Wie erstelle ich eine ungerade Liste in Word 2007?


Gibt es eine Möglichkeit, eine Liste der ungeraden Zahlen in Word 2007 automatisch zu erstellen, ohne jede Zeilennummer manuell ändern zu müssen, indem Sie den Menüpunkt "Nummerierungswert festlegen" im Abschnitt "Absatz" des Home-Menübands verwenden?


2 Antworten auf die Frage


Es scheint, dass Sie dies nicht tun, es sei denn, Sie tun es über Code (Makro oder etwas).


This might be a case for expediency over elegance. Does not require use of 'Set Numbering Vale' but is a nasty hack that could go horribly wrong (so if you must use it, DO SO WITH CAUTION - on a copy to begin with).

  1. Ensure there are not adjoining pilcrows at the end of the list (if necessary to avoid this, add a space or something).
  2. Carefully select range to be numbered, and choose required format (sequential numbers at this point).
  3. Home, Editing, Replace, Find what: ^13, Replace with: ^p^p, check Use wildcards, select last ^p, Replace Format, Font, Size: 1, Font color: White, Background 1 (assuming you are on a white background), OK.
  4. Click Replace (NOT Replace All) as often (but no more than that!) as required.

SU93255 example

Sounds pretty tedious but I am guessing your even number aversion is chronic. And dealing with lots of lists in one document this way is not too onerous since Find and Replace holds the settings.