Askbot mit Apache konfigurieren


Ich bin neu bei Askbot und Apache. Ich erhalte die folgende Fehlermeldung, wenn ich meinen Apache starte:

[Tue Mar 15 10:25:42.367470 2016] [:info] [pid 6748:tid 139731953211264] mod_wsgi (pid=6748): Attach interpreter ''.  [Tue Mar 15 10:25:48.464013 2016] [:info] [pid 6748:tid 139731953211264] mod_wsgi (pid=6748): Shutdown requested 'askbot2'.  [Tue Mar 15 10:25:48.464132 2016] [:info] [pid 6748:tid 139731953211264] mod_wsgi (pid=6748): Stopping process 'askbot2'.  [Tue Mar 15 10:25:48.464147 2016] [:info] [pid 6748:tid 139731953211264] mod_wsgi (pid=6748): Destroying interpreters.  [Tue Mar 15 10:25:48.464157 2016] [:info] [pid 6748:tid 139731953211264] mod_wsgi (pid=6748): Cleanup interpreter ''.  [Tue Mar 15 10:25:48.466515 2016] [:info] [pid 6748:tid 139731953211264] mod_wsgi (pid=6748): Terminating Python.  [Tue Mar 15 10:25:48.468269 2016] [:info] [pid 6748:tid 139731953211264] mod_wsgi (pid=6748): Python has shutdown.  [Tue Mar 15 10:25:49.662133 2016] [:info] [pid 6868:tid 139779358148480] mod_wsgi (pid=6868): Attach interpreter ''.  [Tue Mar 15 10:26:29.357548 2016] [:info] [pid 6868:tid 139779358148480] mod_wsgi (pid=6868): Shutdown requested 'askbot2'.  [Tue Mar 15 10:26:29.357727 2016] [:info] [pid 6868:tid 139779358148480] mod_wsgi (pid=6868): Stopping process 'askbot2'.  [Tue Mar 15 10:26:29.357752 2016] [:info] [pid 6868:tid 139779358148480] mod_wsgi (pid=6868): Destroying interpreters.  [Tue Mar 15 10:26:29.357771 2016] [:info] [pid 6868:tid 139779358148480] mod_wsgi (pid=6868): Cleanup interpreter ''.  [Tue Mar 15 10:26:29.362974 2016] [:info] [pid 6868:tid 139779358148480] mod_wsgi (pid=6868): Terminating Python.  [Tue Mar 15 10:26:29.367527 2016] [:info] [pid 6868:tid 139779358148480] mod_wsgi (pid=6868): Python has shutdown. 

Meine Site-Konfigurationsdatei:

WSGISocketPrefix $ <VirtualHost *:8080>  DocumentRoot /var/www/testweb #aliases to serve static media directly #will probably need adjustment Alias /m/ /var/www/testweb/static/ Alias /upfiles/ /var/www/testweb/askbot/upfiles/ <DirectoryMatch "/var/www/testweb/askbot/skins/([^/]+)/media"> Order deny,allow Allow from all </DirectoryMatch> <Directory "/var/www/testweb/askbot/upfiles"> Order deny,allow Allow from all </Directory> #must be a distinct name within your apache configuration WSGIDaemonProcess askbot2 WSGIProcessGroup askbot2 WSGIScriptAlias / /var/www/testweb/django.wsgi #make all admin stuff except media go through secure connection <LocationMatch "/admin(?!/media)"> RewriteEngine on RewriteRule /admin(.*)$ https://localhost/admin$1 [L,R=301] </LocationMatch> CustomLog /var/log/apache2/access_log common ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/error_log LogLevel debug </VirtualHost> 

Kann mir jemand dabei helfen?


1 Antwort auf die Frage


Konfrontiert mit demselben Problem. Sie müssen dem virtuellen Host Folgendes hinzufügen:

 <Directory "askbot-installation-dir"> Require all granted </Directory>