Drobo FS bei Fedora-Teersicherungen schlägt fehl w Eingabe / Ausgabefehler, Status "Child" zurückgegeben 1


Wir führen seit einiger Zeit tar / gzip-Backups auf Fedora 25 Linux-Servern durch und möchten sicherstellen, dass aquota.user-Dateien gesichert werden. Aus den Kommentaren in der Datei drobo-backup.conf haben wir Folgendes:

# Because aquota.user cannot have its atime reset, tar will give # an error status=2 if --atime-preserve is used when backing it up. # We don't want to lose the backup of this file but we also don't # want to routinely ignore tar status=2. Solution is to make # --atime-preserve a per-backup argument and omit it when backing # up aquota.user separately. 

Bei der Ausführung über cron wird die E-Mail-Benachrichtigung jedoch mit folgenden Informationen angezeigt:

/bin/tar: home/users/aquota.user: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted /bin/tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors  Backup of /home/users FAILED  Failed to rename /home-users-new.tgz to /home-users-FAILED.tgz: File exists Backed up /home/users/aquota.user to /home-users-aquota.user.tgz  gzip: stdout: Input/output error /bin/tar: Child returned status 1 /bin/tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now 

Hier sind die Optionen in der Konfigurationsdatei:

tarargs= --one-file-system --warning=no-file-ignored --warning=no-file-changed --warning=no-file-removed backup = /home/users --atime-preserve --exclude=aquota.user --exclude=.gvfs --exclude=--exclude-ignore-recursive=S.gpg-agent --exclude=.adobe --exclude=.config/libvirt/qemu/lib/capabilities.monitor.sock --exclude=.dropbox --exclude=home/users/*/.cache --exclude=.fontconfig --exclude=csga/*/S.gpg-agent --exclude-caches-all backup = /home/users/aquota.user backup = /home --atime-preserve --exclude=.gvfs --exclude=.gnupg backup = /etc --atime-preserve backup = /root --atime-preserve --exclude=.cache --exclude=.cache/keyring-* --exclude-caches-all backup = /usr/local --atime-preserve backup = /var/lib --atime-preserve --exclude=var/lib/rpm --exclude=var/lib/yum --exclude=mysql/mysql.sock --exclude=gssproxy/default.sock --exclude=samba/private/msg.sock backup = /var/backup --atime-preserve backup = /var/log --atime-preserve backup = /var/spool --atime-preserve backup = /var/www --atime-preserve 

Hier ist das vollständige Sicherungsskript:

