Pivot mit Betriebsmoduszeitwerten


Ich habe so einen Tisch:

ApplicationName ServiceName Time Application Service1 1 Application Service1 1 Application Service1 1 Application Service1 2 Application Service1 3 Application Service2 2 Application Service2 2 Application Service2 1 Application Service2 1 Application Service2 2 Application Service2 2 Application Service3 1 Application Service3 3 Application Service3 3 

Und ich möchte einen Pivot-Tisch wie diesen machen:

ApplicationName ServiceName Time(mode) Application Service1 1 Application Service2 2 Application Service3 3 

So, dass der Modus für den Uhrzeitmodus (der häufigste Wert eines bestimmten Dienstes) ist Wie in Excel?


1 Antwort auf die Frage


If you just need a pivot-table layout, you can get it like this. Note that the formula is an array formula, entered with CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER. Then just drag the formula down to the Service2 and Service3 cells. enter image description here

Someone smarter than me may come up with it; but I've been unable to use "MODE" in a pivot table calculated field. I suspect it's because you'd have to involve an array of values in the pivot table calculated field -- which may not be supported.