Endlich richtig!
x := (A_ScreenWidth/2)-(Width/2) y := (A_ScreenHeight/2)-(Height/2) Gui, Show, %x% %y% w200 h50 Gui, Add, Text, vCount w150, PgDn pressed 0 times. Count := 0 $PgDn:: ;Default behavior is to block keystroke, ~ allows it to pass through Count := Count + 1 GuiControl,,Count, PgDn pressed %Count% times. KeyWait, PgDn ;Wait for PgDn to be released return $PgUp:: ;Default behavior is to block keystroke, ~ allows it to pass through Count := Count - 1 GuiControl,,Count, PgUp pressed %Count% times. KeyWait, PgUp ;Wait for PgUp to be released return GuiClose: ExitApp return