use POSIX; # Global variables # Host name will be used as name of directory for backups on drobo my($hostname)=`/bin/hostname`; chomp($hostname); my($configfile)="/etc/drobo-backup.conf"; my($tar)="/bin/tar"; # Path to tar utility my($mkdir)="/bin/mkdir"; # Path to mkdir utility my($verbose)=0; my($testmode)=0;  sub Usage { print "Usage: drobo-backup [-v] [-c configfile]\n"; print " -v : verbose mode"; print " -c : specify configuration file (default $configfile)"; print " -n : printd but don't execute commands (for testing config)"; exit 1; }  # Subroutine to back up one directory to drobo sub do_backup { my($drobo,$args,$backup,$cond) = @_;  # The backup arg may include per-backup tar args. Strip off these # and quotes to get at the filename my($backuppath)=$backup; # If quoted, remove quotes for naming. Otherwise it is required not # not to have embedded blanks so that per-backup tar arguments may follow. if( $backuppath =~ /^"([^"]*)"/ ) { # double quotes $backuppath = $1; } elsif( $backuppath =~ /^'([^']*)'/ ) { # single quotes $backuppath = $1; } elsif( $backuppath =~ /^(\S*)/ ) { # otherwise no blanks in path $backuppath = $1; }  if( -d $backuppath || -f $backuppath ) { # check it is a valid dir or file my($drobodir) = "$drobo/$hostname"; # make sure the drobo subdirectory for this host exists my($mkdircmd) = "$mkdir $drobodir"; if( $verbose ) { print "$mkdircmd\n"; } if( ! ($testmode || -d $drobodir) ) { system($mkdircmd); } # if it did not work, bail. if( ! ($testmode || -d $drobodir) ) { print "Failed to create destination dir $drobodir\n"; exit 1; } # construct tarfile name, e.g. usr-local.tgz my($backupfilestem) = $backuppath; # Sanitize the tarfile name while($backupfilestem =~ s,^/,,) { next; } # remove any leading slash(es) while($backupfilestem =~ s,/$,,) { next; } # remove any trailing slash(es) $backupfilestem =~ s,/,-,g; # all internal slashes become hyphens $backupfilestem =~ s/[^-\.\w]/X/g;# all remaining non-word chars exc . become X  my($backupname)="$drobodir/$backupfilestem-new.tgz"; my($backuprename) = "$drobodir/$backupfilestem.tgz"; # $backup =~ s|/|| if $backup =~ m|^['"]?/|; # remove any leading slash # my($tarcmd) = "$tar -C / -czf $backupname $args $backup";  my($tarcmd); if($backup =~ m|^['"]?/|){ $backup =~ s|/||; # remove any leading slash $tarcmd = "ionice -c2 -n7 nice -n19 $tar -czf $backupname -C / $args $backup"; }else{ $tarcmd = "ionice -c2 -n7 nice -n19 $tar -czf $backupname $args $backup"; }  if( $cond ) { $cond =~ s/^\[//; # remove the [ ] around condition $cond =~ s/\]$//; $cond =~ s/BKPATH/$backuppath/g; # convenience substitutions $cond =~ s/TARFILE/$backuprename/g; $cond =~ s/TARDIR/$drobodir/g; } if( $cond && WEXITSTATUS(system("test $cond")) != 0 ) { if( $verbose ) { print "Condition [$cond] tests false\n"; print "No backup of $backuppath\n"; } } else { if( $verbose ) { if( $cond ) { print "Condition [$cond] tests true\n"; } print "$tarcmd\n"; } # tar returns 0 for success, 1 for warnings such as file changed while # being copied. So we take either as meaning success. Rename foo-new.tgz # to the (usually existing) foo.tgz. N.B. system() returns status<<8. if( !