. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628575" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @hiiambo Yeah, it is plugged in. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628577" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Its windows 7. Can that be an issue? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628579" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Since I posted this question, the original motherboard I was using (P4P800SE) died (one of the voltage-regulator ICs literally burned out and the plastic melted). I replaced the board with a similar one (P4P800). One of the only differences was the onboard NIC was 3Com instead of Marvell. This problem did not manifest and I forgot about it. Recently, I found another P4P800SE and swapped it back in and now the onboard NIC (a Marvell again) is exhibiting the behavior again. However now, XP does not work; when I shutdown from XP, the NIC LEDs remain active as does the LED on its router port. ಠ_ఠ </div> </div> <div data-id="1628580" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Ah you had me worried, Windows 7 should work fine so can I just clarify, are you wanting a separate IP for the host and virtual machines or are you simply unable to connect to the internet from the VM when bridging the wireless adapter? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628581" class="comment"> <div class="body"> The Comcast Xfinity routers around here do NOT present as "Hidden Network", they broadcast the SSID "Xfinity WiFi" or some such. A Hidden Network is merely one that does not broadcast an SSID. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628583" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I cannot access internet from VM. Also from the host machine, when I try to access this VM through http ( such as or something), its not accessible either. I was thinking if somehow VM can access a valid separate IP then it should work. As I mentioned in question, with a wired connection all works. Doesn't work when my computer is connected to wireless. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628584" class="comment"> <div class="body"> This preserves links, but not selectable text, which is a requirement in the question. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628585" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Well let's try something simple first, can you change the "Attached to" setting to "NAT" and let us know if that results in any change? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628586" class="comment"> <div class="body"> There's no limit to the sequence (e.g., OP's problem exceeding 7)? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628587" class="comment"> <div class="body"> That setting was originally to NAT. It didn't worked and that's when I changed it to Bridget Adapter. I am uploading the image in question to show you exactly what it shows with NAT </div> </div> <div data-id="1628589" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Besides mario's answer, another option may be to make a batch file, and run a batch file, instead. That can simplify things if you ever need to use a more complicated command. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628593" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @ChristyJames For me, doing a search (just by typing at the start menu) is enough to cause it to refresh its cache of entries. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628595" class="comment"> <div class="body"> so adopter type Intel PRO/1000 MT Desktop is same both? Does it matter if I don't have wireless adopter in one of the two? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628599" class="comment"> <div class="body"> oh wait, I don't get Intel PRO/1000 MT Desktop with Bridget Adopter as an option. Apart from Dell Wireless (as in image in my question), other option is Intel(R) 82579LM Gigabit Network Connection.. Which one should I select here? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628600" class="comment"> <div class="body"> That will definitely help. Lots of things don't work with TKIP. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628601" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Make sure you're looking at the "Adapter Type" menu, and not the "attached to" menu, easy mistake to make </div> </div> <div data-id="1628602" class="comment"> <div class="body"> the windows firewall lets you block specific programs from accessing the internet or perhaps accessing specific IPs, so maybe consider that as one possible solution. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628603" class="comment"> <div class="body"> yeah i was looking at wrong place :). Let me try it now </div> </div> <div data-id="1628604" class="comment"> <div class="body"> From what I understand, setting the policy in Device Manager to "Quick removal" rather than "Better performance" disables cached writes on the device and in Windows. So would NTFS still do writing in the background in "Quick removal" configuration? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628605" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @harrymc I got the driver from Ramhound's comment above. My computer model? I do not have any VPNs on and it is not my security. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628606" class="comment"> <div class="body"> It will try to disable OS-level cache writes (still you cannot be sure it is handled by hardware drivers same way). Firmware still can handle such requests it's own way. For example, any HDD caches some data in internal buffer despite of what, as long as writing it onto the disk is not immediate by design </div> </div> <div data-id="1628607" class="comment"> <div class="body"> There is some delay for mechanical (i.e. HDD) hardware, introduced by design, between write command reaches the HW controller and data is actually written on magnetic disc. It works most of time, and designed to handle power outages, but you cannot be absolutely sure of it </div> </div> <div data-id="1628608" class="comment"> <div class="body"> updated question with image based on your suggestion </div> </div> <div data-id="1628610" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Rather than voting that the question shows no research effort or is unclear, how about maybe asking for clarification. I have spent hours trying to find an answer to this problem and have come here because I could find no answer... </div> </div> <div data-id="1628611" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Let us [continue this discussion in chat](http://chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/46874/discussion-between-sam3000-and-paul-deter). </div> </div> <div data-id="1628612" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Interesting. I tested your findings and find that I have not problem with this. I created a folder, inserted tools.xls, then created shortcut mytools to the tools.xls, performed a search for mytools and it appears fine. This works on my Win7 PC and my Win10 SP4. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628613" class="comment"> <div class="body"> It is possible to bypass the country limit. That is the point. If I say set it to 35dbm will my adapter die? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628614" class="comment"> <div class="body"> AppData is a hidden folder. You shouldn't be creating shortcuts and placing them in here `C:\Users\Dv_MH\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\` Your Excel shortcuts should be placed in proper places such as the Desktop or in another folder localized away from system folders such as the one you are using. That's the problem. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628615" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @DanielB - That does not make sense to me. Surely you need 4k blocks (regardless of SATA or USB), and NTFS positions must be relative to the start of the partition so its "just" a matter of fixing the alignment - which must be out if the disk is reporting as unallocated? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628618" class="comment"> <div class="body"> "The manufacturer's page claims..." I'm calling bs. Did you see the screen shot where it's grayed out? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628619" class="comment"> <div class="body"> If you mean the computer name was listed in 'router' or queried by command , you may try to disable netbios for your computer . If you mean the MAC address (it might be noted down by someone to identify which computer is used by whom) .Generally network administrator will do this ,if it is the case , it is not recommended to change MAC address . </div> </div> <div data-id="1628625" class="comment"> <div class="body"> My NAS drives go into hibernation after 5 minutes of inactivity, but they power up in about 4 seconds, which causes no reboot problems with any of the machines which use them. Maybe you use the wrong power-down mode? Other than that you can set a boot-up script which waits a minute, then reconnects the shares. Though I have found that `explorer` will mark as disconnected any shares unavailable on boot-up, but it will remake the connection on opening the share after it becomes available again. My network has a mix of WinXP and Win10 machines connected by LAN and WiFi, all sharing the NAS. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628626" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @AFH Many many thanks for the response; after more research (didn't want to get another -1 ... :-) ) I discovered two methods that work... I was going to edit the question and leave it up for others: </div> </div> <div data-id="1628631" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Excel has the highlight duplicate rule. You can use that. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628634" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @DarkMoon got an entirely new GPU yesterday, GTX 1070, still doing the exact same thing. Quite odd </div> </div> <div data-id="1628635" class="comment"> <div class="body"> The error message is accurate. The service you are using includes a filesystem that maps to the remote drive and it is that filesystem that has the limitation. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628636" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I was talking about the ports and cables. The card would have been my last resort, as it's the most expensive bit. :-P Do you have another cable, or even better, the ability to use a different port type (DVI, HDMI, DisplayPort, even VGA for testing)? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628637" class="comment"> <div class="body"> You would have to add HTTPS support to it. With that said since software recommendations are not on topic here at Superuser, its not possible for us, to make suggestions of alternatives. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628638" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Archive feature is used to move emails off the server, so less data has to be kept on the server, or sent by the server when a complete sync is done. What benefits you get out of archive depends on your usage habits, I have emails from 2001 on my server, and archived emails from 1991. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628643" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Why was this taken out of webapps?? It is about a web app. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628644" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Why was this moved out of webapps?? It is a question about web apps. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628645" class="comment"> <div class="body"> You can get the film on amazon/ebay, and i've seen DIY videos for it on youtube. It's not ideal but it's doable. Polarization film doesn't even need to be directly on the panel, it could be a thick piece of film just taped on top if you really wanted and have the same effect (as long as it's polarized the right direction). I never said it was ideal, just that it's possible. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628646" class="comment"> <div class="body"> why do you need mingw on linux? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628648" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @Ramhound yeah, but I only want to highlight items that duplate at least N times. That's why in my example btn.pchome.net is not highlighted. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628650" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Thanks Daniel. This is still strange because all the netsh portproxy rule says is pass to on the same local interface. That fits the criteria of only transmitting across 127/8. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628651" class="comment"> <div class="body"> How to add the HTTPS support to it? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628652" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Ah so it prevents your *entire* email history syncing thus saving time and unnecessary data transfer, that makes sense. I'm happy to accept that as an answer if you wish to post it as such. Perhaps the person who downvoted the question wouldn't mind informing me where I went wrong too? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628653" class="comment"> <div class="body"> It has been over five months since I last posted my query regarding this matter. Is it an impossible question to answer? (I have since renamed the file on the server, to http://www.nhtf.net/CBS.LOG It's now smaller, weighing in at "only" 4 megs) </div> </div> <div data-id="1628654" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @magicandre1981--That did the trick. I had to update manually via Device Manager from ver to ver, and, for anyone else who has this issue, the Windows 8 x64 version of amd_sata.sys (WB64A folder) works fine for Windows 10 x64. Thank you very much for your help! </div> </div> <div data-id="1628655" class="comment"> <div class="body"> It doesn't work that way. You're not going to be able to. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628656" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Why does this not happen on computers, don't they also use binary? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628657" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Seems to be selectable for some sites. I think it depends what sort of custom font the site uses. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628658" class="comment"> <div class="body"> (Spinning) Hard drives have checks in the controller boards to catch these on the fly and fix, and magnetic has different rot properties. SSD storage, which largely is just a bunch of flash chips in a box, also has error detection and correction abilities. Also, because they are powered by the computer probably hold charges longer vs a chip unpowered in your pocket where things fade. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628659" class="comment"> <div class="body"> That was a good explanation, thanks:) </div> </div> <div data-id="1628661" class="comment"> <div class="body"> where is init.bat file </div> </div> <div data-id="1628662" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I can confirm the behavior, and would like an answer too. Skype will not ring my phone unless I sign off my computer. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628663" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I will remind you that leaving a comment, when you issue a vote on a question, is not required and voting is anonymous for a reason </div> </div> <div data-id="1628664" class="comment"> <div class="body"> You would have to modify the source of the program </div> </div> <div data-id="1628665" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Of course! It's simply useful, if I made an error that was worthy of a downvote I can only fix it or avoid making it again if I know what it is - otherwise the vote doesn't seem to achieve anything </div> </div> <div data-id="1628666" class="comment"> <div class="body"> This indeed is working but it places each converter movie out into the root directory. I mean that isn't a huge deal but would prefer to stay in the folder. I found the code I'm using so not big on understanding the conversion process. So If there is a way to keep it in the same folder as well as remove the original mkv after conversion would be amazing. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628667" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I also get this all the time, it doesn't affect quality or conversion but curious about it. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628668" class="comment"> <div class="body"> [mp4 @ 00000000020c07a0] Using AVStream.codec to pass codec parameters to muxers is deprecated, use AVStream.codecpar instead. Last message repeated 1 times [mp4 @ 00000000020c07a0] track 1: codec frame size is not set </div> </div> <div data-id="1628669" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Actually, transferring to the root is fine, would there be a way to just delete the original folder said movie is in. Then I won't have to go back through everything to remove dups and then can also use filebot for renaming. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628670" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Have you tried calling their support? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628672" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I do see adding this to the end del "%%~a" </div> </div> <div data-id="1628674" class="comment"> <div class="body"> This may work but I think it will just remove original file. for /R %%a in ("*.mkv") do ( ffmpeg.exe -i "%%a" -vcodec copy -acodec copy "%%~na .mp4" del "%%~a" ) pause Just tried this and happened to cancel the process and removed about 15 movies completely that are unrecoverable so this si one fun process lol </div> </div> <div data-id="1628675" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Nope. Completely reset the config file and restarted it. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628676" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I've had hit this sh*t vent on ArchLinux and Gentoo few times, while LightDM is from Ubuntu... Most of times it ended with bad config _or_ dependent libraries badly specified within lightdm package.. There should be one like lightdm-gdm as well... I've got no better ideas elsewise unfortunately. LightDM is always a real PITA for me as well, if this can encourage you. You should consider switching to https://launchpad.net/lightdm There are 1-2 log configuration parameters in LightDM you might look into, yet those has never helped me much (Because of log output not helpful at all) </div> </div> <div data-id="1628677" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Note that `sudo shutdown -h now` will not perform a very clean shutdown (e.g. you may lose unsaved changes in documents). A GUI-based shutdown (TeamViewer, VNC, etc) is better. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628678" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Sorry for the ignorance, but how can I find what is behind the "usb 1-1.6" port? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628679" class="comment"> <div class="body"> You need to examine your logs when the 1-1.6 device appears first time, when it gets enumerated. There should be more information. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628683" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Skipping is not as bad as blowing ears when using earphones, or the speakers at 200% volume, or which ever comes first :). Very useful when watching screencasts where you instinctively try to scroll what's in a video. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628685" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Just a heads up: this sounds very difficult, if possible at all. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628686" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I hope there's some kind of tool, like PowerPoint 2013+ does, it allows to view and interact with the presentation in extended screen and in pc screen :c </div> </div> <div data-id="1628688" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I will clarify it more: </div> </div> <div data-id="1628689" class="comment"> <div class="body"> You state one issue is no beeps, and then you list a collection of beeps. Based on Issue and Troubleshooting, it sounds like a power problem. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628690" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I guess I haven't specifically tested the CAPS LOCK key but CTRL+ALT+DEL didn't do anything nor did any other key mashing. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628691" class="comment"> <div class="body"> This is the best answer in my opinion. Using "Merge Formatting" works well. When I use the most upvoted answer, if the text I'm pasting contains line breaks, and I'm pasting it into a numbered list; this would put it as several list items. Using this instead makes it go into 1 list item. Thanks! </div> </div> <div data-id="1628692" class="comment"> <div class="body"> As @DavidW has said, there are very many possible reasons for this error and there is no one solution to fit them all, so some analysis is required. We cannot help you if you don't answer our questions. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628693" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I mean what is your computer, or at least what is the motherboard. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628694" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Please find the below link for a sample of data for clarity : https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8t0qDYyzyMuT1NOQ0pzWXVOTms/view?usp=sharing </div> </div> <div data-id="1628695" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I would like to thank you a lot for your answer, </div> </div> <div data-id="1628698" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Please find the below link for more clarity , please note that the tables where the ID and value are repeated in same sheet and other sheets also </div> </div> <div data-id="1628700" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Did you edit `/etc/freebsd-update.conf` to contain update.freebsd.org in lower-case? Because from your edit I see that you fail to obtain any mirrors. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628701" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Please note that the tables are repeated in the same sheet and other sheets also The ID is repeated in the ID Columns, and ID not have a master or list for the all IDs without repeating. Each sheet is representing a building and have many tables for Id and value, IDs might be exist in a table and not exist in the other So we need to have all IDs in a separated sheets without duplicates by formula if possible and calculate the sum for each ID in all tables in all sheets. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628702" class="comment"> <div class="body"> No I can't do it via windows firewall </div> </div> <div data-id="1628703" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Please check the below link as sample of data for clarity https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8t0qDYyzyMuT1NOQ0pzWXVOTms/view?usp=sharing Please you can update and upload and provide a link if possible </div> </div> <div data-id="1628704" class="comment"> <div class="body"> post more details about the hardware, post pictures of CPU-Z, maybe the RAM timings are bad. Also make sure the CPU/GPU don't overheat </div> </div> <div data-id="1628709" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Added the VBA i used in my query. Thanks for help </div> </div> <div data-id="1628710" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Actually, when running `dd if=/dev/disk2 of=mydisk.iso` on Yosemite I got `dd: /dev/disk2: No such file or directory.` But `dd if=/dev/disk1 of=mydisk.iso` worked, it's creating the image now. Why is that? The DVD is a bootable Linux DVD. Also, the first command gave `disk1 was already unmounted or it has a partitioning scheme so use "diskutil unmountDisk" instead`. Is this normal? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628711" class="comment"> <div class="body"> One fun process indeed @cyris69 - if you can capture the directory the file is stored in, then following conversion, you could use RD /Q to delete the directory. **NOTE** suggest you set up a test directory away from valuable files to play with this... using set Var=%CD% captures the **current** directory to %%Var%% </div> </div> <div data-id="1628713" class="comment"> <div class="body"> added the updated config - not screenshot but it's from the submit feature in cpu-z </div> </div> <div data-id="1628715" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I am elated by such features. Now, how to make sure my dad doesn't know? :P </div> </div> <div data-id="1628718" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Ah, yes, I missed that part. Loopback networking doesn't work like regular networking. To speed things up, a lot of steps are skipped, which probably includes most firewall stuff (including port forwarding). Instead, data is directly copied to the target application's memory. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628719" class="comment"> <div class="body"> IIRC you can't create a self-signed certificate that's not a CA. They aren't errors anyway, but warnings. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628720" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Please provide the virtual host config where the certificate is used. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628721" class="comment"> <div class="body"> How about you sit to the side, where you can turn your head to see the projector screen and the other way to see the audience? The audience will not be able to see your notebook screen if you side sideways on to them. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628722" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Please note that https://superuser.com is not a free script/code writing service. If you tell us what you have tried so far (include the scripts/code you are already using) and where you are stuck then we can try to help with specific problems. You should also read [How do I ask a good question?](https://superuser.com/help/how-to-ask). </div> </div> <div data-id="1628724" class="comment"> <div class="body"> can people help me understand why this post is downvoted? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628725" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Why would you want to restrict yourself to one outward-facing interface when you can easily have two? Just buy yourself a small USB/ethernet adapter (just a few bucks) and you will have three proper interfaces. This will be twice as fast: in your current (proposed) arrangement, you can only have one interface working out ot the two, at any given time, while following my suggestion you can have both exchanging data simultaneously. This is especially beneficial to your VoIP connections. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628726" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Thanks sir. However mine were in a Ruby folder so Terminal hinted: try this command instead: 'gem uninstall -i /Users/Rob/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.1@global cocoapods' </div> </div> <div data-id="1628728" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Welcome to Super User! Please read the question again carefully. Your answer does **not** answer the original question. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628732" class="comment"> <div class="body"> And, BTW, having two IPs on one/two interfaces is perfectly fine, provided you instruct your routing table to distinguish which packets go one way, and which go the other way. This is called **policy routing** or **source routing**, you can read about it here, http://blog.scottlowe.org/2013/05/29/a-quick-introduction-to-linux-policy-routing/ which is a simple introduction. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628736" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @raxacoricofallapatorius Uh, that's a bug. And proving that you should never upgrade to a point-zero release of OS X. This has been a good rule of thumb for over a decade. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628737" class="comment"> <div class="body"> The official site: http://kitty.9bis.net/ </div> </div> <div data-id="1628739" class="comment"> <div class="body"> What settings on the storage pool did you select? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628740" class="comment"> <div class="body"> It is not working based on "status updating" message </div> </div> <div data-id="1628746" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @DanielB - You certainly can create a self-signed certificate without a basicConstraint. Give it a try :-) You are right, they are warnings, but the it's difficult to guess what _all_ clients will do when faced with a TLS certificate that claims to be a CA cert too. Not to mention what the other extensions are set to. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628747" class="comment"> <div class="body"> The ncat message suggests the netsh portproxy is hitting some service that's actively denying the connection: *"Ncat: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it."* IPC/named pipes just means the OSI stack is skipped such that there is no need to add and then reverse the headers. If the interface was memory mapping we should see data writing out on the other end because the socket receiver is effectively a pointer waiting for a change in memory. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628748" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Currently i have no empty CD or pendrive nor the original installation medium. I wonder if mounting the Live CD iso in Windows using a disk image emulator like Virtual CloneDrive can help? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628749" class="comment"> <div class="body"> It’s not difficult at all, actually. It’s not trusted by default and then when you add it, it is. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628750" class="comment"> <div class="body"> It might be worth editing your question and adding the output of the following command: `openssl x509 -noout -text -in /etc/apache2/ssl/apache-selfsigned.crt` and your apache config file. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628752" class="comment"> <div class="body"> The ncat message does not indicate `netsh portproxy` is effective at all. In fact, I’d even say it hints at it not being effective. // I wrote copied, not mapped. The specifics depend on the OS. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628753" class="comment"> <div class="body"> You can mount it. And there are ext2 drivers for windows 7. But you can not just run the linux binaries on windows. You could install virtualisation software (birtual box, vmware player, ...), tell it to use a physical disk, boot from the ISO, mount the disk, then restore your LILO setup. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628754" class="comment"> <div class="body"> So in the case of virtualization software first i have to copy the iso to a free partition? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628755" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @DanielB - if `openssl.cnf` is configured as to generate a CA certificate, then there is a possibility (expectation?) that `keyCertSign` and `crlSign` keyUsage extensions are set, as opposed to`digitialSignature` and/or `keyEncipherment`, which should be set for a TLS certificate (depending on the cipher options expected to be used). If this is the case, a well implemented client should reject the certificate. It's a little more complex that just adding it. Of course, they may not be a keyUsage extension, in which case just adding it would work. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628756" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Fair enough, the message could definitely be an unreachable condition WSAEHOSTUNREACH as easily as a WSAECONNREFUSED. I'll write a quick little socket program to see what error I get back on connect. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628757" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @Mulligun81 no. If the VM can use your physical disk, then you can reinstall grub from the live linux session, onto your physical disk. If you do this method be extra careful not to alter the disk or partitions, and not to install the distro. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628758" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @Mulligun81 for the record, the VM method is risky. Much preferred to do it via an external media </div> </div> <div data-id="1628759" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Never underestimate the importance of using double quotes. However you really don't need the braces to set a variable. Just having `rm -vfr "$MY_PATH"` is perfectly fine. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628761" class="comment"> <div class="body"> How hot does the laptop get before it crashes? (Reason for asking: `the speed of the processor...` sounds like thermal throttling.) </div> </div> <div data-id="1628762" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Use cygwin lynx </div> </div> <div data-id="1628766" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I don’t think so. I also strongly believe this is not a job the VM software should do. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628767" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Indeed. @OP: Use firewall rules... </div> </div> <div data-id="1628768" class="comment"> <div class="body"> What did you already try? At which point in that did you get stuck? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628769" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I'm very newbie in excel i have no idea </div> </div> <div data-id="1628771" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Did you also run `update-grub` after changing its config file? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628773" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @Hennes: yes.. I did. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628774" class="comment"> <div class="body"> what do you mean you can't. It's not an option? It doesn't work? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628776" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Thanks. Coming from Windows, the point about how windows re-appear is critical. It has taken me a good long while to figure out the difference between minimize and hide -- honestly it seems terribly overcomplicated. One could say it's a Windows bias, but Ubuntu doesn't behave this way either. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628778" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I want to permanently decrypt it. Mounting works only in RO, since windows shut down in hibernation mode. I cant however fully shut down windows, as its partition is encrypted. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628779" class="comment"> <div class="body"> it feels quite hot actually; but still even if i just start my pc and run LoL it will still crush ( not enough time for pc to get hot ... at least thats what i think) </div> </div> <div data-id="1628780" class="comment"> <div class="body"> "NTFS" doesn't do anything, it is a file system type. You need to check what the OS you are using does while operating on a NTFS drive. ;) </div> </div> <div data-id="1628782" class="comment"> <div class="body"> The easiest way to collect all the Unique IDs I think is with VBA. If this is not acceptable, it's almost easier to just manually copy all IDs into the result list, and then use the "Remove duplicates" function. I'll write a VBA that does exactly that. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628783" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Ok, i will try, but yesterday is the first time it happened </div> </div> <div data-id="1628787" class="comment"> <div class="body"> it gives error as follow: nautilus: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgnome-autoar-0.so.0: undefined symbol: archive_entry_is_encrypted </div> </div> <div data-id="1628788" class="comment"> <div class="body"> The whole PC/laptop does not need to get hot. Just one part getting to hot is enough. E.g. if the i7-5700 gets to hot it will assert the PROCHOT line and stop processing. That might look like a freeze. To check if it is this or an other problem run something like coretemp of GPU-Z and keep them on a different screen than the game you are playeing (assuming you game full screen, else just put the windows next to eachother). And for completeness test with a few other programs like prime95 or CPU-Z, or a graphics benchmark (for both heat generation from CPU and GPU). </div> </div> <div data-id="1628789" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @DanielB OK, thanks for your hint, didn't yet note to do it but now. But, probably not getting any points for myself ... </div> </div> <div data-id="1628790" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @sigalor i was already trying to remove it but the problem it while I try to remove it gives some error as posted above. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628793" class="comment"> <div class="body"> There's no settings to be chosen; Open storage space manager -> Create new storage pool (none made before) -> UAC prompt -> Shows my unassigned HDDs -> The error you see. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628795" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Running RealTemp while playing rocket league got me these MAX temps which look high : 77°C - 82°C - 83°C - 79°C. So probably you are correct, thanks for the help! May i ask how i proceed from here? Do i contact my supplier or can i solve this alone ? Thanks again! </div> </div> <div data-id="1628796" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Is it possible you are still booting from */dev/sda5*? if you enter GRUB menu at boot, do you options to boot from (at least) different OSes? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628797" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Questions without an accepted answer get pushed to the front page periodically. That's why accepting an answer is important. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628798" class="comment"> <div class="body"> make that 89 - 90 -91-90 celcius </div> </div> <div data-id="1628800" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Welcome to Super User! Please note that https://superuser.com is not a free script/code writing service. If you tell us what you have tried so far (include the scripts/code you are already using) and where you are stuck then we can try to help with specific problems. You should also read [How do I ask a good question?](https://superuser.com/help/how-to-ask). </div> </div> <div data-id="1628802" class="comment"> <div class="body"> As mosh is an replacement, it is not always available nor installed by default. So I just wonder what can be done by tuning OpenSSH. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628803" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @GordonDavisson I do not have either </div> </div> <div data-id="1628804" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Also it seems mosh won't support "popular" ssh options, like `-L` and `-R` tunneling, and as such won't replace SSH as used by other tools. It may however support basic usage, eg. as of `rsync`, one have to try out... </div> </div> <div data-id="1628805" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @RDP <quote>Is it really necessary to repeat the first command twice?</quote> I don't remember, and documentation has changed see [https://www.virtualbox.org/manual/ch09.html#idm7495] </div> </div> <div data-id="1628807" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Did you try to use Fn+Up(Down) arrow instead of Page Up(Down)? Many times it works. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628808" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @MariusMatutiae: I boot from /dev/sda7, but yes, thanks to your suggestion, I double checked what's in /boot/grub/grub.cfg and found out that in the kernel line it still says `linux /boot/vmlinuz-3.16.0-34-generic root=UUID=7919b2c3-ab89-4317-9326-e2b8fd540102` which is the UUID of /dev/sda5. I changed it to sda7 UUID and things is fine now. So even if I modified fstab, the parameter in grub.cfg prevails! </div> </div> <div data-id="1628809" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @JamieHanrahan How? Is everyone in on some conspiracy to leave out easy solutions? There was a similar issue with google not supporting transparent proxy setting... Can you enlighten me as to why the pipe concept is too much to ask for? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628810" class="comment"> <div class="body"> To me it sounds as if there should be a way to configure the VM network such that the host is a router for the guest, and in that case, you should be able to use `iptables` on the host to suppress routing of guest messages to unwanted IP addresses. -- I am suggesting this because I consider it a cleaner approach than restricitng IP addresses on the guest (in many scenarios at least); however, you're not specifying what you would consider a "more correct way" and why. You'll open the door for more helpful answers if you clarify what you're aiming at. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628811" class="comment"> <div class="body"> spot on. UPVOTED! :) </div> </div> <div data-id="1628812" class="comment"> <div class="body"> how are u?u tried something? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628813" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Keep in mind: Increasing the TX power will degrade the signal quality. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628814" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I wonder if this is because they were stupid or evil... </div> </div> <div data-id="1628815" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Why the down vote? Please comment </div> </div> <div data-id="1628817" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Max temp before auto shutoff for this CPU is 105C. (See http://ark.intel.com/products/87716/Intel-Core-i7-5700HQ-Processor-6M-Cache-up-to-3_50-GHz?q=I7%205700%20HQ). But yes, that is high. Are the air vents clean? No dust in the heat sink? Etc? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628818" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I cannot see how this even tries to answer the question. You just name some programs and that's it. Neither does what the OP wants anyway. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628820" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Modify to use `find … -print0 | xargs -0 …` you can tell it to only find symlinks. You can even add extra filters in the pipeline. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628821" class="comment"> <div class="body"> What did you tried till now? Did you try to unplug and plug it again? Please [edit] your question adding some info about your OS, the version, and maybe the model of the mouse. Did you try with another mouse? ... ah last suggestion It Is Not Needed To Capitalize Each Word. `;-)` </div> </div> <div data-id="1628823" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @GordonDavisson - Absolutely. Though I did not explicitly say so, I ordered my solutions by preference, and incidentally reverse order of the amount that would need to be installed. You were quite right to mention other remote desktop software, and I have modified my answer to reflect this. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628824" class="comment"> <div class="body"> This has nothing to do with UEFI vs BIOS, and more to do with what they chose to support on this particular model. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628825" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Thanks, I know this. But as I said at the beginning of my question, I am specifically talking about the situation after restarting Outlook. I have to restart it quite often, so expanding it once and then never closing Outlook is not an option for me. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628826" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Glad you found a solution. Rather than edit the question, you should submit your own answer and accept it. This is normal practice on the site, and it allows anyone finding the question to see immediately that it has an answer. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628827" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Backup (documents, drivers and licence keys), nuke and full reinstall. It's a pain but the only 100% effective solution I'm afraid. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628829" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @Ramhound does the surface line have a keyboard button? I'm talking about an ancient app from like 2003 that probably doesn't use the keyboard apis. I'm using a chuwi hipro 8. I know how to bring up the keyboard normally in normal apps, just specific fullscreen games don't work. I don't have access to any of the normal windows UI while inside the app. It's full screen. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628830" class="comment"> <div class="body"> No way to retain folder state across sessions in this dialog, sorry. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628831" class="comment"> <div class="body"> This didn't work for me, but two small modifications fixed it. Make the first line `#right:return` and the second `#left::return`. The `+` breaks the key mapping, apparently including the literal plus key in the hotkey definition. As for `return`, without that, control flow falls down into the following definition. An immediate `return` causes AHK to do nothing with the keystroke, as the OP wanted. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628832" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Thank you for the reply. I've tried a different PSU with no avail. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628833" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Do you have so many networks in the vicinity that the list is too short? In that case, you could try setting up the connection manually. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628834" class="comment"> <div class="body"> i'll give it a try and comment thanks. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628835" class="comment"> <div class="body"> You can access the boot menu from the BIOS. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628836" class="comment"> <div class="body"> It might be fixed in the latest Clonezilla. See this thread: https://sourceforge.net/p/clonezilla/discussion/Clonezilla_live/thread/b2667447/ </div> </div> <div data-id="1628838" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @Cat I already did, this is where I made changed the boot order and the other settings </div> </div> <div data-id="1628839" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Correct me if I'm wrong, you can change boot order at BIOS Setup, the boot menu can be accessed by pressing F10 or by another key. [link](https://open-systems.ufl.edu/files/vmi_boot_menu.png) </div> </div> <div data-id="1628841" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Ok If press F10 and then boot from USB, there is the same error (0xc000000f) </div> </div> <div data-id="1628843" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @krispy - But only works if you want static home pages. For me I want it to be where I left off without the annoying additional page. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628845" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I don't see any such option https://i.stack.imgur.com/fgFje.png </div> </div> <div data-id="1628846" class="comment"> <div class="body"> reduce the RAM speed to DDR3-1337/666MHz and not 1600/800MHz. also look for a firmware update of the Corsair Force GS SSD </div> </div> <div data-id="1628847" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Removing the entire `.Trash` folder should be enough? I don’t get how you managed to break it though. Was there something in the `.Trash` folder when you executed the command? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628848" class="comment"> <div class="body"> See if the /System/Library/Filesystems/fusefs_txantfs.fs directory exists. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628849" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Plagued with this issue for 2 years... THANK YOU! </div> </div> <div data-id="1628850" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Intel ECG3510M only supports DDR2 RAM. Going for an upgrade I suggest going for what is compatible for your Intel Core 2 Duo E7200 processor. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628851" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @DanielB OK, and now even got 10 + 5 points, great! Thanks! </div> </div> <div data-id="1628853" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I must warn you: I’ve experienced ReFS fail in strange ways. Because it’s so awesome, there are no official recovery tools available. A reboot solved it, but it almost gave me a heart attack. Do not use ReFS. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628854" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Execute the following command in PowerShell and provide the output: `Get-PhysicalDisk | ft FriendlyName, UniqueId -auto`. Also, what controller are the disks connected to? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628855" class="comment"> <div class="body"> You simply need to use network sharing. If there is a single directory where all the videos are to reside directly or in subdirectories, share this. I suggest you use the 4TB drive for video storage. If you need access from a machine which is not running Windows, you will need to have `samba` installed. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628856" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Ok, I wasn't set on ReFS and after reading into it more I'll wait until Server 2016 gets released with (probably) an updated version that'll trickle down to Windows Pro as well. `FriendlyName UniqueId ------------ -------- WDC WD20EFRX-68AX9N0 INTEL SSDSC2BW120A4 WDC WD20EFRX-68AX9N0 WDC WD80EFZX-68UW8N0 WDC WD80EFZX-68UW8N0 ` </div> </div> <div data-id="1628857" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I see, and a program like Premiere Pro. Will it see it as a hard drive that I can pull data from? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628858" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Yes, but it will work a lot faster if you copy to local storage while you're working on it, then copy back the edited version. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628859" class="comment"> <div class="body"> They are all connected to my Motherboards S-ATA AHCI controller. All via SATA III as well. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628860" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Does the upstream router support Prefix Delegation? Because if it doesn’t, this never going to work. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628861" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Good deal, I'll give that a try as well. Last night I forget I had Remove Empty Directories program installed and was using that for the time being. I also noticed since I didn't trust this running while I couldn't watch it that if I did ctrl c to use as a pause (choice of terminating or not the batch job using y/n) that it would still remove the just started next or current movie even if I attempted to resume. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628862" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Sadly the page to download doesn't seem to function [Internal Server Error](https://cygwin.com/cgi-bin2/package-cat.cgi?file=x86_64%2Flynx%2Flynx-2.8.7-2&grep=lynx) </div> </div> <div data-id="1628863" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Hm so they do have unique unique IDs. That’s not it, then. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628864" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @DanielB I am not sure but the IPv6 connectivity worked with the router of my former flatmate (on the place of my current TP-Link router). </div> </div> <div data-id="1628865" class="comment"> <div class="body"> So today I tried to re-create the problem at my end with a Kali Linux VM, but I haven't been able to, the connection is fine when using my wireless adapter. I have come across a few more ideas though, so I'll leave the chat window open if you wish to discuss things further :) </div> </div> <div data-id="1628866" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @jm666 You can install it from brew: `brew cask install keycastr` </div> </div> <div data-id="1628867" class="comment"> <div class="body"> The thing is I need multiple people to be able to work with the files at once. But surely over CAT5 we'll be fast enough to do that? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628869" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Yes the laptop is fairly new so pretty sure that the fans are clean. I still think it is related to something Geforce drivers and LoL/CS:GO because they the only two games that crush. But thanks for your help ! Wish me luck :P </div> </div> <div data-id="1628871" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Hm. Are you sure the previous router was actually a router and not, say, a switch? Perhaps you need to explicitly allow PD for specific devices in the upstream router. What make and model is the upstream router? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628872" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Same error happens even if I only choose one of the 8TB drives, whereas it's entirely possible with the one 2TB drive by itself. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628873" class="comment"> <div class="body"> For Windows Server the fix works without restarting </div> </div> <div data-id="1628874" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @Hastur yes it doesn't work </div> </div> <div data-id="1628875" class="comment"> <div class="body"> yes, there were some files that couldn't be deleted. the above command didn't clear the trash, but I think has done something with deleting files behavior!!! which bypass the files from going to trash! instead warn to delete them permanently. I tried this command:`sudo rm -rf ~/.Trash /Volumes/*/.Trashes` which cleared trash. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628876" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @DanielB Well, it turns out that it was probably configured as a switch. I have just found my end devices in the list of DHCP leases of the upstream router (as expired). The upstream router seems to be Comtrend VR-3026e (I do not have physical access to it at the moment). </div> </div> <div data-id="1628878" class="comment"> <div class="body"> All the more reason for using a local copy: you said you want the videos "to edit with", which to me implies that you will be creating new videos using the existing ones as clips, rather than overwriting them. I always make sure I keep original source material: in your environment I would place them in write-protected directories, with writable directories assigned to each user for the produced videos. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628879" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Just saying... you are not the only one... my friend just posted something similar on FB so I guess its a bug. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628880" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Yes, OS X falls back to deleting directly when it deems the Trash corrupted. What’s the output of `ls -lO` (that’s a lowercase L and an uppercase o) in the `.Trash` folder you can’t remove? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628884" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Works as expected. Great, thanks. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628885" class="comment"> <div class="body"> thank you @DavidPostill, there are lots of ideas there and the question is rather similar, should I mark this as fixed now? Sorry it is my first question on this forum </div> </div> <div data-id="1628886" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @Chinggis6 Only the package search page is broken. Download and install cygwin from this page [Installing and Updating Cygwin Packages](https://cygwin.com/install.html). Make sure you select the lynx package when installing. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628887" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I'll always go with putting OpenWrt on a home router, but in this case, your immediate problem is that the upstream Comtrend whatever router is misbehaving. That's what you need to look at. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628888" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @echo_salik OK, thanks for the info, I also thought probably not being the only one in the world with this, lol ... </div> </div> <div data-id="1628890" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @scruss As of version 0.34.0, `pdfimages -list` provides explicitely `x-ppi` and `y-ppi`, as well as many other informations. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628891" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @fixer1234 Good question ... one that'll be left as an exercise for the reader/OP. Quiz in the morning. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628892" class="comment"> <div class="body"> This fixed my problem. Other resources suggested using an `offset` parameter, which didn't work when combined with this, but using _only_ `sizelimit` set to the number of bytes (bytes * sectors) worked like a charm, even for non-CoreStorage partitions </div> </div> <div data-id="1628893" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @terdon The answer is surely not silly, your comment instead is simply naive. Shell scripts are terrible to debug compared to Perl and such, for which one can easily use complete IDEs with graphical debugging and all. Additionally, most of the scripts written every day for some small thing to do tend to be changed and changed all over again, grow, are copied as examples to colleagues or the net etc. There's most likely no reason to take such a risk. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628894" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Hi DavidPostill ! No of course it's not running! i even checked the task manager. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628895" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Use a right-align tab stop? [When a tab is not just a tab, part 2: right tabs](http://legalofficeguru.com/right-tabs-in-word/) </div> </div> <div data-id="1628897" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Dear Tim De Baets! yes, apparently it worked! i only needed to let WPM to pick the songs up in its library! i couldn't believe how it lost its indexing through editing playlists. Anyway Thanks </div> </div> <div data-id="1628898" class="comment"> <div class="body"> hmm no install candidate in deb. What replaced it now? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628900" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Indeed it now does, @SkippyleGrandGourou : about five years after the question was asked. pdfimages still doesn't apply that resolution/size to images it extracts, though. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628901" class="comment"> <div class="body"> nvm mind got it libav-tools </div> </div> <div data-id="1628902" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I ll be able to reply as soon as i have a new motherboard. problem found. mini resistor cracked with bubble in it. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628903" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Possibly for not checking the cheapskate's work before he left :/ He saved half the cost on cabling, I bet he split the pairs wherever he could, to adjacent sockets. He wired 100 base-t not 1000 base-t, which is going to be painfully slow in this day & age. Unless that's what he specified, I'd have him back at his expense. If, on the other hand, he ran full cables to all sockets but only half wired it, then he's a $%^&* & you should let him know what you think of him. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628905" class="comment"> <div class="body"> **P**lease **D**on't **W**rite **I**n **A**ll **T**itle **C**ase, unless it really ***is*** a book title. Makes it painful to try to read :/ </div> </div> <div data-id="1628909" class="comment"> <div class="body"> "devastation on my network"... which part of 'your network'? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628913" class="comment"> <div class="body"> The browser will still work. Note it says "Block all **unsolicited** incoming traffic" When you ask for a web page that means the returned page is **solicited** and the traffic will be allowed. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628914" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @ThorstenSchöning I said *a little* silly. If this were [Unix.se] or even [so] I might even agree. If we're talking about general best practice, or professional programmers, of course it's best to stick to basic POSIX sh. However, this is [su], a site aimed at end users and telling people to never use bash or zsh when writing shell scripts is, in my opinion, extreme. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628917" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @terdon It is actually *more* important, in my opinion, to discourage end users from writing complex shell scripts. Professionals have a higher skill level on average (thus they are more likely to be able to cope with the pitfalls of complex shell scripting), should know with some precision which environments they need to be portable to, and are being paid not to give up in frustration. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628918" class="comment"> <div class="body"> (I would still give exactly the same advice to professionals, but with the understanding that they will know the exceptions when they trip over them.) </div> </div> <div data-id="1628919" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Though not a duplicate, I would refer you to my answer to this - http://superuser.com/questions/854588/fix-sd-card-that-cannot-be-formatted - the same applies to any flash-based storage medium; they suffer either slow degradation or catastrophic failure & are *really* not recommended for long-term storage. The modern paradigm is, "Any data not stored in at least three distinct locations ought to be considered temporary." which would say that just one stationary computer is two too few; one local backup & also one online backup if you really want your data to survive long-term. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628920" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @zwol sure, writing complete shell scripts is almost always a good sign that you should probably be using a real language instead. However, the vast majority of Linux (as opposed to general *nix) users don't know any programming languages. They just know a tiny bit of bash, if that. And that tiny bit probably includes basic things like `[[` or here strings and whatnot that should never ever be used in serious scripts but are fine for the everyday tasks of a single user machine. As I said above, had you posted this on U&L I wouldn't disagree, but the audience here is different. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628921" class="comment"> <div class="body"> So how would I go about setting up the SAMBA install? Do you recommend a version of Windows that's best for this kind of thing? Is it worth using a windows server OS? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628922" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I'd like to accept your answer, but for some reason I can no longer reproduce the problem. Have an upvote because I'm sure this will help. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628924" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Fedora 26 is not released and therefore there are not build third party codecs and similar. Use some of the released versions (and supported) to get full features. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628927" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I think we're being a bit harsh on the OP here - the question may not be clear, but that's because the comprehension of the potential 'threat' is a reinforced meme, rather than a technical enquiry. I work helpline for an online MMORPG & this is a common fear; that the user may be "tracked home" by a bad actor. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628932" class="comment"> <div class="body"> https://i.stack.imgur.com/6llFF.png is the output of doing systemctl status lightdm </div> </div> <div data-id="1628933" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I have tried the other Methods but nothing happened so far. With Method 3, I do not see Bluetooth in my Control Panel. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628934" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I don't think so. it's related to OS. As questioner says in comments *If I'm in Excel and hold down Alt I see the tooltips. But if I Alt+Tab, no tooltips. If Excel was getting the keydown and nothing else, wouldn't the tooltips still appear?* this refutes your guess. Furthermore, some users don't have this problem. so it must be solvable. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628935" class="comment"> <div class="body"> By logs you don't mean `dmesg`? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628936" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @scruss Actually, it seems that the resolution given by `pdfimages` can be quite off (e.g. when the image is larger than its visible area, in a PDF produced by `scribus`). (Unfortunately I really don't have time to file a bug report now.) </div> </div> <div data-id="1628937" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Which is nice, but doesn't work in the file selector, which is actually the main place where I end up wanting it. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628938" class="comment"> <div class="body"> If the "usb 1-1.6" fault appears in something called "dmesg", then the enumeration also should appear there. I have no idea, you need to find a Linux expert on how to get kernel logs with proper USB-related verbosity. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628939" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Possible duplicate of http://superuser.com/questions/1003672/windows-10-updater-doesnt-work-0x80080005-and-windows-updater-service-wont-s?rq=1 </div> </div> <div data-id="1628941" class="comment"> <div class="body"> You can't edit/delete it even after copying/moving/renaming? If so, its either virus/antivirus or [NTFS file permissions](https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb727008.aspx). </div> </div> <div data-id="1628942" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Thank you. I refactored my design to be a little bit simpler and also incorporated what you offered here, leading to the correct answer. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628943" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Yeah, but I'd like to install just `Lynx` without having to install the whole `Cygwin`, but thanks I didn't know it is included in Cygwin, I'll try it through Cygwin now </div> </div> <div data-id="1628945" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I suggest using the Reset feature to fix your system corruption. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628946" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I've edited my answer, try see if it works now. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628947" class="comment"> <div class="body"> rootfs is a type of ramdisk. disk partition resizing is completely irrelevant to the question. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628948" class="comment"> <div class="body"> If you cannot get a GUI after choosing "Safe Mode", then you'll have to use a Linux live USB to recover your files, then reinstall Windows. If you do get a GUI then go to device manager and select action->show hidden devices, then uninstall your faulty driver. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628949" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Welcome to Super User! Please read [How do I recommend software](https://meta.superuser.com/questions/5329/how-do-i-recommend-software-in-my-answers/5330#5330) for some tips as to how you should go about recommending software. You should provide at least a link, some additional information about the software itself, and how it can be used to solve the problem in the question. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628951" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Test with classic Alt+Tab by holding left Alt, press and releasing right Alt (while holding left Alt yet), and then holding Tab and see if problem persists. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628953" class="comment"> <div class="body"> You probably have open log files. They won't be deleted from disk until the daemon closes them. