Nun, es scheint nicht so zu sein, als ob es welche gab, also habe ich ein schnelles PHP-Skript dazu gehackt.
Wenn jemand anderes es tun muss. Führen Sie dieses Skript aus, fügen Sie die exportierte CSV-Datei in den Textbereich ein und geben Sie die ausgegebene CSV-Datei ein, um den Pass zu erhalten.
<?php if (isset($_POST["submit"])) { //Loop through, build a multi array; $parsedCSV = array(); //Columns (in order) to parse out. $ColumnAssociation = array("%%name%%","%%username%%","%%password%%","%%url%%","%%extra%%"); //The xml strings to use for output, replace %%COLUMNNAME%% with COLUMNVALUE $LastPassHeaders = array(); $inQuotes = false; $quoteType = ''; $curColumn = 0; //My epic parser, I know, deal with it (it wasn't meant to be modified) $first = true; $curLine = 0; foreach (explode("\n",$_POST["csvinput"]) as $line) { if (empty($line)) //I do this instead of searching for \r\n, because linux just uses \n (I think :/) continue; $letters = str_split($line); //print_r( $letters); for ($i = 0; $i < count($letters); $i++) { /*if ($first) //get lastpass's headers (they are the first row { }*/ //Set inQuotes if (!$inQuotes && $letters[$i] == "'" && ($i - 1 < 0 || $letters[$i - 1] != '\\')) //Not Inquotes, matching singlequote, not prefixed with escape character { $inQuotes = true; $quoteType = "'"; continue; } else if (!$inQuotes && $letters[$i] == '"' && ($i - 1 < 0 || $letters[$i - 1] != '\\')) //Not Inquotes, matching doublequote, not prefixed with escape character { $inQuotes = true; $quoteType = '"'; continue; } else if ($inQuotes && $letters[$i] == $quoteType && ($i - 1 < 0 || $letters[$i - 1] != '\\')) //Inquotes, is the endquote, and isn't prefixed with an escape character { $inQuotes = false; $quoteType = ''; continue; } //Finished with quotes if (!$inQuotes && $letters[$i] == ',' && ($i - 1 < 0 || $letters[$i - 1] != '\\')) { $curColumn++; continue; /*if ($curColumn > count($ColumnAssociation)) throw new Exception("TO MANY COLUMNS FTW");*/ } //Well, because lastpass doesn't incapsulate their stuff, I guess I'll just wing it if (!$first) //If not headers, parse normally { if (!isset($parsedCSV[$curLine][$LastPassHeaders[$curColumn]])) $parsedCSV[$curLine][$LastPassHeaders[$curColumn]] = ""; $parsedCSV[$curLine][$LastPassHeaders[$curColumn]] .= $letters[$i]; } else if ($first) { if (!isset($LastPassHeaders[$curColumn])) $LastPassHeaders[$curColumn] = ''; $LastPassHeaders[$curColumn] .= $letters[$i]; } } if ($inQuotes) throw new Exception('Error, Unexpected end of line (Check quotes)'); $curColumn = 0; if ($first) $first = false; else $curLine++; //Put this here so it only adds to the column number if the current row wasn't the first row (header) } //print_r($parsedCSV); //print_r($LastPassHeaders); $output = '"Account","Login Name","Password","Web Site","Comments"'."\r\n"; //Alright, now reprint in xml format foreach ($parsedCSV as $row) { //print_r($row); //Don't output Generated passwords? if (isset($_POST["rgp"]) && $_POST["rgp"] && stristr($row['name'],'Generated Password for ')) continue; //$output .= "<pwentry>\r\n"; foreach ($ColumnAssociation as $xmlstring) //first loop through each xml string { $nxml = $xmlstring; foreach ($LastPassHeaders as $name) //then loop through each possible variable in the string if (isset($row[$name])) //because if a column is empty, it isn't even set in the array $nxml = str_replace('%%'.$name.'%%',$row[$name],$nxml); //then replace found variables else $nxml = str_replace('%%'.$name.'%%','',$nxml); //just because it isn't set, doesn't mean it isn't a real variable, hide it $output .= '"'.$nxml.'",'; } $output = substr($output,0,-1); //remove end, //$output .= "</pwentry>\r\n"; $output .= "\r\n"; } header("Content-type:application/csv"); // It will be called lastpass-export.csv header("Content-Disposition:attachment;filename=lastpass-export.csv"); echo $output; } else { ?> <html> <body> <form action="<?php echo $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; ?>" method="POST"> <textarea name="csvinput" cols="100" rows="20"></textarea><BR /> Remove Generated Passwords? <input type="checkbox" name="rgp"/ ><BR/> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Generate" /> </form> Created By Mazzzzz </body> </html> <?php } ?>