Arbeitskopie nach dem svn Update

Abhinandan Kumar

Ich habe svn update gemacht, was zu Konflikten geführt hat.

Jetzt möchte ich meine Arbeitskopie von mir bekommen

also bitte sagen sie mir, wie ich das svn-update rückgängig machen kann

Dies ist meine Controller-Klasse mit Konflikten

final static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger (ChromeExtentionController.class); <<<<<<< .mine

private static final String HttpServletRequest = null;  @RequestMapping(value = "/lead/test", method = RequestMethod.GET) public String welcome() {  // return new ModelAndView("redirect:/hello"); ModelAndView mv = new ModelAndView("hello"); 

||||||| .r8587

@RequestMapping(value="/lead/test",method=RequestMethod.GET) public String welcome(){  //return new ModelAndView("redirect:/hello"); 

ModelAndView mv = new ModelAndView ("Hallo");

CustomJMSProducer producer=new CustomJMSProducer();  @RequestMapping(value="/lead/test",method=RequestMethod.GET) public String welcome(){  //return new ModelAndView("redirect:/hello"); ModelAndView mv=new ModelAndView("hello"); 

.r9063 mv.addObject ("Nachricht", "Erfolg"); System.out.println ("My string" + mv.toString ()); Rückkehr "Erfolg";

}  @RequestMapping(value = "/scraper/submit1", method = RequestMethod.GET) public String postDataForChromeExtension1() { CustomJMSProducer c = new CustomJMSProducer(); // c.messageToQueue(); return "Success";  } 

<<<<<<< .mine

@RequestMapping(value = "/scraper/submit", method = RequestMethod.POST)  public String postDataForChromeExtension(@RequestBody String scraperInput) { if (scraperInput == null || scraperInput.isEmpty()) {"Null in request body"); System.out.println("Null in request body"); return "NULL BODY"; } else {  CustomJMSProducer c = new CustomJMSProducer(); ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); Map incomingRequest = null; String url = null; 

||||||| .r8587

@RequestMapping(value="/scraper/submit",method = RequestMethod.POST) public String postDataForChromeExtension(@RequestBody String scraperInput){ if(scraperInput==null || scraperInput.isEmpty()){"Null in request body"); System.out.println("Null in request body"); return "NULL BODY"; }else{  CustomJMSProducer c=new CustomJMSProducer(); ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); Map incomingRequest=null; String url=null; 

Versuchen {

@RequestMapping(value="/scraper/submit",method = RequestMethod.POST) public String postDataForChromeExtension(@RequestBody String scraperInput){   try { 

.r9063 <<<<<<< .mine try catch (Ausnahme e)

 c.messageToQueue(scraperInput, url); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error while sending HTML to queue" + e.getMessage()); return "error"; }  return "OK"; 

||||||| .r8587 try catch (Ausnahme e)

 c.messageToQueue(scraperInput,url); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error while sending HTML to queue"+e.getMessage()); 

Rückgabe "Fehler";

 producer.send(scraperInput); return "OK"; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error while sending HTML to queue"+e.getMessage()); return "error"; 


 @RequestMapping(value = "/abc", method = RequestMethod.GET) public ModelAndView getData() {  ModelAndView model = new ModelAndView("hello"); 

<<<<<<< .mine return model;


||||||| .r8587 "OK" zurückgeben;



Können Sie Ihrem Thema mehr Details hinzufügen? Sie erwähnen Konflikte. Welche Konflikte? Wir brauchen mehr Informationen, um zu helfen. Dave M vor 6 Jahren 0
Ich habe meine Controler-Klasse hinzugefügt, jetzt können Sie die Konflikte sehen Abhinandan Kumar vor 6 Jahren 0

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