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628956" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @Tom: It's available in 2016, at least. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628959" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Note for Debian its grub-reboot but for rhel its grub2-reboot. This should work in essence he wants a login option that runs a script which then executes grub reboot 4 </div> </div> <div data-id="1628960" class="comment"> <div class="body"> You still havent mentioned your distro for linux. Im happy to test for the specific distro but need to know debian rhel or what? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628961" class="comment"> <div class="body"> In settings is the answer. Must be something you're missing. Check cookies too. If your unfamiliar with advanced settings you can just reinstall Chrome too. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628963" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @harrymc After running without addons I cant get it to crash, I think that my adblocker (adblock plus) is causing issues. That really stinks. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628964" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Dainel B: thanks for your response - on my other PC where everything is fine the list is currently 14 WiFi networks. Are you saying new ones might be bumping old ones and so on because of some limitations of the list size? I tried creating my network manually already anyway - didn't help. Here's a screenshot illustrating my WiFi network present in inSSIDer yet missing from the Windows list: https://s22.postimg.org/m4fy4yfg1/Wi_Fi.png </div> </div> <div data-id="1628965" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Somebody else downvoted you both immediately and i downvoted you after concluding that your answers were wrong. If laptop has power but no CMOS i do NOT lose settings in bios upon reboot. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628966" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I like this idea for its recognition that we have multi-window SSH clients (or sometimes go and log in directly on the machine). It's quite flexible if you use something like Bitvise and have multiple terminal windows open - you can turn individual screen windows into separate physical windows. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628967" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Perhaps a better discription if power down and id remove down vote. I lose BIOS settings if laptop battery is dead and laptop is unplugged but not simply powered off. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628972" class="comment"> <div class="body"> What version of Excel? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628973" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Also, `if ! VBoxManage showvminfo VMNAME --machinereadable | egrep '^VMState="poweroff"$' > /dev/null; then ...` </div> </div> <div data-id="1628974" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Have you tried restarting? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628975" class="comment"> <div class="body"> This is more of a comment then an actual answer </div> </div> <div data-id="1628976" class="comment"> <div class="body"> So what's your question? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628977" class="comment"> <div class="body"> This doesn't necessarily mean that the hard drive is a total loss. It could be just a boot problem. The first step is to see if the drive is still operational. A couple of ways to do this: 1) Remove the drive and use a USB adapter or enclosure to connect it as an external drive on another computer. Check it there to see if it's working and you can see the directories and files on it. 2) Burn a Linux distro to a DVD or flash drive on another computer. Boot into a live session on you computer. See if the hard drive is detected and still has its contents. The results will define the next step. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628978" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Mirrors have nothing to do with it: there are no Win32 binaries on mirrors as well. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628979" class="comment"> <div class="body"> WARNING: I just installed this on Windows 10 x64, I locked my drive, but now I can't eject that DVD drive, neither from Windows nor with the eject button, even if I unlocked it, closed LockCD app, and uninstalled it! </div> </div> <div data-id="1628980" class="comment"> <div class="body"> If you are running Windows, you do not need `samba`, which I said is needed for **non**-Windows machines. Any Windows which supports the video editor you prefer will be suitable: all other things being equal, choose the latest, Win10/1607. As a footnote, if you are new to video editing, I would add that I have always found Adobe products particularly difficult to learn and use: unless you are already familiar with Premiere, I would recommend a so-called "entry-level" product, like Corel VideoStudio, which is intuitive, but powerful, and handles a particularly wide range of media formats. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628981" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Seems that you are after a result, but not really using Excel for any particular reason, correct? </div> </div> <div data-id="1628985" class="comment"> <div class="body"> i think capabilities(7) doesn't use xattrs. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628986" class="comment"> <div class="body"> SUBTOTAL offers 11 built-in functions, all mathematical. Since Excel 2010, I believe, AGGREGATE is similar, offering 19 functions, but again, all mathematical. Even pivot table functions are mathematical. I'm not aware of a general function of a similar type that allows you to specify string operations as a parameter setting. This can be done in Excel (or other applications), but not in the manner you describe. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628988" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Channel 13, huh. That is also a potential problem because it's not legal in many countries. Try moving you network to another channel. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628989" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Also, verify that you aren't operating in incognito mode. </div> </div> <div data-id="1628990" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Does your provider alcatel router include the media converter, or is that seperate? (If its seperate, you can ditch the alcatel router altogether). </div> </div> <div data-id="1628991" class="comment"> <div class="body"> If you are keeping both, you would typically connect the LAN of the Fibre router to the WAN of the TPLink router, but you will need to modify the LAN interface on one device - they can't both be in 192.168.x.x (where x.x overlap as is the case here [ i've simplified my answer to ignore talking about netmasks etc). I'd suggest renumbering one onto 10.x.x.x) </div> </div> <div data-id="1628993" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @davidgo regarding your first question, see my edit, hope it makes it clearer </div> </div> <div data-id="1628994" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Daniel B: Spot on! Just tried a few other channels and it worked straight away. Interestingly whenever my router is set for Auto it seems to always choose #13 (tried twice). Leaving it at #3 for now. Much appreciated ) </div> </div> <div data-id="1628996" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Ok I edited my initial post </div> </div> <div data-id="1628997" class="comment"> <div class="body"> This happens to me when I CTRL+Z to background VIM, once again, confirm this works. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629001" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I tried something with mapfile already but it seems mapfile is not build in on OS X 10.12 So I think other solution is more "portable" </div> </div> <div data-id="1629002" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Did you design it at 128 px and then resize it using a simple fraction, like 1/3 for 48 px? That would give you a border at 48 px because the icon would come out 43 px. The border would be preserved if you repeat the process on the 48 px version to get 16 px. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629003" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @NIoSaT Sorry about that. `mapfile` does require bash 4.0 (circa 2009) or better. Mac OSX uses bash 3.2 which dates to 2006. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629004" class="comment"> <div class="body"> It would be better to use bridge mode on the Alcatel device. Look up the model and "bridge mode" and you'll probably find something. That should turn the Alcatel into a glorified modem, and leave all the routing to the TP-Link. Then you plug in from LAN of Alcatel to WAN of TP-Link. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629006" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Some routers have DHCP forwarders, if yours does, make sure it's pointing at ``. Some devices might have issues getting an IP otherwise. If there's no forwarding option, you're _probably_ fine. Also, you should consider turning the firewall and routing services off on the second router, if you can. It's acting as an AP, so it doesn't need them. Finally, make sure you also point the secondary router (the AP) at `` as its default gateway. That way it can still do it's own thing, like checking the time and for updates (if that's supported). </div> </div> <div data-id="1629009" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @MagnaVis For some reason some options in the alcatel router are disabled (greyed out), for example port settings, see http://i.imgur.com/FFRp8uy.png Also I remember the guy that installed it told me that I can't set it to bridge mode or something of the likes.. any ideas? (Btw Device name: G-240W-A and Vendor is Alcatel_Lucent, taken from the alcatel info page. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629010" class="comment"> <div class="body"> yeah OS X has some outdated stuff... </div> </div> <div data-id="1629011" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Contact their support or use Google-Fu. Many of those routers have logins and passwords that are related to the serial or MAC address. It's likely that you'll be able to get yourself some access to make those changes. I had to do something similar with my FiOS box from Verizon. I think the login was the last 6 of the MAC. SUPER secure. ;) </div> </div> <div data-id="1629012" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Are you suggesting there is another user that have full-access? I'm currently using the user on the sticker on the back of the router, user is `userAdmin`. Also why would they disable such options? edit: interesting, found this in the manual: The default username and password are printed on the ONT. The default user name is userAdmin. The default superuser name is AdminGPON. Contact Alcatel-Lucent for the superuser password. edit2: found the password for AdminGPON and all options are not greyed out now.. why would they disable bridging from regular admins? :-| </div> </div> <div data-id="1629013" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @FreeSoftwareServers OK, ok, accepted ... I may not have been facing just such case during some time ... </div> </div> <div data-id="1629015" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Still going to configure all of this tomorrow so I wouldn't mind hearing your opinions on whats best, so far from what I gather here, either connect `alcatel` lan to `tp-link` wan (without bridging), or do it with bridging, personally i'm not sure what's the difference, excuse my ignorance in this matter. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629016" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Does grammar checking come with later versions of ms word? </div> </div> <div data-id="1629017" class="comment"> <div class="body"> It was a file from the Windows.old folder, I ran the Disk Clean-up, which deleted everything in this folder except this file </div> </div> <div data-id="1629018" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I am the owner of the file and have the full read/write permissions of it. And disabling the anti virus doesn't doesn't unlock the file </div> </div> <div data-id="1629019" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @ejbytes Version is ... Office 365? 16.0.7167? And yes, I'm not using Excel for any particular reason in this particular case (the original data was sitting around in a text file) but I have wanted to do this sort of thing in Excel in the past. It's tough in SQL too, so I've brought the data into Excel ... and still got stuck. This time I asked a question about it.... </div> </div> <div data-id="1629020" class="comment"> <div class="body"> As an interim guess, the disk probabaly is otherwise in good condition, but has lost the boot connection route, and needs a bootable install DVD/USB-stick for booting and from there getting into the boot correction procedure ... </div> </div> <div data-id="1629021" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Is Col1 always sorted? </div> </div> <div data-id="1629022" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @Atzmon - yes, because that's required for the automatic subtotaling to work, so that can be assumed ... </div> </div> <div data-id="1629023" class="comment"> <div class="body"> That definitely paints a different picture, and I have previously encountered the exact same scenario. I updated my answer with what I did before to solve that problem. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629025" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Yes, some housekeeping would probably be a solution for this problem ... But, why not also Windows' disk cleaning procedure, and also chkdsk /f or maybe rather even /r . </div> </div> <div data-id="1629026" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Still no fix as of Oct '16. Looking like Microsoft won't be sorting this issue. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629029" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I edited it. To clarify, I just want to know where to install / what commands I need to install graphics drivers. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629032" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Linux is based on an open source model and a lot of drivers are proprietary. Linux users eventually become adept at the process of locating drivers. Some places to look first: the computer OEM web site, the hardware manufacturer's web site, Linux forums (where other people have already dealt with the same issue). AMD has driver downloads here: http://support.amd.com/en-us/download/linux. Google also revealed this at our sister site, Ask Ubuntu: https://askubuntu.com/questions/330030/amd-radeon-hd-7310-hdmi-functionality-on-any-ubuntu </div> </div> <div data-id="1629033" class="comment"> <div class="body"> BTW, I don't use Ubuntu, but the drivers may be available in their repository. I think Ubuntu is pretty good about including proprietary drivers (some distros, like Debian, you need to access a separate repository for proprietary stuff, referred to as "non-free" for non-open source). Open the Software Center or Synaptic and search for radeon. If you can load it from your package manager, you will have the advantage that the system will maintain it for you. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629036" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I'm Interested in searching "G1" or "G2" till G4 in the cells B6 to H6. And if any of the cells B6 to H6 has "G1" or "G2" or "G3" or "G4", then the cells B6 to H6 should change to the color which I would specify in the conditional formatting. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629037" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Yes, difficult to advice, if not knowing some essential details, desktop/laptop, regular/wireless/laptop mouse, OS etc. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629039" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @MosheKatz Thanks for the clarification. Admittedly this is my first laptop with an UEFI :D </div> </div> <div data-id="1629040" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @airstrike, I tried your formula but I don't think it's solving my problem. I've added a comment to the question, you can have a look at it for a better understanding of the question. I think using just B6 in the formula =SUM(--ISNUMBER(FIND(Matches,B6))) is not helping to highlight all the cells from B6 to H6. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629041" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Hi, I tried using this. But the issue is i was successful in coloring just one cell and that's the cell in which I'm writing "G1" or "G2"... "G4". What I want to get done is that on typing "G1"......"G4" in any of the cells from B6:H6 should color all the cells B6:H6. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629043" class="comment"> <div class="body"> ansible is good for a single machine configuration. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629044" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @harrymc It is a Gigabyte X79-UP4. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629045" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Do you mean that if ANY of the cells have G1-4 then ALL of the cells turn green? That's a different story altogether. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629049" class="comment"> <div class="body"> reduced the RAM speed, but the ssd firmware was already up-to-date according to the Corsair SSD toolbox. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629050" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Yes airstrike. That's the point. All the cells should turn green. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629051" class="comment"> <div class="body"> You can wither provide me a solution to this, or I'll put it the other way round. As the inputs in the cells B6 to H6 will be G1-4 so if all of the cells B6 to H6 are empty (null value) then the color of the targeted cells shouldn't change. And if any of the cells B6 to H6 has any value, then all the cells, B6 to H6 should turn green. This I want as a secondary solution. My original problem remains the same. As mentioned by you in the point above, @airstrike. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629052" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @HimanshuShekhar =SUM(COUNTIF($B$6:$H$6,{"G1","G2","G3","G4"})) </div> </div> <div data-id="1629053" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Please help: `./yuv4mpeg_to_v4l2 < /dev/video0 &` leads to `./yuv4mpeg_to_v4l2: : missing YUV4MPEG2 header`. How to replace `/tmp/pipe` by `/dev/video0` ? </div> </div> <div data-id="1629054" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I modified `/etc/freebsd-update.conf`, and the issus is same with `FreeBSD RC3` edition. Please refer `Update2` in OP, thanks! </div> </div> <div data-id="1629055" class="comment"> <div class="body"> My firewall allow incoming Tcp connection on the port 22.But when I use port 22, it says \'Permission denied, please try again.' while port 2222 is ok. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629056" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Is this like Jeopardy where every issue has to be in the form of a question? Did I need to say "How do I get this firmware installed?" </div> </div> <div data-id="1629058" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Would it be a duplicate of this question http://askubuntu.com/questions/17823/how-to-list-all-installed-packages (the answer details on how to get the list, and how to get them re-installed in a new system). Note: This is just the packages not including any fine-tuning or server configuration. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629060" class="comment"> <div class="body"> They also have much cheaper kits if you don't need more than 100Mbps or so. You can get two [LBE-M5-23](https://www.ubnt.com/airmax/litebeam-m5/)'s for around $100. The NBE-M5-16 is just a few dollars more (about $65 per end), easier to install, and more rugged. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629062" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Clever and easy to set up! Self-maintaining as the table changes too. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629063" class="comment"> <div class="body"> `(setq vc-handled-backends (remove 'Git vc-handled-backends))` </div> </div> <div data-id="1629065" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I cannot reproduce this problem on Linux using the current version of GNU grep: 2.26. You may want to see if you can update your software: [version 2.5.4 dates to 2009](http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/grep/) </div> </div> <div data-id="1629066" class="comment"> <div class="body"> According to your formal example (with the sigma sums), `h` is constant. Want you actually want is an algorithm to find all valid sets of `i,j` for a given `k`, such that `k=i+j`. Sounds like a math problem. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629067" class="comment"> <div class="body"> adjusting ram speed to 1337/666 did not make a difference. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629068" class="comment"> <div class="body"> "You may not use reference operators (such as unions, intersections, and ranges) or array constants for conditional formatting criteria." That's the error I got, after I run the formula above. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629069" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @FreeSoftwareServers Restart, and power off, are not the same thing, and from your comments, it does not seem, that you are being completely truthful, about what you are actually doing. Both of our answers are valid, in real world situations, and much closer to how computers really work, than your suggested experience. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629070" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Better description and more clarity would probably be more relevant in the question, than the answer. Your comments and questions seem to contradict each other slightly. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629071" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I consider my computer powered off when its ... turned off. Laptops and Desktops are quite different in respect to one has an internal battery. The question clearly states I have a laptop. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629072" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @AFH - many thanks for the tip - I shall do so </div> </div> <div data-id="1629073" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Like in the picture you would put the range to which you want the conditional formatting to apply in the Applies to box. The formula should only reference the upper left of that range. