Öffnen Sie in foobar das Suchfenster der Medienbibliothek und verwenden Sie dieses Suchmuster
%album% HAS foo AND %codec% IS MP3
Weitere Suchoperatoren mit Beispiel
HAS %path% HAS "C:\my music" IS %directoryname% IS dubstep AND %title% HAS foo AND %codec% IS MP3 OR %artist% HAS "foo bar" OR %title% MISSING NOT NOT %last_played% AFTER %first_played% DURING LAST %last_played% DURING LAST 3 WEEKS (SECONDS/MINUTES/HOURS/DAYS) DURING %last_modified% DURING 2011 AFTER %last_played% AFTER 2012-02 BEFORE %last_modified% BEFORE 2013-02-31 SINCE %last_played% SINCE 2014-02-31 05:45:00 EQUAL %discnumber% EQUAL 4 GREATER %filesize_natural% GREATER 10 LESS %bitrate% LESS 128 MISSING %rating% MISSING PRESENT %_dynamic_rating% PRESENT SORT BY SORT BY %play_count% SORT DESCENDING BY SORT DESCENDING BY %last_played%