$testmode ) { if( WEXITSTATUS(system($tarcmd)) >= 2 ) { print "\nBackup of $backuppath FAILED\n\n"; # to avoid bad backup being renamed to good in second try, call it bad $backuprename = "$drobodir/$backupfilestem-FAILED.tgz"; } if( rename("$backupname","$backuprename") ) { print "Backed up $backuppath to $backuprename\n"; } else { print "Failed to rename $backupname to $backuprename: $!\n"; } } } } else { print "$backuppath is not a directory or file\n"; } }    # default arguments to use on every backup my($tarargs)="--atime-preserve --one-file-system --warning=no-file-ignored --warning=no-file-changed --warning=no-file-removed";   # set default drobopath according network  my($drobopath)="/domain/subdomain"; # cis value if($hostname =~ /\.our\.domain\.edu/) { $drobopath="/domain/subdomain"; # dsm value }   # Process command line arguments while(@ARGV) { if( $ARGV[0] eq "-c" ) { # -c configfile shift (@ARGV); if(@ARGV) { $configfile = $ARGV[0]; } else { Usage(); } } elsif( $ARGV[0] eq "-v" ) { # -v (verbose mode) ++$verbose; } elsif( $ARGV[0] eq "-n" ) { # -n (no-exec mode) $testmode = 1; } else { # unrecognized argument Usage(); }  shift (@ARGV); }   open(CONFIGFILE,$configfile) || die("Cannot open configfile $configfile: $!");  if($verbose) { print "Reading configfile $configfile\n"; }  my(@backup); my(%condition); my($configline) = 0; foreach (<CONFIGFILE>) { $configline++; if( /^\s*#/ || /^\s*$/ ) { # skip blank & comment lines (first nonblank is #) next; } # drobo=/path/to/drobo if( /^\s*drobo\s*=\s*(.*)$/ ) { $drobopath=$1; } # tarargs=global tar arguments elsif( /^\s*tarargs\s*=\s*(.*)$/ ) { $tarargs=$1; } # backup [condition] =/path/for/backup [tar args] elsif( /^\s*backup\s*(\[[^\]]*\])?\s*=\s*(.*)$/ ) { push(@backup,$2); if( $1 ) { $condition{$2} = $1; } } else { print "Unknown config directive at line $configline in $configfile:\n"; print; exit 1; } }  close(CONFIGFILE);   my($path); foreach $path (@backup) { do_backup($drobopath,$tarargs,$path,$condition{$path}); }   # For unknown reason, rename of some files often fails. Try again here.  foreach $tarfile ( glob("$drobopath/$hostname/*-new.tgz") ) { $rename_name = $tarfile; $rename_name =~ s/-new\.tgz$/.tgz/; if( rename($tarfile,$rename_name) ) { print "Second try renamed $tarfile to $rename_name\n"; } } 
Es sieht so aus, als hätten Sie ein zweites Konto erstellt, das sich auch auf Ihre Fähigkeit auswirkt, innerhalb Ihres Threads zu kommentieren und eine Antwort zu akzeptieren. Siehe [Wie kann man zwei Konten / Benutzer verknüpfen / zusammenführen / verknüpfen?] (Https://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/18232/how-can-one-one-link-merge-combine-associate-two-accounts) ) und / oder [Ich habe aus Versehen zwei Konten erstellt. Wie füge ich sie zusammen?] (https://stackoverflow.com/help/merging-accounts), um Anweisungen zum Zusammenführen Ihrer Konten zu erhalten. DavidPostill vor 7 Jahren 0