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629074" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I think that firmware will let you drive the radios at full power where some factory firmware will not for various reasons. But still that's not going to be a magic bullet, it depends on what hardware is in the thing. doesn't matter if we can drive the radios at full power if the max power on the radio is like 300mw or something dinky. Plus even if you do get one with decent powered hardware you'll still need a much better then stock antenna to attempt to get that kind of range. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629076" class="comment"> <div class="body"> How can a hard drive just randomly lose it's boot connection? And i have an external unit to plug the acer hdd into but can I use the hdd-less acer to check the files? Or will it still tell me no bootable device even when connected via external unit </div> </div> <div data-id="1629077" class="comment"> <div class="body"> FYI I know close to zero about computers so please excuse my lack of knowledge lol </div> </div> <div data-id="1629079" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Though I'd agree that getting your own connection would probably be better, especially if computer networking is not your forte. But I found a pre-built solution to the problem that clocks in just shy of $400 US. and I looked up the FCC regulations on wi-fi. this package's transmit power right at the limit of what is legal with out a license. but since it doesn't go over that limit it's legal to use. And since it claims a much bigger range then the 500m they need he could probably turn the power down some to make sure he stays under the limit but still get good reception. See my answer. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629080" class="comment"> <div class="body"> That seems to be more do it yourself. I was really hoping that there was a tool to do it for me :-) </div> </div> <div data-id="1629081" class="comment"> <div class="body"> If we use **Git Path**, we can use command `rm -rf folder_delete`. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629083" class="comment"> <div class="body"> let me make sure i got this right, you need to use RDP on your windows 10 box to connect to a remote computer, but it's failing for some reason. however when you try to connect to that same remote server from one of your other computers it works just fine right? is it giving you any error messages? </div> </div> <div data-id="1629087" class="comment"> <div class="body"> This worked for me. Hence, the thumbs up. :) </div> </div> <div data-id="1629088" class="comment"> <div class="body"> https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1231701#c135 "You could manually delete the font file in the Firefox directory." </div> </div> <div data-id="1629089" class="comment"> <div class="body"> What I posted should give you what you need. Have you tested the answer yet? </div> </div> <div data-id="1629090" class="comment"> <div class="body"> It's worth adding that it's only available for Windows 10+. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629091" class="comment"> <div class="body"> To debug: Look at the logs, `/var/log/Xorg.<n>.log` on my machine, where *n* is the screen number. The logs will tell you what happened. You are also setting up three different "displays" (screens) for the X server, so you'll need to tell each program in advance which screen to use, and each program will always stay on this screen. This is maybe not what you want. Also, screen numbers should be consecutive, and I'd start with the internal card as first screen. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629092" class="comment"> <div class="body"> If you can't figure out the problem, reduce the config to just two `device` sections with `identifier` and `driver` (no `screen`), and see if that works. Then slowly add things from there and see what causes the problem. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629093" class="comment"> <div class="body"> IMAP. This means that all email is linked across all your email platforms; phone, work pc, home pc, online anywhere. If you open your mail in your phone then all your mail anywhere (to include Outlook) will be shown as read. Another thing to note is if anyone else is checking your mail... </div> </div> <div data-id="1629094" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Until you boot an operating system, your laptop is a doorstop. You can boot from a hard drive, flash drive, or DVD. Your hard drive isn't booting so if you want to test anything on the laptop, you will need something else. That's why I suggested burning a Linux distro to a DVD on another machine. They will boot into a "live session" by loading everything into memory and running from there. Once in a live session, you can use the Linux tools to see if your hard drive is still intact. Using an adapter or enclosure to connect the Acer drive via USB will require another PC. (cont'd) </div> </div> <div data-id="1629095" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Assuming the boot problem lies with the drive, and not something like a bad internal SATA cable, whatever is preventing booting now will also prevent booting when connected via USB. Boot up another computer, then connect the Acer drive via USB. If the drive is recognized and you can see its contents, that means the issue is limited to a boot problem. In that case, there are several possible causes. There are too many possibilities to exhaustively cover them all, so narrow it down and then we can take it the next step. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629097" class="comment"> <div class="body"> No one else should be checking my mail, though that is one of my concerns. I do not remember setting up my account anywhere else but it is an old account who knows. Do you suggest changing the password? </div> </div> <div data-id="1629098" class="comment"> <div class="body"> For the **how can I check the size** part of the question, is the (over)simplified answer just "you cannot"? </div> </div> <div data-id="1629099" class="comment"> <div class="body"> That would be a good thing to troubleshoot. Then if that fixes it then at least you can check that off your list. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629103" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Are you able to enter your BIOS/UEFI? Disable the fancy screen and have a look at what it's actually getting stuck on. Usually it's something called like Silent Boot or similar. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629104" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Are other rules for forwarding working? If so maybe the rule doesn't fit the mails? </div> </div> <div data-id="1629106" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Please provide an example a [picture](http://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/75491/how-to-upload-an-image-to-a-post) would be great for this. What kind of title? How did you arrange both pieces? </div> </div> <div data-id="1629107" class="comment"> <div class="body"> These are inkjet printers with a stationary, full-width printhead. They are designed to be workhorse printers (high usage). If you go for long periods without printing anything, these will have the same problem. A laser printer is better for that usage pattern. You can also expect wasted ink for printhead cleaning (with a WAY bigger printhead to clean). </div> </div> <div data-id="1629109" class="comment"> <div class="body"> It sounds to me that it's doing its job. Have you looked up the Help File on "private sensitivity". I would think that private means one recipient. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629112" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Well I wouldn’t really call that a solution. I’d rather forgo IPv6 than expose my internal network to others. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629113" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Double click the empty white space on top of the page. This area is the Header. You can put a title there. Else add a text box and set attributes to floating on top as to not disturb the rest of the page. We haven't a clue as to what you are working on so here is a couple ideas. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629114" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I've never heard of this. Did you build the computer yourself? Is your PC off the shelf? </div> </div> <div data-id="1629115" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I suspected it would be really difficult, but I didn't know it was actually probably impossible. I had thought some really smart people out there would be able to do it! </div> </div> <div data-id="1629116" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Nice friend LOL! </div> </div> <div data-id="1629117" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Not sure why question is marked duplicate. I want new tab to be blank and NOT chrome on startup. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629118" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I'm not actually sure if this is the only solution. If there was a way to have a macro to expand this dialog or some other script that does it with one click, that'd also work. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629119" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Consider just getting actual software designed to protect you, which would be much more reliable. Something like [WinAntiRansom](https://www.winpatrol.com/WinAntiRansom/) from the WinPatrol people. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629120" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @DanielB Yes, this is _kind of_ a way, not the preferred one. I am still asking for a better solution. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629121" class="comment"> <div class="body"> All I can tell you for certain is that it's not a technical impossibility. I imagine that Microsoft just doesn't think it's a widespread enough issue for them to build a solution into the OS. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629125" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Interesting that `-i` also accepts public keys (if the matching private key is provided by the agent). I did not see this documented somewhere, can you provide a link? But more importantly, my agent manages multiples keys, and I'd really prefer SSH to pick the matching one from these automatically instead of me manually extracting the public key for the correct one. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629126" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Windows Explorer is now working fine with the partition. I don't know why, since I haven't done anything to fix it, but everything's working now. :D </div> </div> <div data-id="1629127" class="comment"> <div class="body"> This is the most annoying thing about Chrome. Like bluescreen is for Windows. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629130" class="comment"> <div class="body"> CharlieRB, Thank you for your response. The client's network is not on a domain, just a gateway provided by the ISP. The client forgot his login details at his host, and we're trying to recover that information now, to get to the backend of the host to find out if something is blocked. Since we're in South Africa and the host is in the UK there a bit of time delay, which takes up some time. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629132" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @ggg: But it does. Try `getfattr --dump --match=.* /sbin/ping`. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629133" class="comment"> <div class="body"> And _how exactly_ is SSH supposed to "pick the matching key" automatically, if you refuse to tell it which key to pick? It can't get that information from the server – all it can do is try all keys it has and see if the server accepts one of them. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629134" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @user3163829 I haven't checked every version, but for Word 2016 you need to install the Proofing Tools yourself, they are part of the [Language Accessory Pack for Office 2016](https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Language-Accessory-Pack-for-Office-2016-82ee1236-0f9a-45ee-9c72-05b026ee809f?ui=en-US&rs=en-US&ad=US&fromAR=1) </div> </div> <div data-id="1629136" class="comment"> <div class="body"> there are stability issues when using SSD/HDD: http://www.winbeta.org/news/windows-10-anniversary-update-causing-freezing-issues-many-users I have no idea if this was ever fixed, maybe you run into the issue </div> </div> <div data-id="1629137" class="comment"> <div class="body"> user *Ctrl+Shift+K* to uncomment </div> </div> <div data-id="1629138" class="comment"> <div class="body"> have you tried to go back to the standard MS storage driver? </div> </div> <div data-id="1629140" class="comment"> <div class="body"> `--mixed` is the default, and the list of changes is (AFAIK) a relatively new thing – it used to require `git commit -v` previously, didn't it? </div> </div> <div data-id="1629142" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @FlorinAndrei: m4a is just another extension for the MP4 container format. It can contain a lot of different data streams (both video and audio). The most frequent audio codec is probably AAC, a modern lossy audio compression. It’s what Google Music (and everyone, really) supports. ALAC, Apple Lossless Audio Codec, on the other hand, isn’t widely supported. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629143" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @grawity Yes, `--mixed` is the default. I added if for clarification. The list of changes (well, changed files, really) has “always” been there IIRC. I don’t have an older Git installation to verify it, though. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629144" class="comment"> <div class="body"> It's bad. I am doing a `qemu-img convert ...` which saturates the disk. Launched System Monitor, it took almost two minutes for it to appear. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629145" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Install the WPT (part of the Win10 v1511 SDK: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkID=698771 which is the last version that works in Win7), run WPRUI.exe, select **First Level**, **DiskIO**, **FileIO** and under **Performance Scenario** select **Reboot Cycle**. **Number of iteration** can be set to **1** and click to start. This reboots Windows and captures all activity during boot/shutdown. After the reboot let the countdown tick to 0. Zip the ETL files into 1 zip/RAR file, upload the zip to my Dropbox (https://www.dropbox.com/request/9WZYVqDALKWiAsMYZelK) and post the share link here. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629146" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Consider marking this as the answer. Thanks. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629147" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Exactly, SSH should try them all, but only the ones provided by the agent. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629148" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I rolled the edit back for two reasons. 1) Embedding the image on the page masks the problem (white border on white background). 2) It changed the problem definition. The OP wants icons that are 16 and 48 px rather than trimmed icons. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629150" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @davidgo It’s just the question how the relative position is stored – it could be in physical blocks. However, it appears NTFS performs the abstraction from physical block size at a very low level, so it might just work. The MBR depends heavily on physical block size, so it’ll at least be misinterpreted when the 4Kn emulation goes away. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629151" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Try another ftp client to see where is the trouble: Use WinSCP on windows www.winscp.net or gFTP or konqueror on linux. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629152" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Note that even though this is handy functionality, pressing `u` to undo will make the text lowercase and needs 2x undo's to undo the indent. More recently I've taken to using the `.` to perform multiple shifts instead fo relying on the selection. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629154" class="comment"> <div class="body"> `-rw-r--r--@ 1 Hashem staff - 24116 Oct 16 16:34 icon 4.41.14 PM.ttf -rw-r--r--@ 1 Hashem staff - 24116 Oct 16 16:34 icon.ttf` wow, the above command restore trash folder to its default behavior. post as an answer, to accept it </div> </div> <div data-id="1629155" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Did you consider using a PowerShell script instead of a batch? Otherwise this might help: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1199645/how-can-i-check-the-size-of-a-file-in-a-windows-batch-script </div> </div> <div data-id="1629156" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @mohammad Sorry, it was my mistake, I corrected the Macro so you can now copy and paste it. You have to modify the value of the variable in the line that says `timecolumn = 7` to the number of column that is your **Time** column. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629157" class="comment"> <div class="body"> How many visitors do you have? How long did you have HSTS enabled and what time frame did you configure? Take that into account and you could get an idea of how many visitors are affected. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629158" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Not sure how you're inserting the title, but maybe copy the table, create an empty document, type your title, format it, and then paste the table below the title. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629159" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Thanks for the answer ! I think I won't try my luck any more with that drive, after all the mess I've been through because of it. So I will contact the company that sold me the PC and see what they can do. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629162" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @jcbermu: Thanks for the edition. I will take them into account for next time. :) </div> </div> <div data-id="1629163" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Possible duplicate of [Can I "subtotal" with an arbitary function, e.g., string concatenate?](http://superuser.com/questions/1135592/can-i-subtotal-with-an-arbitary-function-e-g-string-concatenate) </div> </div> <div data-id="1629164" class="comment"> <div class="body"> The reason for the initial build failure has been found. By bad luck, the .texi files were extracted from the tarball one second later than the .info files. So "make" tried to generate .info from .texi but lacked the program "makeinfo" from package "texinfo". </div> </div> <div data-id="1629165" class="comment"> <div class="body"> also probably good to have a *nix VM set up and well integrated so they can read/write to each other, then you can have the latest *nix commands and </div> </div> <div data-id="1629166" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Ok i got this from the internet. but this requires me to enter the file name. how can I add file name inside this code to prevent adding argument at the time of execution. `@echo off SET DONE=0 SET Bytes=%~z1 SET KB=%Bytes:~0,-3% SET MB=%Bytes:~0,-6% SET GB=%Bytes:~0,-9% SET TB=%Bytes:~0,-12% echo %~f1 IF "%GB%" EQU "" SET DONE=M IF %DONE% EQU M SET /a MB=(%BYTES%/1048576)+1 IF %DONE% EQU M echo Size is... %MB% MB IF %DONE% EQU M GOTO END :END` </div> </div> <div data-id="1629167" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Edit your initial Question with that code. This garbled thing is unusable in that form. In order to have any idea of how to integrate the filename you'd have to post you actual code and not just a fragment you found that does something else. Best approach would be to have two code blocks, one with your code and one with the code you found and would like to integrate. This is probably still easier in PowerShell. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629168" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Thank you for the suggestion. I have edited the original question to add the code. I just want to add static file name in this code. like FNAME=d:\setup.exe so that script process the FNAME, </div> </div> <div data-id="1629169" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Thanks for the reply. No, I need to base the formatting on values of multiple rows, all of them in the first column though. The formula I have mentioned works however I have to admit I do not fully understand how as it formats all the rows where the first cell is not empty(which is what I need). My problem is that currently, only the first cell in a row gets the bottom border and I would like the border to affect the whole row. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629170" class="comment"> <div class="body"> It is normal windows slows by the time. Fix is to reinstall windows </div> </div> <div data-id="1629172" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @fixer1234: My first priority is to keep the columns as they are. Furthermore, I cannot guarantee that the users sort the reference column. Of course I will do it, if I don't find any other solution. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629173" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Your question says "where a certain cell is non-empty", and does not mention multiple values. Could you please edit the question so as to be a bit more clear, and also provide some sample data along with the results you are hoping to achieve? </div> </div> <div data-id="1629175" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Good points, I should have added: we have some SSL certificates stored in there, that might be a good reason to encrypt it I suppose. And we also have physical access to the machine (it's our internal cluster). </div> </div> <div data-id="1629176" class="comment"> <div class="body"> That's correct but what I also say is that I want to apply the formatting to the **whole row** based on that cell value. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629177" class="comment"> <div class="body"> please note note company-mode also supports latex. So I suggest company instead of auto-complete </div> </div> <div data-id="1629178" class="comment"> <div class="body"> In this case, it would make sense to do that with this modification of your path to `authorized_keys` file. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629179" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Thanks for mentioning the part about sdb instead of sdb! For anybody using cygwin for this, make sure you started cygwin as administrator. you can find out what /dev/sdb or similar you should use with `cat /proc/partitions`. To see if dd is making progress, append `status=progress` to the dd command. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629180" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Right, and my answer does indicate how to conditionally-format a whole row, so I'm a bit confused. If I'm missing something, please edit your question so I can understand what it is. Thanks. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629182" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Your answer discusses the **condition** that will trigger the formatting. I ask about how the formatting is applied to a certain area. So at the moment I only have a single cell underlined. I want the whole row underlined. I am sorry but I fail to find an answer to that in your reply. Thanks. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629184" class="comment"> <div class="body"> can you please insert some screenshots and explain there what exactly happens, and what is your goal? it isn't clear now. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629185" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Try running `freebsd-update -v debug fetch` and paste your output on a new edit to see what's happening. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629186" class="comment"> <div class="body"> My answer also says "select the rows you want to format" (that's your "certain area"). If you do so, and then apply conditional formatting using one of the formulas I mentioned, the entire rows will be formatted. If that's not what you want, then please follow the suggestion made by both me and @Máté, and show us what you are trying to accomplish. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629189" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I tried that and it didn't have any effect. I added few screenshots to my question. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629190" class="comment"> <div class="body"> It's not for security, I just thought it would be a fun idea that the password is changed automatically and only I know the pattern. I live in a hostel, so yeah, you get the picture. I got this idea from one of my friend whose iPhone unlock code was the time (hhmm) at that moment. Thanks for the suggestions though. especially @Stephane , I never considered that possibility. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629191" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Your assumption is wrong. You have errors in your Windows system partition that were caused by not shrinking properly said partition or a number of other possibilities even with Windows as a single OS: https://community.webroot.com/t5/Webroot-for-Business/windows-system32-drivers-wrkrn-sys/td-p/266416 (just an example). </div> </div> <div data-id="1629192" class="comment"> <div class="body"> It is an Information site for Freifunk with maybe 10 to 100 visitors a day. We had HSTs enabled for a month. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629193" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Don't reference columns in the "Applies to" value. Change the "Applies to" value to `=$2:$1048576`. The current value shows that you most likely pressed Ctrl+A to select all the cells, which is not the same as selecting the rows, as I had mentioned (although I didn't know you were trying to select all of them). </div> </div> <div data-id="1629194" class="comment"> <div class="body"> If this old certificate stays in cache longer than a day, i would like to inform our users how they've remove the old website </div> </div> <div data-id="1629197" class="comment"> <div class="body"> No problem, glad you got it sorted out. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629198" class="comment"> <div class="body"> The idea behind HSTS is that it stays in cache for several months e.g. an [Nginx](https://www.nginx.com/blog/http-strict-transport-security-hsts-and-nginx/) article uses a whole year. So it really depends on what you've configured `max-age` to be. In addition most browsers shouldn't users skip the error or use an HTTP variant of the page so you might have some trouble reaching your users. Instead why not use a valid HTTPS cert and continue using HTTPS? </div> </div> <div data-id="1629199" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Thanks, I had to use Rsync -R rather than CP as --parent is not available on OS X </div> </div> <div data-id="1629200" class="comment"> <div class="body"> See also: http://security.stackexchange.com/questions/124400/may-hsts-block-access-to-your-site-when-you-renew-your-ssl-certificate So did you actually op for "real" pinning or just HSTS? </div> </div> <div data-id="1629201" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Did you manage to solve the vagrant failing to connect issue? </div> </div> <div data-id="1629202" class="comment"> <div class="body"> VMware on your desktop or as a real virtualization solution? </div> </div> <div data-id="1629203" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @maudam I just noticed the port number wasn't saved. I will have to test further to see if that was it all along. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629204" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @Seth: VMware Workstation. Isn't it a _real_ virtualization solution? </div> </div> <div data-id="1629205" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @McKelvin Where did you get that copy? I have downloaded copies from different places, and all of them have no symbol information. By the way, firstly I tried to download a copy from Cisco, two or three days ago, and they do no allow to get it without registration & contract id. Weird... </div> </div> <div data-id="1629206" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @Stilez Thanks for the example. I have changed my comment into a (much longer) answer in regards to it, I hope it is helpful. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629207" class="comment"> <div class="body"> thanks for answer, but I have that problem for partitions other than macintosh HD. every file on those drives are deleting permanently, without going to trash! </div> </div> <div data-id="1629208" class="comment"> <div class="body"> This resolved the issue for me as well, although I had one more problem. If you are finding the Placement tab greyed out you need to set the Interaction Style on the Behaviour tab to Box (2-dimensional). This should enable the Placement tab. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629209" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Did you try this answer: http://superuser.com/a/565179/109692? </div> </div> <div data-id="1629214" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Perhaps Process Explorer could help you? https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/processexplorer.aspx </div> </div> <div data-id="1629219" class="comment"> <div class="body"> It is but there is a difference between VSphere/Hyper-V and VirutalBox/Workstation. The latter means your Hypervisor is running on your OS which takes a bit more abstraction and performance. In addition it means it's easier to leverage your OS level encryption. Essentially with this you have three points that could offer encryption: The OS you're running the virtualization solution one, the guest OS itself and the virtualization solution itself. It shouldn't matter all that much in this case. Do you expect a lot of data operations in those guests? </div> </div> <div data-id="1629220" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Works for me, perhaps this was a fixed bug </div> </div> <div data-id="1629221" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Other partitions or other disks? Are they internal, external or perhaps network shares? Do they even have a trash folder? </div> </div> <div data-id="1629222" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I have the same question, did you find a solution? </div> </div> <div data-id="1629223" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Welcome to Super User! On this Q&A site we try to provide [good answers](https://superuser.com/help/how-to-answer) to questions people ask. It seems you did not attempt to answer the question in your answer. Instead, you asked another question. This does not fit in [our model](https://superuser.com/help/stackexchange) since the answer section is reserved for answers to the asked question. Please [submit a new question](https://superuser.com/questions/ask) instead. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629224" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Welcome to Super User! On this Q&A site we try to provide answers to [well-asked questions](https://superuser.com/help/how-to-ask). A part of asking a good question is doing some research before you ask, and letting us know what you already tried. Please update your question so that it shows that you put in some effort before posting your question here. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629225" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @adampski: unfortunately not. I already tried with Task Manager and Process Explorer </div> </div> <div data-id="1629226" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Do you want the results in column **E** in *comma separated* form ?? </div> </div> <div data-id="1629228" class="comment"> <div class="body"> For a start you're not using a regular expression but regular wildcards. `**` would not be a regular expression as it's a quantifier and quantifying "any number of items any number of items" doesn't make a whole lot of sense. On Windows you could use `src/*.cpp`. What you're missing is a wildcards to mean "every cpp file in every directory". Usually you would use a script for that. In this case you could use a PowerShell script that collects the files and builds a string which you could use as the parameter for GCC. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629229" class="comment"> <div class="body"> With other programs it was possible to have 2 pages exporting to PDF: the first with the beginning of the animation (the shapes cover) and the second with the end of the animation (the shapes are hidden or better transparent). Check if it is ok for you and if you can do it with your office too. PS> [edit] your post adding the version of powerpoint you are using... </div> </div> <div data-id="1629230" class="comment"> <div class="body"> There's a [bug report](https://bugs.launchpad.net/qemu/+bug/1634069). </div> </div> <div data-id="1629231" class="comment"> <div class="body"> it has a 2 TB internal fusion drive. no I have not created any trash folder </div> </div> <div data-id="1629232" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I had the same issue with chrome and overall system performance after windows 10 anniversary update. I am using usb flash drive for ready boost and performance is good now. This might not be the correct solution but worked for me. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629233" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @Hastur I added my version: 2013. I haven't found such an option yet, but it would certainly be better than my current situation! So if you can tell me more about it, I'd greatly appreciate it! </div> </div> <div data-id="1629234" class="comment"> <div class="body"> My SQL Server wouldn't start and required a reinstall, this was the only way to get rid of it. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629235" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I wanted a zoomable interactive map of the world, with color mapping options! :p </div> </div> <div data-id="1629240" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I really appreciate your answer, but what does link local multicast actually mean? And I have researched a bit and found out that there are other casts as well like unicast, any cast, broadcast etc... what are these? What is link local and what is meant by all host link local multicast ? </div> </div> <div data-id="1629241" class="comment"> <div class="body"> There are many add-ons to do it, but I cannot be sure there is not a way to do it _"inside"_ powerpoint: give it a look to "[Create a PDF from PowerPoint with animations](http://superuser.com/q/602209/257269)" and more to "[Export PowerPoint to PDF with each animation on a separate slide](http://superuser.com/questions/75550/export-powerpoint-to-pdf-with-each-animation-on-a-separate-slide)". Maybe it was inside LibreOffice (you can import your ppt with some conversion risk)... just directions, at present I don't remember more precisely... </div> </div> <div data-id="1629243" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Thanks Akshay. I do not have the anniversary update yet. In my case the perf of system is ok. The problem is only with the chrome dev tools ... </div> </div> <div data-id="1629244" class="comment"> <div class="body"> In order to make it work: Window class (application): choose "Exact Match" from the drop down list, enter: `krunner`. In the answer it says: "enter: `krunner krunner` into the field". - Do you know a manual or something on the rest of possible settings (dimension e.g.) </div> </div> <div data-id="1629245" class="comment"> <div class="body"> A separate line. It is possible to _print to_ a pdf, installing a pdf printer (or drivers...). If you can specify (in the characteristics of your animation/object) that this animation has not to be printed you have solved your problem... </div> </div> <div data-id="1629246" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Add "Update3", thx! </div> </div> <div data-id="1629247" class="comment"> <div class="body"> You should mark your question as a duplicate of the other one. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629250" class="comment"> <div class="body"> You could have done the same thing with windows 10 too, or for that matter Ubuntu. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629251" class="comment"> <div class="body"> There is no such thing as an "unallocated partition" simply unallocated space. The unallocated word is talking about the fact that the space has not been allocated to be part of a partition. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629252" class="comment"> <div class="body"> This solution seems to work seems to work in most cases, except for Lady Gaga videos. I'm not joking!! Gaga is totally committed to make me deaf! </div> </div> <div data-id="1629255" class="comment"> <div class="body"> It is a Q&A site </div> </div> <div data-id="1629256" class="comment"> <div class="body"> 1) [An explanation of the Automatic Metric feature for IPv4 routes](https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/299540) 2) The [answer below](http://superuser.com/a/1133408/257269) 3a) In some routers should be possible to create a _"local userdomain"_, then to manage IP and names integrating the DNS requests. 3b) You can buy/rent/have for free, a name for your host and add some secondary names...Check for Private Name Server, [e.g.](http://support.hostgator.com/articles/what-are-private-name-servers). Ps> about 3: A [reference](http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Domain-7.html) for Linux to have an idea. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629257" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Please quote the essential parts of the answer from the reference link(s), as the answer can become invalid if the linked page(s) change. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629258" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @M.S.P I addded some information about it in the answer. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629261" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I don't understand your setup right now. Is the CentOS your host OS or is it a guest and you're trying to setup all those services on one single VM? Separate them into different VMs and give each VM its own NIC. You won't be able to have each of them use the same port forward on the host you will have to to map them (Host => Guest) like this 80 => A:80, 81 => B:80, 82 => 80 etc. as always a [diagram](http://draw.io) that is [attached to this post](http://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/75491/how-to-upload-an-image-to-a-post) could really help. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629265" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @Laserson create the file if it doesn't exist. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629266" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Thanks. I have applied this to all services of the affected svchost and I'll get back after I rebooted. (This may take some time, since I'm in the middle of running automated tests) </div> </div> <div data-id="1629267" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Naja indirekt ist auch * ein regulärer Ausdruck, da die Sprache die genau Sigma* akzeptiert damit impliziert wird. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629270" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Welcome to Super User! On this Q&A site we try to provide [good answers](https://superuser.com/help/how-to-answer) to questions people post. Part of providing a good answer is providing some context for your answer. Please edit your answer and explain *why* it is the correct solution to this problem. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629272" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Exactly -- and that is a definitely solution on my problem. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629274" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Welcome to Super User! On this Q&A site we try to provide [good answers](https://superuser.com/help/how-to-answer) to questions people ask. Part of writing a good answer is providing context for the proposed solution. Please edit your answer and explain why your solution works, and what, *specifically*, it does. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629276" class="comment"> <div class="body"> If you just boot up Linux while Windows is not booted and change it so that the next time windows starts it is different it should be possible to just change the physical file on the disk that windows loads i guess. try to replace C:\Users\<your_user_name>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Themes\TranscodedWallpaper with a jpeg of your choice (keep in mind the file has no extension but it is a jpeg). This should be no problem from within linux. No idea if there is any side effect but in theory that is enough </div> </div> <div data-id="1629281" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I don't think the `text3` parameters are required. I can go to https://google.com/search?q=example and it'll execute my search no problem. I believe you can use those parameters to change the language or number of results though. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629283" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Why do you want to use WinSCP for this? </div> </div> <div data-id="1629284" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @MartinPrikryl Just to know, Whether WinSCP has that kind of functionality. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629285" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Superperfect solution, expecially if paired with `latexrun` to run pdflatex on your file the right number of times. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629286" class="comment"> <div class="body"> while technically this answer provides alternatives, I believe the poster is looking for a cheap adapter. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629287" class="comment"> <div class="body"> TBH, depending on how the USB ports are damaged, it might be cheaper to get them replaced/repaired than to get a piece of bespoke, odd hardware </div> </div> <div data-id="1629288" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Wildcards seems are not supported even in DDWRT. This got no answer yet. https://www.dd-wrt.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=53303&sid=76202c29e7b3b7bcbd1205e7fa2ccc59 </div> </div> <div data-id="1629289" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @Keltari: I can only answer what was asked. I don't want to guess what OP wants. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629290" class="comment"> <div class="body"> And I don't understand the downvote, but who cares... </div> </div> <div data-id="1629292" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Thanks for the reply, and yes, I want to use the monitors as a extented desktop, but I never tried with 2 different graphic cards, it's possible to do this like on Windows? </div> </div> <div data-id="1629295" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Or just browse directly to it and right-click in the empty space. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629297" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Have you tried running the command as root, or using sudo? </div> </div> <div data-id="1629298" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Yes, it's possible to do this. The Nvidia card can output a single desktop on two monitors, and the Intel card will be combined into this desktop using Xinerama. This is the default if you just have two `device` sections as I suggested. Add more options to suit your needs. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629299" class="comment"> <div class="body"> You can add a custom command for this though. See my updated answer. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629300" class="comment"> <div class="body"> yes, i am getting this error as root </div> </div> <div data-id="1629301" class="comment"> <div class="body"> if this is off topics then where should it be asked? </div> </div> <div data-id="1629302" class="comment"> <div class="body"> google reader is dead... </div> </div> <div data-id="1629303" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Have a look at the log files for your mail server (Exim, for example). They sometimes (depending on the configuration) log the source of a message. It may be a script somewhere. You can also run tools like `RKHunter` or `ChkRoot` to scan for rootkits on the server. I assume this is a web server, if not please let me know. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629307" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Sorry, I didn't know that: I have since found the OSX manual on-line, and `cp` is quite restricted in comparison with Linux versions, where `-a` copies directory structures and `--parent` is a spin-off from this handling. Because `cp` is so powerful, I've never needed `rsync` on Linux. I shan't try and guess your complete `rsync` command: was `-R` the only option? If you tell me what you used, I'll update my answer so that it is correct for OSX. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629308" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Did you give it a look [here](http://superuser.com/questions/694465/remapping-a-keyboard-key-in-windows-8-1), or [here](http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows8_1-desktop/remapping-keyboard-keys-in-windows-81/4d9ee363-e2ed-4c9c-801d-58ba39208731)? </div> </div> <div data-id="1629309" class="comment"> <div class="body"> If you feel happy with that definition it's fine. But if you're not able to do `ls ./[a-Z]/.*` it doesn't meet the technical definition of a regular expression and the `**` would still be a violation/nonsense of what's usually accepted as a regular expression in technical systems. In addition in my `ls` example you probably would need to escape the first dot to make it a literal rather than any character. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629310" class="comment"> <div class="body"> **text3** parameters you will need - if you want to make more scripts for example **f2::(United States-50results)** and **f3::(germany-100results)** </div> </div> <div data-id="1629315" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Is this happening in all workbooks or one specifically? What version of Excel? Has there been a recent update? </div> </div> <div data-id="1629316" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @Gary'sStudent: Yes Gary, I need them comma separated. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629317" class="comment"> <div class="body"> So I will need to install Samba as I will be connecting MacBooks and iMacs to the machine. Fortunately I'm familiar with Premiere so no worries there! :) </div> </div> <div data-id="1629318" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Hello. I changed the power settings from "Dell" to "High Performance" and everything feels much snappier (cpu now at 2.6-2.9 GHz on average). It is a desktop, though. I see that you may have thought it was a laptop since it has been dropped before! Antivirus is installed on this computer and nothing was detected. I'll see how it fares with the new setting. I find it weird how a desktop had power savings enabled. If I buy RAM, should it be the same type or different? </div> </div> <div data-id="1629319" class="comment"> <div class="body"> You will need `samba` on your Macs in order to access Windows shares. Windows needs nothing special to be installed, apart from file sharing of course. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629320" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Short of sorted reference columns and a helper column, you will need vba. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629321" class="comment"> <div class="body"> +1. You might also want to give standard library `complete.el` a try. It is very old and little known, but the kind of in-buffer completion it provides can be useful. `M-x find-library complete`, then read the Commentary in the file. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629322" class="comment"> <div class="body"> You may be able to just use a for loop in the config file ... perhaps similar to what is suggested for ports here: [here](http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/linux-iptables-open-bittorrent-tcp-ports-6881-to-6889.html#comment-19353). </div> </div> <div data-id="1629323" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Just for reference, I successfully used the utility in the first link (*"PoisonConvert"*) to encode videos to `x264` on my Synology DS415. It was incredibly slow however, and hardly worth the effort on that particular device's CPU. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629324" class="comment"> <div class="body"> For future questions, include the error output to help others troubleshoot with you. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629326" class="comment"> <div class="body"> If neither the database nor the spreadsheet exist yet, why not just use one or the other, rather than try to pass back and forth between the two? </div> </div> <div data-id="1629328" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I think it's by design: `tmpfs` discs are allowed to grow, up to their specified limit, but file space is not released automatically. It can be released manually with `mount -o remount`, as in [this link](https://linuxraj.wordpress.com/2015/11/24/how-to-modify-the-size-of-tmpfs/). I'm not sure that the unevictable memory you observe is allocated to `tmpfs`: without a swap area **all** memory is effectively unevictable, but isn't necessarily flagged as such - `tmpfs` discs are normally swappable when a swap area has been defined. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629329" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Can you please add which missing dependencies makepkg complains about, which PKGBUILD you are using and which (versions of) those dependencies are installed? </div> </div> <div data-id="1629330" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Because the end goal at the moment is to have a pretty looking web app sitting on the portal that can be queried for specific information, and it needs to be able to be self-sustaining as much as possible because there isn't anyone to maintain it after it's done. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629332" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Cool. In that case I'll get to work. Thank you for your help! </div> </div> <div data-id="1629333" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Too bad, this isn't what the OP had in mind. It removes the red counter, but not the outlook-specific envelope. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629334" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Ugly hack, but this actually works. Thanks! </div> </div> <div data-id="1629336" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I am making progress with this and it seems to be doing what I need. However I am running into an issue that instead of showing the individual phone numbers in the pivot table, all of the numbers are returning as a 0, not the 10 digit phone number. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629338" class="comment"> <div class="body"> some of the answers to [this question on unix.stackexchange](http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/34116/how-can-i-limit-the-bandwidth-used-by-a-process) may be relevant, particularly the one on pv / pipe viewer? </div> </div> <div data-id="1629341" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Have you tried reinserting your ram? </div> </div> <div data-id="1629343" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Both `AppData` and `User Pinned` are hidden folders. Double whammy! </div> </div> <div data-id="1629345" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Are you able to open other dll files or files of another format? </div> </div> <div data-id="1629346" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Yes. It has made no effect </div> </div> <div data-id="1629347" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Your ram might not be compatible with your CPU </div> </div> <div data-id="1629348" class="comment"> <div class="body"> How do you know if they are compatible or not? </div> </div> <div data-id="1629350" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I am not sure about your output, because I don't see the final message. I suppose it failed (I see some temporary redirections - 302)? Nevertheless, are you sure you're not behind some proxy (hidden or not)? Have you tried using NAT in your VM? I installed a FreeBSD 11.0-RELEASE amd64 (yours is i386) on a VM just to test your setup and it works fine. Of course, no updates are available, but I'm not getting any failure messages. Can you access these two files from within the VM and/or from your host? I tried to access the files for which you got the 302 message on my machine with success. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629351" class="comment"> <div class="body"> encrypted home directory you are writing to? </div> </div> <div data-id="1629352" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Thanks for this, maybe what @bzero meant is that you have to use sudo port -y as well since it wont let you touch the index without it. Even on dry-run. Using Yosemite now fyi and still works. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629353" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Here's a [similar answer](https://superuser.com/questions/1118849/how-to-encrypt-e-mails-with-s-mime/1135332#1135332). Usable in conjuction with any email client that stores local copies of emails in an MH folder structure </div> </div> <div data-id="1629355" class="comment"> <div class="body"> A same type of RAM would be preferable considering the output and usage... </div> </div> <div data-id="1629356" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Maybe you need a special software to access your camera. Most cameras are recognized as external storage (like an USB flash drive) and you can access them via the windows explorer where it is shown with its own drive letter. But some cameras don’t give you this method of easy access to your data and require special software that is bundled with your camera normally (this was the case for my very very old Olympus camera 15 years ago). </div> </div> <div data-id="1629358" class="comment"> <div class="body"> You say the server shows the used space as only a few KB, but you claim the desktop shows they are using 4.99 GB out of 5 GB, a difference of only a few KB. Are you sure your not simply not reading the server data wrong? </div> </div> <div data-id="1629359" class="comment"> <div class="body"> How are you doing your filter? Do you have the data in a table? </div> </div> <div data-id="1629360" class="comment"> <div class="body"> easiest way probably is to fill all column A with the names, then apply a conditional formatting which hides (white font colour) names when they're the same as the one above. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629361" class="comment"> <div class="body"> A source for where you found that block commands take precedence over everything else would be useful. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629362" class="comment"> <div class="body"> The server doesn't say a few KB left it says a few KB used. Also if you open the home folder on the Windows 10 desktop, select all, and look at the properties it also indicates the files there are only taking up a few KB </div> </div> <div data-id="1629364" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I know what you said it says, I was suggesting, that perhaps based on the behavior you were reporting you were miss interrupting what was being reported. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629365" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Why did you edited your question and remove those information? previous version was much more better? (you can revert to the previous version by clicking the text showing time of last edit) </div> </div> <div data-id="1629367" class="comment"> <div class="body"> It might work, but each version of ubuntu is going to have versions of libraries which could cause problems. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629369" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Had a similar problem, as always, the most nasty BSOD are related to drivers issues... My solution was to update the Intel USB 3 (xhc) drivers, because my computer would crash with a BSOD everytime I tried to access a specific folder on my external hard drive (that worked perfectly fine before). Updating the USB drivers fixed the issue. An interesting thing to note is that Intel's own driver update software did not detect an update for my driver, I had to use a third-party detector like [DriversCloud](http://www.driverscloud.com/)... </div> </div> <div data-id="1629372" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Stopping (and disabling) the World Wide Web Publishing Service did it for me. Thank you! </div> </div> <div data-id="1629373" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Way too little information. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629374" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @Xavierjazz I suppose he has entered this many information as he doesn't know what else is necessary, please be specific to show him the good way. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629375" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Well, a good answer wouldn't just throw out "you can do 'this this or this" You might actually want to talk about how to use these tools to solve the problem </div> </div> <div data-id="1629376" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Hi @manjesh23. It didn't work, I'm getting the same error "not a directory". </div> </div> <div data-id="1629378" class="comment"> <div class="body"> The only way I know how to do this would be to use Kerberos and IDM. You would make IDM trust the Active Domain, allowing you ssh as the "user@ad"@host. How you accomplish this depends on your configuration. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629379" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Can you please help me with full command you are using? </div> </div> <div data-id="1629381" class="comment"> <div class="body"> My example is the real one. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629382" class="comment"> <div class="body"> pscp -pw <password> "F:\Maven\jenkins\workspace\aaa\target\aaa-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.war" my-user@ </div> </div> <div data-id="1629383" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Try this: pscp.exe -pw passwd -l uname -sftp "F:\Maven\jenkins\workspace\aaa\target\aaa-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.wa‌​r" </div> </div> <div data-id="1629384" class="comment"> <div class="body"> what are your OS, browsers? Exactly which site do you try to ping? Do you have issue with any other sites (e.g. google.com, maps.google.com)?Do you use vpn / proxy? </div> </div> <div data-id="1629385" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Yes, this works fine, but what I'm looking for is to be able to use a wildcar in the source file. `pscp.exe -pw passwd -l uname -sftp "F:\Maven\jenkins\workspace\aaa\target\aaa-*.wa‌​‌​r"` </div> </div> <div data-id="1629387" class="comment"> <div class="body"> No. No VBA access to this dialog. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629388" class="comment"> <div class="body"> in short: YOU CAN'T. You can't run macros without opening the application. However, you probably can hide the application window during the run of the macro, I don't know openOffice, but in MS Excel it would be `Application.Visible=False` </div> </div> <div data-id="1629389" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Okay. Anyway to determine what libraries a binary depends on? In Control file of deb package, it shows what libraries it depends but not sure if that is all it ever depends. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629391" class="comment"> <div class="body"> google for "unpivot", it'll give you plenty of hints </div> </div> <div data-id="1629392" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Wildcard will not work because you are specifying source wildcard but destination is a file name. Its just like over-writing the destination file. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629393" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Let us [continue this discussion in chat](http://chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/46928/discussion-between-manjesh23-and-german). </div> </div> <div data-id="1629396" class="comment"> <div class="body"> This is a good answer but I think you could dumb it down a little more and explain how to get to the rules and what rules specifically. For me I typed in "Firewall" in the search bar, clicked Windows Firewall with Advanced Security, clicked Inbound Rules, and enabled Remote Desktop - User Mode (TCP-In) with Profile Public. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629397" class="comment"> <div class="body"> The ad blocker is ad block plus and can be downloaded from the internet explorer add-ons page </div> </div> <div data-id="1629399" class="comment"> <div class="body"> i thought the previous version was a little distorted and hence i edited it. I dotn quite understand the solution that you proposed, If I write John twice and filter, it takes only the first John @mate Juhasz </div> </div> <div data-id="1629400" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Yes. I have the data in 2 columns in excel. @bvaughn </div> </div> <div data-id="1629401" class="comment"> <div class="body"> https://adblockplus.org/en/internet-explorer </div> </div> <div data-id="1629403" class="comment"> <div class="body"> sure the it says this: `[dcarr@localhost qt1]$ makepkg ==> Making package: qt1 1.45-1 (Mon Oct 17 00:02:09 EDT 2016) ==> Checking runtime dependencies... ==> Missing dependencies: -> libx11 -> libxext ==> Checking buildtime dependencies... ==> ERROR: Could not resolve all dependencies.` </div> </div> <div data-id="1629404" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @sashoalm It works on win7, but it "switches back" after a second. To work, I have to use: ctrl-alt-home, tab (and maybe another tab), then alt-tab. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629411" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I have exported the registry entry of my Win7 VM: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qdeuv1mh4gn3b6n/LanmanServer_Win7.reg?dl=0 try to import the reg and look if you can start the service again </div> </div> <div data-id="1629417" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @KonradHöffner Yes, they do. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629419" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I would not have thought of that. Thats a good point. I will have a look into that </div> </div> <div data-id="1629420" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Hmm, I see, I'm going to try, thank you. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629423" class="comment"> <div class="body"> If you change the DNS servers to something other then DNS servers provided by your ISP what happens? </div> </div> <div data-id="1629424" class="comment"> <div class="body"> thanks. I imported it. When I write in cmd: "sc start lanmanserver" I get : [SC] StartService: OpenService ERROR 1060:The specified service is not installed (translated literally from italian). Any clue? </div> </div> <div data-id="1629426" class="comment"> <div class="body"> This is a good start, but what this identifies are each service's main threads. There are likely more threads in the svchost process that are used by each service. It is not easy to associate them with the services that are using them. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629428" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I would do it to just one service at a time. Some of the services that are in a single svchost are there because they communicate or coordinate with each other in ways that won't work cross-process. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629429" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @JamieHanrahan In the screenshot, each thread (even if not responsible for a lot of usage) seems to be associated with a service. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629433" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Those "black boxes" are notifications. What do the errors say? </div> </div> <div data-id="1629434" class="comment"> <div class="body"> i dunno, whatever the error message is "blah blah blah cannot find blah blah blah", it is just a server error, nothing to do with windows. Can i turn these things off somehow? </div> </div> <div data-id="1629435" class="comment"> <div class="body"> First I need to know what kind of server/program you're using, I also need to know what it can't find. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629437" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Thank you for the tips. I filled the blanks and tried to create a pivot but I am not getting the desired output. Can you please elalborate the steps. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629438" class="comment"> <div class="body"> um it's just a development tool that lets me drop apps into my phone without connecting via cable. When the app on the phone has an error (like, compile time) this message is relayed back to the server running on my laptop. the server program is called "ti shadow". what it cannot find is just a compile error and way beyond the scope of this problem! </div> </div> <div data-id="1629439" class="comment"> <div class="body"> could I reference a date from a specific cell to make it think that today was whichever date I chose? so say I enter 10/1/2016 in cell F2, can I make it reference that as the date it uses to adjust advancing the month in your other formula? </div> </div> <div data-id="1629440" class="comment"> <div class="body"> That formula works perfectly though. Thank you. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629442" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Yes, just replace the `7`s with `Day(F2)`. Please mark the answer as correct by clicking the check mark by the answer. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629443" class="comment"> <div class="body"> You can use `ldd` on a file to see what shared libraries it requires </div> </div> <div data-id="1629444" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Wow thanks! This almost solved the problem, however, this formula does not work if the sum is not exactly 50. I need the top values that sum to greater than or equal to 50. I solved this by adding another column next to my running sum with the formula `= F2 >= 50` (copied down) and then changing your formula so the last MATCH becomes `MATCH(TRUE, G:G)` </div> </div> <div data-id="1629449" class="comment"> <div class="body"> That just changes the date in my original block. I want it to think that todays date is whatever I put in block F2. so say today is 10/17, the date of 10/16 has already moved to 11/16 per your first formula. I want to be able to put 10/18 in F2 and have the 10/17 date advance to 11/17, even though it isn't actually the 18th of October. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629450" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Is it possible that the unevictable pages are calculated on the first cache reclaim (for some performance reasons)? It correlates my different tests. As you confirmed, without any swap everything become unevictable so it should contain the root system (initramfs) and the shmem. Although, it doesn't seem to grow linear with shmem. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629451" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Ah, then change all the Today() to F2 </div> </div> <div data-id="1629452" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Have you tried opening up a more recent steam game and closing it? I'm having the same problem, but I haven't tried it yet. </div> </div> <div data-id="1629453" class="comment"> <div class="body"> The same problem exists in PowerPoint 2013. [I have reported it and Microsoft is working on it.](http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/msoffice/forum/msoffice_powerpoint-mso_winother/no-presenter-view-option-when-recording/66d95e16-e5d9-4aab-adbf-e40e4725ed68?page=1) </div> </div> <div data-id="1629454" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I did try ldd and readelf, it reported "not a dynamic executable" and for readelf "There is no dynamic section in this file." I insatlled 32 bit libs too. `file /usr/sbin/zabbix_agentd /usr/sbin/zabbix_agentd: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (GNU/Linux), statically linked, for GNU/Linux 2.6.32, BuildID[sha1]=####, not stripped` </div> </div> <div data-id="1629460" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Perfect. Exactly what I was looking for. </div> </div> </div> </div> </body> </html> jww vor 7 Jahren 1