1 Antwort auf die Frage


Hier ist die Ausgabe des Befehls im Testmodus. Nicht sicher, warum dies mit --exclude=aquota.userdem ersten tarBefehl fehlschlagen würde .

/usr/local/sbin/drobo-backup -c /etc/drobo-backup.conf -v -n Reading configfile /etc/drobo-backup.conf /bin/mkdir /ourdomain ionice -c2 -n7 nice -n10 /bin/tar -cf /ourdomain/home-users-new.tgz -C / --one-file-system --warning=no-file-ignored --warning=no-file-changed --warning=no-file-removed --use-compress-program=pigz home/users --atime-preserve --exclude=aquota.user --exclude=.gvfs --exclude=S.gpg-agent --exclude=.adobe --exclude=.dropbox --exclude=.cache --exclude-caches-all  /bin/mkdir /ourdomain ionice -c2 -n7 nice -n10 /bin/tar -cf /ourdomain/home-users-aquota.user-new.tgz -C / --one-file-system --warning=no-file-ignored --warning=no-file-changed --warning=no-file-removed --use-compress-program=pigz home/users/aquota.user /bin/mkdir /ourdomain ionice -c2 -n7 nice -n10 /bin/tar -cf /ourdomain/home-new.tgz -C / --one-file-system --warning=no-file-ignored --warning=no-file-changed --warning=no-file-removed --use-compress-program=pigz home --atime-preserve --exclude=.gvfs --exclude=.gnupg --exclude=aquota.user /bin/mkdir /ourdomain ionice -c2 -n7 nice -n10 /bin/tar -cf /ourdomain/etc-new.tgz -C / --one-file-system --warning=no-file-ignored --warning=no-file-changed --warning=no-file-removed --use-compress-program=pigz etc --atime-preserve /bin/mkdir /ourdomain ionice -c2 -n7 nice -n10 /bin/tar -cf /ourdomain/root-new.tgz -C / --one-file-system --warning=no-file-ignored --warning=no-file-changed --warning=no-file-removed --use-compress-program=pigz root --atime-preserve --exclude=.cache --exclude=.cache/keyring-* --exclude-caches-all /bin/mkdir /ourdomain ionice -c2 -n7 nice -n10 /bin/tar -cf /ourdomain/usr-local-new.tgz -C / --one-file-system --warning=no-file-ignored --warning=no-file-changed --warning=no-file-removed --use-compress-program=pigz usr/local --atime-preserve /bin/mkdir /ourdomain ionice -c2 -n7 nice -n10 /bin/tar -cf /ourdomain/var-lib-new.tgz -C / --one-file-system --warning=no-file-ignored --warning=no-file-changed --warning=no-file-removed --use-compress-program=pigz var/lib --atime-preserve --exclude=var/lib/rpm --exclude=var/lib/yum --exclude=mysql/mysql.sock --exclude=gssproxy/default.sock --exclude=samba/private/msg.sock /bin/mkdir /ourdomain ionice -c2 -n7 nice -n10 /bin/tar -cf /ourdomain/var-backup-new.tgz -C / --one-file-system --warning=no-file-ignored --warning=no-file-changed --warning=no-file-removed --use-compress-program=pigz var/backup --atime-preserve /bin/mkdir /ourdomain ionice -c2 -n7 nice -n10 /bin/tar -cf /ourdomain/var-log-new.tgz -C / --one-file-system --warning=no-file-ignored --warning=no-file-changed --warning=no-file-removed --use-compress-program=pigz var/log --atime-preserve /bin/mkdir /ourdomain ionice -c2 -n7 nice -n10 /bin/tar -cf /ourdomain/var-spool-new.tgz -C / --one-file-system --warning=no-file-ignored --warning=no-file-changed --warning=no-file-removed --use-compress-program=pigz var/spool --atime-preserve /bin/mkdir /ourdomain ionice -c2 -n7 nice -n10 /bin/tar -cf /ourdomain/var-www-new.tgz -C / --one-file-system --warning=no-file-ignored --warning=no-file-changed --warning=no-file-removed --use-compress-program=pigz var/www --atime-preserve /bin/mkdir /ourdomain ionice -c2 -n7 nice -n10 /bin/tar -cf /ourdomain/var-yp-new.tgz -C / --one-file-system --warning=no-file-ignored --warning=no-file-changed --warning=no-file-removed --use-compress-program=pigz var/yp --atime-preserve Second try renamed /ourdomain/home-users-new.tgz to /ourdomain/home-users.tgz 

Edit: Ich habe Hilfe von einem der Betreuer von Gnu Tar erhalten und hier war seine Antwort: "Ausschlussbezogene Optionen sind" positionsabhängig ". Sie müssen das Argument" home / users "an das Ende des Befehls verschieben ( after --exclude = aquota.user). "

Da wir ein benutzerdefiniertes Skript und eine Konfigurationsdatei verwenden, unterstütze ich aquota.user nur als separaten Cron.

Es sieht so aus, als hätten Sie ein zweites Konto erstellt, das sich auch auf Ihre Fähigkeit auswirkt, innerhalb Ihres Threads zu kommentieren und eine Antwort zu akzeptieren. Siehe [Wie kann man zwei Konten / Benutzer verknüpfen / zusammenführen / verknüpfen?] (Https://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/18232/how-can-one-one-link-merge-combine-associate-two-accounts) ) und / oder [Ich habe aus Versehen zwei Konten erstellt. Wie füge ich sie zusammen?] (https://stackoverflow.com/help/merging-accounts), um Anweisungen zum Zusammenführen Ihrer Konten zu erhalten. DavidPostill vor 7 Jahren 0
Bitte benutzen Sie den ** Post Your Answer ** Button nur für aktuelle Antworten. Sie sollten Ihren ursprünglichen Beitrag bearbeiten, um weitere Informationen hinzuzufügen. DavidPostill vor 7 Jahren 0