8 Antworten auf die Frage


Was ist falsch

Der folgende Befehl hat für mich nicht funktioniert:

echo -ne "\e]0;MYTITLE\a" 

Es stellt sich heraus, dass meine Standardinstallation von Cygwin die folgende Aufforderungsdefinition in .bashrc enthält:

PS1=\[\e]0;\w\a\]\n\[\e[32m\]\u@\h \[\e[33m\]\w\[\e[0m\]\n$ 

Beachten Sie, dass der erste Teil der Eingabeaufforderung ( \e]0;\w\a) den Fenstertitel jedes Mal setzt, wenn die Eingabeaufforderung angezeigt wird.

Die Lösung

Fügen Sie diese Zeilen hinzu .bashrc, die 2 Funktionen definieren:

function settitle() { export PS1="\[\e[32m\]\u@\h \[\e[33m\]\w\[\e[0m\]\n$ " echo -ne "\e]0;$1\a" } function settitlepath() { export PS1="\[\e]0;\w\a\]\n\[\e[32m\]\u@\h \[\e[33m\]\w\[\e[0m\]\n$ " } 

Dann können Sie mit diesem Befehl einen benutzerdefinierten Titel festlegen:

settitle "MYWonderfullTest here" 

oder Sie können mit dem folgenden Befehl auf die Standardeinstellung von cygwin (den aktuellen Pfad) zurückgreifen:


Hoffe das hilft

Tolle Arbeit, das PS1-Problem zu lösen, auf das die meisten Benutzer mit den Cygwin-Standardeinstellungen stoßen werden. Markku K. vor 8 Jahren 1
Dies hätte als Antwort akzeptiert werden sollen, da es im Gegensatz zu der am höchsten bewerteten Antwort perfekt funktioniert Tapan Chandra vor 7 Jahren 3
Ich liebe eine Antwort, die ich einfach ausschneiden und einfügen kann. Und erklärt auch klar, was das Problem wirklich ist. Darrel Lee vor 7 Jahren 1
diese Funktionen funktionieren gut für mich! Denken Sie daran, dass cygwin Ihre .bashrc erneut laden muss, indem Sie cygwin neu starten oder "source ~ / .bashrc" schreiben. Andernfalls wird cygwin weiterhin die alte Version von bashrc ausführen, die sich beim Start von cygwin auf der Festplatte befand. - getestet auf `Cygwin Version 2.8.1 (64 Bit)` - eine 2017-Version hanshenrik vor 6 Jahren 0
Warum wurde diese Antwort nie akzeptiert? asmith vor 6 Jahren 0
James Fu

Sie können dies mit der xterm-Steuersequenz wie folgt ändern:

echo -ne '\e]0;Title\a' 

Siehe auch: http://code.google.com/p/mintty/issues/detail?id=241

Hat keinen Effekt für mich: / Vielleicht ist dieser Trick in den letzten 6 Monaten kaputt gegangen? voltrevo vor 11 Jahren 4
Benutzt du bash? James Fu vor 11 Jahren 0
Es hat keine Auswirkungen, wenn es von einem Bildschirm aus ausgegeben wird. Ярослав Рахматуллин vor 11 Jahren 2
Wahrscheinlich besteht das Problem darin, dass die Eingabeaufforderung bereits so konfiguriert ist, dass der Titel aktualisiert wird (z. B. mit dem aktuellen Pfad). Der Befehl funktioniert also, wird jedoch von der Eingabeaufforderung plötzlich überschrieben. Andrea Polci vor 9 Jahren 10
Zum Test "echo -ne '\ e] 0; Titel \ a' && cat". Diese Methode verhindert, dass die Eingabeaufforderung sofort zurückgesetzt wird. (Wenn dies funktioniert, können Sie die PS1 in Ihrem Profil wie in den anderen Antworten beschrieben ändern.) Curtis Yallop vor 7 Jahren 1
Alternativer Test: "echo -ne '\ e] 0; Titel \ a' && env -i bash --noprofile --norc". Curtis Yallop vor 7 Jahren 0

Platzieren Sie dies in .zshrc:

# Change title of MinTTY to current dir function settitle() { echo -ne "\033]2;"$1"\007" } function chpwd() { settitle $(cygpath -m `pwd`) } 

Die Reihenfolge der Sonderzeichen im Funktionsansatz bewirkt, dass MinTTY den Titel des Fensters ändert.

Wenn Sie in zsh eine Funktion mit dem speziellen Namen chpwd definieren, wird diese nach jedem chdir aufgerufen .

Funktioniert auf WinXP, wobei Cygwin 1.7 und MinTTY zsh ausführen.

Funktioniert auch in WSL (natürlich ohne Cygpath-Sachen): `settitle" $ (pwd) @ $ HOST "` zzxyz vor 6 Jahren 0

In Bash kann die Variable PROMPT_COMMAND so eingestellt werden, dass sie eine Anzahl von Befehlen enthält, die durch Semikolons getrennt sind. Sie können dies verwenden, um dieselbe Titeleinstellung vorzunehmen, wie in der anderen Antwort beschrieben, die über zsh spricht.

orbit andrews
1) echo $ PS1 und kopiere diese Zeichenfolge in die Zwischenablage oder den Texteditor, wie in Echo $ PS1 2) Bearbeiten Sie ~ / .bash_profile und fügen Sie den folgenden Shell-Code hinzu. Ersetzen Sie ggf. $ PS1, belassen Sie jedoch die Variable $ in der Bedingung "false". 3) Speichern Sie die Datei und setzen Sie die Umgebungsvariable TERMINAL_TILE wie in export TERMINAL_TITLE = "Mein eigener Titel" 4) Geben Sie Ihr bash-Profil an, wie in . ~ / .bash_profile Genießen  if [-z "$ "] dann PS1 = '\ [\ e] 0; \ w \ a \] \ n \ [\ e [32m \] \ u @ \ h \ [\ e [33m \] \ w \ [\ e [0m \] \ n \ $ ' sonst PS1 = '\ [\ e] 0; $ \ a \] \ n \ [\ e [32m \] \ u @ \ h \ [\ e [33m \] \ w \ [\ e [0m \] ] \ n \ $ ' fi 

Ich habe Leonels Antwort verwendet, aber ich habe festgestellt, dass der Titel dabei nur flimmert, was bedeutet, dass zumindest der Echo-Befehl wie beabsichtigt funktioniert. Ich habe zsh interaktiv mit aktiviertem Debug-Modus ausgeführt

zsh -xv 

Ändern ruft das Verzeichnis offenbar eine andere Funktion aufgerufen title()nach precmd()und chpwd(), überschreiben sie effektiv. Also steckte ich das in meine .zshrc und es funktionierte.

function settitle() { echo -ne "\033]2;"$1"\007" } function title() { settitle $(cygpath -m `pwd`) } 

Wenn Sie verwenden möchten chpwd()oder precmd()stattdessen deaktivieren Sie einfach die Titelfunktion: title(){}.


Ich wollte nur meine Lösung dazu teilen, da ich mit mintty ein Skript ausführte.

Meine Mintty-Verknüpfung ist wie folgt eingerichtet:

C:\cygwin64\bin\mintty.exe -i /Cygwin-Terminal.ico /usr/bin/bash.exe -l -c /scripts/connect.sh 

Das connect.sh-Skript, das ich in der Verknüpfung oben geschrieben habe, fordert mich auf, den Server anzugeben, zu dem ich eine Verbindung herstellen möchte, und führt die im Skript definierte Siedlungsfunktion aus.


#!/bin/bash  echo "Enter servername when prompted" echo -n "servername: "  read servername function settitle() { echo -ne "\033]2;"$servername"\007" } function title() { settitle $(cygpath -m `pwd`) } settitle ssh my_username@$servername 
Warum definieren Sie die Funktion "title", wenn Sie sie nicht verwenden? pabouk vor 10 Jahren 0

Versuchen Sie, dies in .bash_profile hinzuzufügen

export PROMPT_COMMAND='echo -ne "\033]0;$@$:$\007"'

Für mich geht das.

Bei der Frage geht es um das Ändern des Fenstertitels, nicht um eine Eingabeaufforderung. kenorb vor 8 Jahren 2
Bitte fügen Sie dies in .bash_profile ein, es ist OK für Titeländerung, danke! netawater vor 8 Jahren 1